-11- One Wife, What a Life

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[One wife, what a life]

Freen's pov

The classes are so early today and because of that i need to leave early from home. With my so-called "wife". Her brother came carrying her stuffs and i let them. When we stopped at the school gates i turned to her that now scanning her bag carefully.

" Hey, won't take you home alright? I need to hang out with my friends. " I said and was about to go.

" But freen? We have the same classes right? " She asked. Fuck.

" smoke, why? Argh! Just mind your business. " I answered and tried to leave again.

" But your mom asked me to keep an eye on you, you should come with me.  " she said, I stomped my feet and rubbed my head in annoyance.

" Just go, dont wait for me okay???? tsk. " I replied. And sprinted. Leaving her alone. For one more time.


Becky's pov

The classes just ended and i'm walking through the hallway. I decided to walk because i didn't have any to look for, i can't be with Freen because she said don't wait for her. That girl. Hayst.

In the middle of the night, i was walking in a dark street. Yeah, i need to cope up with this. This is the only way i know towards our house. I'm gonna breathe in calm if i'm in Freen's car right now. But no, i am here, all alone. Walking alone.

Suddenly someone blocked my way, oh shit. This is what i'm telling-

" hold up! give me your cashes? " The boy said.

" It's cash, there's no word such cashes? " I replied.

" Argh! I don't care give me your moneys. " He answered.

" It's money, not moneys. " I responded.

" Just give it!! " He yelled, oh wow. Aggressive.

" I don't have any. " I said in calm.

" I said fucking give it!! " He said and planned to use his knife to me, when suddenly a man grabbed his collar. I got scratched by the knife, fuck. While them? They smashed each other's faces.

" Hey- hey! Stop- just stop already! Okay?? Stop now. " I stopped them. The bad man runaway from us. I offered my hand to the guy and he gladly take it.

" You ok? Sorry for that. " I said.

" It's alright. I'm happy that i help. " He replied, i smiled.

" What's your name? " He asked.

" Rebecca. Yeah. That's my name. " I awkwardly said.

" I'm Non. I think we went to same school? " He replied.

" Huh? Really? " I asked.

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