-29- A night before Becky's birthday

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(A night before Becky's birthday )

Freen's pov

I woke up feeling dizzy as usual, i tried to stand up but my feet landed surprisingly on the floor which made me tripped.

I stood up and my eyes darted at the calendar on my wall. My eyes widened when i saw the date, December 4? Fuck it, i only had one night to before Becky's birthday, i don't want to prepare anything, but my conscience was telling me to do so. Okay let's do this.


The night before....

I'm already here in the kitchen which makes me shocked, i'm here preparing a cake and a celebration for her this midnight? I'm here with her mom right now and she's upstairs, she said she will sleep right now so i assume she's already sleeping. Yes this is unsual of me but, i want this birthday tobe special to her. ofcourse.

Becky's pov

My fam thought that i'm sleeping in my bed right now, but little did they know, that i'm just sneaking in the kitchen to see what they're going to do. i entered the kitchen and i saw my mam preparing something in the table, and freen baking something, with just her apron and short... hot... But i'm still mad at her.

They both looked at me, shocked.

" still up yet? " my mam asked, chuckling.

" hush now, babe. I said it's time for bed, right? " Freen added.

" i'm still wide awake. " i said.

" You need to go to bed or else... " Freen said and wiped her hands with the towel.. my eyes widened, i know what she's going to do. She's gonna run after me, Before she could run, i run first... I heard her footsteps following me, i was about to close the door when she stopped it with her foot, Gosh! So fucking fast!

I frowned and she wrapped her arms around my waist and kissed my forehead, She carried me and put me safely in the bed. It's happening again, that fucking mix emotions.

" Sleep now babe, We have a long day tomorrow. " She said and kissed my forehead.

She turned out the light and waved a goodbye to me.

I tried to sleep, i tried to make my comfortable position in my bed, but still i can't sleep. So i stood up..

I sneaked in the couch with bonbon, i glanced at them preparing some gifts. Mom and Freen gasped when they saw me...

" Mom says, get some rest right? " Mom said and gently pulled me.. We led in my room, i sat and she kissed my forehead.

" Get some rest, bec. Iloveyou. " Mom said.

But me being me? I stood up again.

I saw Freen and mom icing a cake, i crawled towards under the table and used my index finger to get some ice cream, And i think mom saw me so i crawled under the table. I signalled to bonbon to stay quiet, but mom hold my waist and release me under the table, we led in my bedroom again.

Why they want me to sleep this early??!

Mom hasn't gone far yet but I got out right away. She went back to the kitchen and she signaled Freen to stop making noise, I giggled and maybe Mom and Freen heard it. They were shocked. Freen smirked at me and nodded, which I knew meant for me to go back to the room.

"balloons wait for you to sleep, babe." She said and gave the balloons to mom.

Freen walked again with me knowing that she would run after me again, I just yawned suddenly, I must have been sleepy. I ran so Freen wouldn't catch me, and when I got to my bed I closed my eyes.

Freen's pov

When i came into becky's room i saw her and bonbon peacefully sleeping, I sighed and closed the door. She's now asleep.

Me and Becky's mom laughed because of becky's stubbornness.

But we were surprised when we saw becky picking at the toys on the table. Her mom laughed at her. Her mom said she will leave first to look for caterings. So, I will be left here with becky. Her mom left and I called becky, I patted my lap and she came, she lay down on my lap and I told her to go to sleep.

"I'm gonna help you count some sheep okay? sleep now, babe.." I said and she nodded, I decided to just sing to her to make her sleep.

When I'm fat and old and my kids think I'm a joke
'Cause I move a little slow when I dance
I can count on you after all that we've been through
'Cause I know that you'll always understand

" Hmm?? I don't wanna sleep first " she tried to stand up but i stop her from doing so.

I won't act my age, no I won't act my age
No, I'll still feel the same around you

" What's the song, it's good. " She said again but i just closed my eyes and pretend that i didn't hear her.

When I'm fat and old and my kids think I'm a joke
'Cause the stories that I told, I tell again and again
I can count on you after all we got up to
'Cause I know that you truly understand

I look at her to see that she's staring at the ceiling and probably waiting for the sleep to come and take her.

I won't act my age, no I won't act my age
No, I'll still feel the same around you
I won't act my age, no I won't act my age
No, I'll still feel the same and you will too

She suddenly look and stared at me.

" You said you didn't love me right? Why are you doing this? " I stopped singing and sighed deeply.

When I can hardly walk and my hair is falling out
We'll still stay up 'til morning
We'll throw the after-party

I answered her questions with the last part of the song i've been singing, but not that obvious.

I won't act my age, no I won't act my age
No, I'll still feel the same around you
I won't act my age, no I won't act my age
No, I'll still feel the same and you will too

I stopped singing when i saw her, sleeping now peacefully. I sighed and kissed her forehead.

I carry her upstairs and put her on the bed when my hands touches her forehead, i felt a sudden heat, i never felt it earlier but, she got fever? I get some wet towel and put it on her forehead, and before i leave i kissed her forehead as a tear fall from my eye, She's gonna celebrate her birthday that we're not in the good phase.

" It's almost your birthday, baby. " I whispered.


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