-9- The wedding

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[the wedding]

Freen's pov

I woke up suddenly and stared at the ceiling. The day has come. I'm not free now. I stood up and walked towards the washroom and stared at the mirror. I washed my face. I put myself to the bathtub and washed my body. But i'm still not into my senses. I got up from the bathtub and wrapped myself with the bathrobe. I walked towards the closet and picked the suit that i'm gonna wear. The theme of the wedding is blue, ocean blue. So i'm wearing a blue suit ofcourse. I picked a navy blue suit and chaleco, and a black necktie. Sounds expensive right?

I did my make up, just light

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I did my make up, just light. And i fixed my blonde hair, i straightened it. After i fixed my things and stuffs i went downstairs to find my mom. Hope everything turns out good.


Becky's pov

I'm fixing myself now, and i feel beautiful and wonderful. But i can't hide the nervousness that i'm feeling right now. I'm now gonna get married. Everything really changed only in one word and snap.
I picked a blue slit dress and i think i picked the right one?

I'm wondering what was Freen's doing right now? Anyways, i did my hair and make up

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I'm wondering what was Freen's doing right now? Anyways, i did my hair and make up. All by myself. I don't need any make up artists, it's just a waste of money. And also time.

" Hey, sweetheart? You ready? " Mom asked peeking to my door.

" y-yeah. I-i am. " I stuttered, really?? Armstrong??

" aww, don't be nervous, sweetie, just relax. It will be fine, c'mon? " Mom said and smiled at me. I just nodded and follow her downstairs. Everything will be good, Becky. Everything.


-At the wedding-

Freen's pov

I was drinking wines because the party still doesn't start. When suddenly i saw my mom signalling me to go to the door.

" What? " I whispered. She just pointed at the door. I really don't know she's talking about. My dad tapped my shoulder.

" Go get your girl from the door. She's waiting for you. " Dad whispered to me. Arghhhh!! She's not my girl. Prim is. Speaking of Prim, she doesn't know about this wedding, imma just explained everything if we talk.
I put down my wine and wipe my mouth by my handkerchief as i went towards the door.

" okay, everyone. Welcome to the celebration of love and marriage of Ms. Chankimha and Ms. Armstrong. I would like all of you to stand up as we witness the arrival of the bride and groom. " I got startled by the voice coming from the mic. But i didn't mind it i just walked towards the door and open it. I saw Becky standing there awkwardly and i know she's nervous. I was distracted by her look. She looks... precious and wonderful. My girl will be fine, and she also looked really fine. Wait- huhh????

" Hey, you looked good. " I said.

" Thank you, you too. You slayed. " She complimented me.

I offered my arm to her, and she didn't hesitate to take it. We walked towards the stage with the crowd cheering around us. My friends also couldn't hide their excitement when they saw us standing next to each other and holding hands. And the ceremony has finally begun.


I call this as a question and answer ceremony.

"  Sarocha, do you take Rebecca as your wife? Do you promise to be faithful to her in good times and in bad, in sickness, and in health, and to honor her all the days of your life? " The pastor asked me.

" I do. " I answered, i'm afraid. Not because i'm getting married to her, but because of the fate i'm gonna received after this.

" Rebecca, do you take Sarocha as your wife? Do you promise to be faithful to her in good times and in bad, in sickness, and in health, and to honor her all the days of your life? " The pastor turned to her.

" I- i do. " She stuttered. I looked at her, with the shocked expression.

" I declared you wife and wife. You may now kiss your bride!! " The pastor said and the crowd started to cheer. I didn't expect this to happen. I stared at my parents and they're signalling me to kiss becky. I stared at becky in shock and i can feel that she's still nervous and shocked. I slowly leaned in and she closed her eyes, maybe thinking what's going to happen. Until i reached her lips and our lips collided. I heard yelling and shouting around me. Her lips are soft. I broke the kiss when i decided to stop. I looked at her and i think of my freedom. I'm now married. It's over.

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