-12- Plan of the Marriage

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[Plan of the Marriage]

Freen's pov

Oh fuck everything, it's saturday and i got so many assignments to do just wow. I don't deserve this, essays, reportings, thesis, projects. Oh i know what to do now, I walked upstairs and opened Becky's room door.

" Hey smol girl. " I called her and i saw her busy doing her own works.

" What? " She asked not looking up to me.

" I want you to do my tasks, do it right now no excuses. " I replied.

" Huh? Why me? I'm not gonna do it. " She responded.

" c'mon that's your job here, you need to obey me whether you like it or not. " I said, leaning beside the door.

" I also have my works, how dare you to talk to me like that?!? I'm not your maid. " She answered.

" But you're my wife, and it's your obligation. " I said back, smirking.

" Can you just go? I don't want to get disturb. " She said not looking up to me. Actually since we started talking she never looked at me. I walked towards her and stand beside her, i grabbed her chin and make her looked at me.

" You're gonna do it, after you do your work. I'm gonna wait for it. And better look at me when i'm talking to you. " I said looking directly at her eyes. She's just staring at me, shocked.

" uhm, Freen... Stay back. Freen. " She tried to talk but instead of backing off, I fixed my position and stared at her directly.

" gonna agree or not? " I asked again.

" no. " She replied.

" agree or not? "

" i said no- "

" agree? or not. "

" no- "

" agree or not. "

" FINE! JUST LET ME GO! " She shouted removing my fingers from her chin. I chuckled and walked away.

" Thanks nerd. " I replied and smirked before closing her door.


-At night-

I walked downstairs to get some coffee and i saw Becky doing my tasks? Wow, she really took it serious.

" Looks like you're having a hard time? " I said leaning on the kitchen table.

" Ofcourse, this is not my work. " She said, not looking up.

" Why? We have the same class aren't we? " I asked.

" Yeah, in all subjects we are. But in biology?? BIOLOGY??? WE'RE NOT! AND THAT'S THE SUBJECT THAT I'M DOING RIGHT NOW. " she bursts out.

" hey, why so mad? Don't you like biology? " I teased her.

" Your topic for biology is Genetics. We're still in the Respiratory illnesses. Don't you think that i still don't have any idea for this? " She responded.

" Well, I know you have your ideas because you're the greatest fucking nerd. " I replied. She didn't answered me after that. And i decided to talk, i really want to open this topic, i think now is the best time.

" Here. " I said giving her the papers.

" What's this? " She asked.

" Have a look. " I responded. She opened the enveloped and widened her eyes in shock.

" Divorce papers? Like right now? " She asked.

" ofcourse not, dummy. After 1 year we're gonna end this marriage, alright? Reason? We lost our love for each other. " I replied.

" I have no rules in physical,  you can do whatever you want, and just let me do whatever i want too. But i have my only 3 rules, We shall not have any care for each other, We shall not control each other, And lastly, We shall not fall in love with each other. I know i'm not gonna, But i don't know for you. " I added, smirking.

" Ofcourse i'm not gonna, who said i have my care for you? " she responded. My smirk faded away.

" Oh wow, you need to jinx that you're not gonna fall inlove to me. " I replied.

" I will never. Here's your tasks, all of that are done. Just remember, if you make every plastic cups fall inlove to you, i'm the only glass one that will never. " She said and smirked to me before walking upstairs. She's brave, Well Alright, Let's see Armstrong.

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