-33- The Confrontation

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[The Confrontation]

Becky's pov 

" Prim? " Freen voiced Prim's name again as we both saw her. 

" What's wrong, Freen? what's happening? " i tried to ask but she just stared at me with her eyes that looks like saying that  " I'm sorry becky, but i should go with her ". I don't know, that's what i'm feeling. I don't know but there's this thing that keeps on pushing me to think that she still loves Prim. I don't know, I don' have any fucking ideaaaa! 

" Sorry, Becky. " And then it happens. 

" What? Why?- " 

" Let me just go with her- " 

" What? Where? I don't understand- " i said as I held her wrist to stop her. 

" please let me get her- " she tried but i stopped her from going. 

" Freen, What's happening to you? " 

" I said LET ME GO! " she suddenly burst out and ran away from me, and then went to Prim, and pulled her to the restroom. Leaving me there, questioning. 


Freen's pov

I pulled Prim with me and i quickly locked the restroom's door, when she suddenly spoke. 

" I'm back, Freen. It's been a long journey. " She stated. 

" Yes, it has. " I said and slowly turned around to face her. 

" Freen, I missed you so much. " She said and put her arms around me, Which makes me uncomfortable. 

" You left me Prim, You never think of me. You left me hanging here, And now, Things have changed, Prim. I've changed. " I said calmly. Prim stepped back and talked. 

" What do you mean? Hey c'mon, I was just testing your trust- " 

" I fell in love with her. " I said making her stop talking. 

" What? " 

" I fell in love with her. " I repeated. 

" With who? " She asked, I didn't answer, instead i just looked down and let my guilt eat me. And when i looked up, Her face was still confused, Not until her eyes diluted as she realized who i was talking about. 

" Don't tell me, It's her. " Prim stated. 

" Y-yeah, Ahm- It's her. S-Sorry Prim- " But she cuts my sentence. 

"  How could you do this to me, Freen? After all we've been through, you betray me like this? " She suddenly raised her voice a bit. 

" I didn't ask for this, Prim! It's not like I planned to fall for someone else. It just happened! " I explained. 

Prim's eyes narrow with disbelief, her voice laced with bitterness.

" Oh, it just happened? So, what? You expect me to accept that excuse and move on? " She asked with her anger. My frustration grows, as my voice rises in anger.

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