-10- Prim's concerns

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[Prim's concerns]

Freen's pov

The celebration just ended and i was planning to go home now, when suddenly my mom pulled my arm

" Hey, where are you going? " She asked.

" Home? " I said.

" You can't go home now, sweetie. You need to take your wife to the private house we had. " She replied. Oh fuckkkkkkk!!!!

" What? But why? Didn't she had her own house- " i suddenly stopped by a hand smacking my head.

" You need to, When did you see a married couple that living separately? " Dad said.

" okay! Fine fine! Where is she? " I said as i raise my hands up sign of surrender.

" At the wine section. Go get her, have a good night sweetie. " Mom replied.

I went towards the wine section and i saw her standing there, she's not drinking. Then why she's in the wine section if she didn't want to drink?!? argh! nevermind.

" Hey, c'mon let's go home. " I called her.

" ah? yes? alright. But am i gonna live with you? From now on? " She asked.

" Don't ask if you already know the answer, c'mon now. Follow me behind. " I said as i wear my shades and walked away. And i knew she's following me.

When me and her are about to pass to my parents i hold her hand, And i removed it quickly as we entered my car. I looked at my wrist watch and it's already 7:30 on the clock. She was about to sit beside me but i open the door behind, and signalled to her to enter. She nodded and entered it without hesitation. I jogged towards the driver's seat and prepare the engine. And we drove off silently.


After, Let's say a minutes of driving, i glanced at the rear view mirror and i saw here sleeping peacefully. I didn't mind it and continue to drove.

When we reached home i tapped her shoulder to wake her up, i'm not gonna lift her up. I'm not her lover. And i'm not that sweet.

" Hey, we're here. Wake up. " i said. She slowly open her lids. And stared at me.

" You got the face. " She whispered.

" Huh? " I asked with a puzzled look. When suddenly she looked at me with widened eyes.

" h-huh? n-nothing. Are we here already? " She asked fixing her stuffs.

" yeah. Get down. " I said and walked away from the car. She followed me and hold my arms.

" Fuck " i cursed and removed my arms from her grip.
She looked down as i said that.

" So, you can use the guest room upstairs. " I said as i walked towards the kitchen and grab a water.

" W-we're not gonna be in the same room? " She asked.

" Ofcourse not. " I said as i drink the glass of water i took.

" C-can i ask my brother to deliver my things here? " She asked again.

" Sure. " I said and removed my coat.

" Alright then. Thanks. " She said and went upstairs.


[Next day]

I woke up and freshen up myself before i took my things and about to leave. When suddenly my mom called.

[Phone call]

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