-32- Greatest What If

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[chap 32: Greatest what if ]

Freen's pov

We spent the rest of the days enjoying. Although I don't want to bring myself to Becky cause I know it's inappropriate of me. I knew to myself that I like her. I confirmed it. But how am I going to cope with this? I'm not with her. I don't know what do I need to do, but I'm her so that I can try. Again one more time.

" FREEN! " Nam yelled.

" uh- huh? Why? " I asked, I daydream about Becky again. So I can't focus.

" I'm asking if you want pad Thai or not?? " Nam replied.

" Uh, sure. Sorry. " I shortly responded.

" You're thinking about something aren't you? " Noey added.

My eyes darted to Noey, confused. " What do you mean? " I asked with puzzled look.

" Uh yeah you're not talking about something, it's a someone, rather. " He corrected.

" Nonsense. " I just murmured, not bothering to make the conversation long.

" Anyway, this will going to be our last day guys, gosh!! I don't wanna go back yettt! " Nam claimed.

" Well, we can't have things better before nam, whether we like it or not, we're going back. " Heng answered.

" Noooo, I don't want, why does it feels like vacation passed through my hands so fast??? " Nam responded.

" I don't know maybe life just wants you to suffer. " Noey replied.

" All I want is to be with my baby. Right? " Noey added, kissing irin's temple.

" Yuck, bitch stop. " Irin complained.

" Language missy! " Heng scolded them.

" Gosh, my virgin eyes. " Nam added covering her eyes by her hands.

" Virgin? You're not virgin, Nam. Life fucks us real hard. " Noey talked back.

" I SAID WORDS NOEY, WORDS!! " Heng scolded them cause of their bad words.


We're going home. It's Sunday, wow. I felt relief after many days and months of not having Becky by my side. Finally, I felt better having her with me right now. I'm packing my stuffs. And Heng and Noey were also packing theirs. We went out of the cottage and waited for Nam, Irin, Toey and Becky.

Suddenly, their cottage's door opened and it reveals the girls that are ready to go.

" Shall we? " Noey asked, and we just nodded.

We walked towards our cars. I was ready to enter Noey's car when suddenly she stopped me.

" Bro, c'mon, me, toey, Irin, Heng and nam were going to use the car. You should go to your car with Becky. " She said.

" Huh? But this is where I stayed when we went here right? why did- " my words were cut when someone beside me pinch my back.

" Don't complain, can you? We're giving you the chance to express your gratitude and feelings for Becky clearly right now all throughout the ride. Can you cooperate? " nam said.

" Ouch- the fuck, fine! fine! can you let me go? " I said removing her fingers on mine.

" Becky, stay with Freen okay?? Are we good? Yes we are. Jump in guys! " Heng said and they all jumped in.

" Uh, are you? uhm.. are you, uh.. comfortable of having me inside the car cause if not- "

She cuts me. " It's fine, don't you worry about it, let's just hop in. " She said and walked away. I sighed and followed her.


Throughout the ride, I was driving and there was dead airs. I was thinking what topic shall we talk about, How's bonbon? Is the bus can run away? If the sky may turn to grey? I don't know. But... I got this one topic, that were left unsaid and I was dying to ask it to her.

" Becky? " She hummed in response.

" I want you back.. " I blurted out. " What? " She asked me.
" I mean, I want you back to the house, it's just feel so empty without you there. " I explained. I received a silent air. I guess she don't want to do it. What can I do? " Why, Freen? " She suddenly asked. " Huh?? What do you mean? " " Why are you begging me to come back to you after the things that you've done?? " She asked. " Isn't it obvious, that I want you back in my life again? " I tried to make it more clear.

" I don't beg you to love me back, nor like me back, nor act like my wife again, cause I know my wrongdoings and I don't want you to feel it again with me. You don't have to do it again just for my sake, cause you've done too much already. " I added.

" You don't have to make me feel like you love me. Just please be with me again in the house and let me make you feel that I love you.. " I said, almost whispering.

" That's all I've been asking.. " I ended those. But I met an another silence. There's really no chance isn't it?

" Okay. I'm going with you. " She suddenly said. My eyes widened as I look at her. Still can't believe that she's coming back for real!

" Watch out, you're on the road. " She said and smirked, AAAAAAAAS I FUCKING MISS THIS GIRL.


It's Monday, and I'm here preparing my stuffs, I went upstairs to look and see if Becky was getting ready and there she is, all good. Wearing her blue uniform.

" Hey, shall we go? " I asked. " Hmm? Are we going together? " She asked me back. " Why? You don't want to go with me? " I replied. " No, that's not what I mean, I mean is you're really going to take me to school? With you?? " She asked me.

" Ofcourse, I don't see any bad things about that. " I responded, and then I picked up her bag.

" So let's go? "

" Surely. "


I was driving and thinking deeply if I still carry on with almost everything, just like a typical college student who overthinks everything. I just found myself stop by in the school. I slowly hop out of the car and walked towards the school gate. I attempted to open it, having Becky by my side, what will be the people's thoughts when they see me with Becky after months? Shall I really need to come here? shall I? can I? may I? I should. I can. I may. I swunged the door open and it reveals students who's having their own businesses. I wrapped my arms around Becky's shoulder which made her startled.

She tried to get out of my grip but she wasn't strong enough to do so.

" Stop fighting. " I said while we're walking.

" Can you remove this, I can't breathe. " She replied still trying to find ways to get out of my grip.

" Stop overreacting can you? I just don't wanna let you go this time. I can't just do. " I whispered.

As we walked in the hall, Many students glued their eyes to us and looking at us dumbfoundly. I heard some sayings..

" Is that Becky? "

" Omg, Freen "

" Freen and Becky? They go together? "

" Are they living under the same roof? "

All I answer to them was the word, " Yes. ".. in my mind.

But suddenly me and Becky stopped when we spotted students filling the library door. It's like an artist just came and they were all asking for an autograph.

Me and Becky were staring at them when suddenly their eyes darted to us. And when they move out of the way it reveals the someone that I wish didn't come this time...

Prim. She's here. She's back.

My past, my life before, my love, My greatest what if.

" Prim? " I murmured as I stare at her and I felt this curl in my stomach.

" It's good to be back, Freen. Do you miss me? "

A/N: y'all, what about me? do you all miss me?

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