-37 - Day 3

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[Day 3]

Becky's pov

I woke up feeling excited about this day, it's Sunday. I stretches and yawns, ready to make the most of this rest day.

" Today is all about me and having some fun! " i said and went out the bed.

I heads to the kitchen and prepares a delicious breakfast. I made a stack of fluffy pancakes with a side of fresh fruits and a steaming cup of coffee. I enjoyed my breakfast on my cozy balcony, basking in the warm morning sun. I took in the view of the city and feels grateful for this peaceful moment.

" Nothing like a leisurely breakfast to start the day right. " i said.

After breakfast, I decided to pamper myself with a relaxing spa day at home. I set up scented candles, fills my bathtub with warm water, and adds some bath bombs for a luxurious soak.

" Time to unwind and treat myself like a queen. " i said and chuckled.


I emerged from my spa session feeling rejuvenated. I slipped into my favorite comfy clothes and decides to indulge in my hobbies. I grabbed my sketchbook and pencils, ready to let my creativity flow. I spend the noon engrossed in my artwork, sketching beautiful landscapes, colorful flowers, and whimsical characters. I loses track of time, completely absorbed in her creative bubble.

But suddenly, my phone rang. I quickly checked who is it, and it's Bright.

" Hey, Bright! What's up? " i greeted.

" Hey, Becky! I was wondering if you're up for some fun this afternoon. How about we go for a little adventure and roam around the city? " My face lights up with enthusiasm.

" Oh, that sounds amazing! I'd love to explore the city with you, Bright. Count me in! " i said.

" Great! Let's meet up at that new coffee shop downtown. I heard they have the best iced lattes. " He answered.

" I'm always up for a good cup of coffee! I'll see you there in about 30 minutes. " i chuckled and hanged up the phone.

Third person's pov

Becky quickly gets ready, putting on a stylish yet comfortable outfit and grabbing her purse. She heads out of her house excited for an afternoon of adventure with her friend.


Becky walks into the trendy coffee shop and spots Bright sitting at a cozy corner table. She waves and walks over, a big smile on her face.

" Hey, Bright! It's so good to see you. " Becky greeted.

" Likewise, Becky! I'm glad you could make it. I've been looking forward to exploring the city with you. " The boy said.

They both order their favorite iced lattes and sit down, chatting and catching up on each other's lives.

" So, Bright, any specific places you want to check out today? " Becky asked.

" Hmm, how about we start by exploring the local market? They have a wide variety of unique crafts and delicious street food. " The boy replied.

" That sounds like a plan! I've heard great things about the market. Let's go! " Becky replied.


Becky and Bright stroll through the bustling market, taking in the vibrant sights and sounds. They browse through stalls filled with handmade jewelry, colorful fabrics, and aromatic spices.

" Wow, this place is incredible! I can't resist buying a few souvenirs. " Becky said holding a bracelet the she got earlier.

" I knew you'd be tempted. Let's take our time and explore every corner. " Bright laughed and walked.

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