-18- Hospital Sickness

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[Hospital Sickness]

Becky's pov

-3 weeks-

I'm at my room and all i ever think is how am i going to cope up with the rumors and things i'm gonna hear. It doesn't shock me that it's already 3 weeks and Freen doesn't care where am i or what i'm doing, it's not new for me.

I missed the following days of school. I  was incredibly terrified for what would happen to me there. Perhaps some youngsters would argue that i deserves it. I might hear crude and derogatory slurs. 
There's a chance that i'll be attacked by football players and injured. I am unsure. I tried to escape, but i was powerless to do so.

Weeks passed into days, yet i remained unwilling to leave the house. I was still here, writhing on the floor of my bedroom. I
rocks back and forth while hugging my legs and pulling them closer to my chest. My head is resting on my knees. I am just.. numbed.

Suddenly i heard Noey calling my name. 

I heard Nam say, "Bec, will you just open the door?" 

I am aware that everyone in the group was present and pleading me to let them in. However, i lacked the strength to open the door. 

" bec, you haven't had food for weeks "  my mom said. 

I had not consumed even a single piece of maize in weeks. I was currently feeling woozy and lightheaded as a result.

" OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR BECK- " -i heard Heng yelled

"HENGGG!" -nam shouted.


" IRINNNN!" - Noey protested.

Heng and Irin said together, "FINE. " 

I can tell that Noey and Nam managed to slap their heads and that the two were lifting their fists in the air like they always do. I tried to chuckle but was unable to. 
Now that it has been weeks, Dad says, 

"Okay Bec, we've decided to smash your door whether you like it or not." He then began to do so.

It was already too late as my eyes widened. 
When i stepped out of the entryway and spotted me.
Noey softly called out..

"Bec" and ran to embrace me.

She said in my  ear, "We missed you, Bec " and when i looked up, i saw the others standing awkwardly.

Heng apologized while dropping his head and casting a downward glance. After accepting it, i shook my head. 
I wants to speak, but my throat is dry and hoarse after screaming and sobbing incessantly for the past weeks.

The last thing i heard before everything went dark was, 

"Let's get you out of here and we'll speak about it, okay?"


Next day...

Freen's pov

I was eating my lunch at canteen and i'm wondering where's becky is. I stared down to the floor, i didn't know why i feel empty inside of me, but i don't fucking care. I stood up and i saw my friends, i approached them and sneaked out to hear what they're talking about.

" I don't really know if she's going to be okay, knowing she's alone there. " Nam said.

" She's not alone, Looknam. I'm telling you minute by minute. " Noey replied.

" I don't know a little fight with freen will affect her that much? " Heng said. My eyes widened when they mentioned my name.

" She doesn't care about becky though, not new. " Irin said.

" What's the matter? " I decided to asked.

Their eyes widened when i came across.

" Hey there... f-freen. " Irin stuttered.

" What are you hiding from me? " I asked directly.

" Nothing. " Noey responded quickly.

" I heard everything don't lie. " I replied.

" And i heard you're talking about someone? Who is it? " I added.

" Fuck this shit freen. " Nam blurted out, as she stood up.

" Don't pretend you don't know everything at all! " Nam's voice was high than usual.

" Huh? " is all i ever said.

" This is about becky, and you don't even know what's happening to her?! " She protested.

" Am i look like i care? " I responded.

" You're not gonna ask what's happening to her? " Noey said.

" Should i? " I asked back.

" Ofcourse, you should. " Nam answered.

" hmm, then what happened to her?  " I tiredly asked.

" she's in the hospital right now, because of depression and mental health issues, because of the shame and humiliation you did to her, she's afraid to go to school. " Nam explained.

" hmm, so? " I shortly asked.

" WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!?! FREEN? " nam shouted.

" What?! She's the one who went out of the house, if she's not in my walls, i don't care about her, and even if she is, i still didn't care about her.  " I responded crossing my arms.

" you didn't really care about what may happen to your wife? Like literally right now? " Noey asked.

" It's just a depression, and mental health, it's not that big of the deal- "


" It's something should be prioritize than physical health. " Nam added.

" You don't care about her because you didn't see what happen to her, and you don't want to know what's going on with her life. You don't ask about who she with, if she eats properly, if she sleep enough, even where she is you don't know, what kind of wife are you? Just because you're both forced you should treat her like she's no one to you? " Noey scolded me.

I'm just standing there, crossing my arms and looking away from her. I don't have any face to show to them. They're right, i should find becky and where she is, i should find my wife.

" I know what i'm doing, and i'm gonna do it if i want to, but i don't want so no. " I said before walking away from them, i need to show to them that i don't care, when obviously i do. I do care about her. But should i?

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