-7- avoiding her is the best thing i can do right now

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[avoiding her is the best thing i can do right now]

Freen's pov

I slammed my suit on the bed as i rubbed my hair in annoyance when i reached home.

" Fuckkk this lifeeee!!! " I yelled, out of the people that i can marry, why her???! Just whyyyy??!

" Argghhh!! I hate you Armstronggggg!! " I said as i knocked my wall.

" woah didn't expect this huh. " I heard a voice from the door, i looked up and saw the gang.

" Hey, uhm- whatchu all doing here? " I asked. Trying to calm myself again.

" Nothing, we heard that today is the day that you and your future's wife family are having the wedding plans. Any news? " Noey asked as she slumped herself onto the bed. While heng joined her. Irin and Nam sat on the floor waiting for my response.

" Guyysssss. You're not gonna believe this. " I said as i sat down. 

" What the fuck just happened? " Nam asked.

" I'm gonna be married, and to the person i didn't know at all. The person i hated since the dawn! " I said sulking because i'm really afraid now, i just can't show it.

" Who is it? " noey asked.

" Wanna know who the fuck is it? " I asked.

" fuck, ofcourse. " Heng answered.

" It's herrr! " I whisper-shouted.

" Who? " -nam

" Prim? " - noey

" No. " I said.

" Heng? " -irin

" Fuck yes. " Heng smirked.

" Stop it, shut up. No. " I answered.

" Wait- i got an idea. " Irin said.

" Is it... " Noey meet our eyes as we stared at each other.

" BECKY???? " They all shouted.

" Who the fuck is becky? " Nam asked.

" Look, that's the result of you being absent for almost a week. You don't even know who is becky? " Noey answered.

" Am i going to ask if i know? Fucking dumb bitch. " Nam replied and rolled her eyes to Noey.

" Becky girl, the school bookworm. " Irin replied.

" Oh yeah??? the nerd one? " Nam asked. I just nodded to them.

" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA unfortunate thing comes with a snap. " Heng said as he laughed.

" for real. Out of so many people, Chankimha chose Becky to hold her surname HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA " noey added as she laughed uncontrollably. I just give them a death stare.

" Married life means limitations. " Irin said.

" Married life means not going to do what you want to do. " Noey added.

" Married life means an unending cycle. " Heng said as he sips his juice.

" Married life means annoying each other until you decided to get divorced. " Nam added and they just laughed with each other tactics.

" Married life means- "

" Fucking knock it offf!! " I yelled. Making them silent.

" Woah. Calm your blood down. We're just kidding. " Heng said as he patted my shoulder.

" yeah, but in a serious note, even though this is force, make her feel like she can trust you. Even not in a showy way. " Noey added.


It's monday, and i only have 2 days to be a single and free person. I enter the room and i already saw becky. Fuckkkkkk!!! The world doesn't want me to feel the single lifeeee!!!

She just looked at me and looked away. How unbothered????? But suddenly, i saw her seating on my seat. Fuck. Why? I don't want to talk to her, i don't even want to look to her. Whyyyyyy????

" Hey smol girl, this seat is taken by me. " I said not looking at her.

" Does it have your name carved here? " She asked. Why did she needs to ask??!?!?!!

" none, but- arghhh! Just stand up and moveee! " I lost my patience already. Sorry.

" Fine. " She just said and stood up. She walked towards the teacher's desk and seat.

" Okay, guys. As you see, Ms. Fajardo is not around because she needs to clear things up for today. And she asked me to look after y'all. So as soon as possible don't make any mess for today, thanks. " She announced.

I just shrugged her off and pulled out my phone and scrolled. I saw her looked at me and i quickly looked away, Avoiding her is the best thing i can do right now.

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