Christmas Special: A Christmas with Memories!

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Tsubaki's pov

"Be careful out in the snow, kids!" Bulma shouted from her window, as I chuckled. We had all gathered at Bulma's house, everyone was going to be sleeping over which Vegeta hated but Bulma loved it. Goten, Kid Tsubaki, Oliver and Kid Trunks were outside playing, while Trunks and I were watching them. Mai and Asher were out shopping with Yamcha and Tien, it was a bittersweet feeling to celebrate Christmas this year because we lost Momma B and our entire timeline. So Beerus and Whis granted us permission to live here in the present timeline, I was grateful to them for that. I smiled and watched the four kids run around, pelting each other with snowballs. Mom was somewhere inside the house, settling in and speaking with the others since she was now going to be staying with us here. I still couldn't believe that this would be our first Christmas without Momma B, she was someone who always kept the spirit up even when things were really bleak. I leaned my head on Trunks' shoulder, taking in this moment. "Is everything okay, Tsu?" He asked, "Yeah.. I just miss Momma B." I said, Trunks took one of my hands and intertwined our fingers. "Me too.. I miss her a lot." Trunks sighed, I wrapped my arms around his and scooted closer to him. I lifted my head off his shoulder, my heart breaking as I saw the look on his face. His blue eyes trained on the snow underneath our feet, I could see just how much he really missed her. "I know that this is going to be really hard but I believe that we can get through this. We're not alone. We have the Z fighters and," I touched his chin and pulled his face towards mine. Our eyes met as I brushed his hair out of his face, "we have this timeline's Bulma and Vegeta. And my Dad and mom. Momma B always held her head up even when she lost Vegeta and the others. She celebrated their memory, she grieved but she always kept her spirits high. We owe it to her to do that." I said, Trunks gave me a sad smile as a tear rolled down his cheek. "I promise things will get better, Trunks." He nodded in response as I wiped his tears away, I pulled him into a large hug and though, I felt like crying, I knew I had to be strong for Trunks. He needed me to be strong, just like he was strong for me when Future Gohan died. He was my rock and he still is but now, it's my turn to be his rock. I moved back from the hug, pulling Trunks into a passionate kiss as the snow started to fall. Trunks kissed me back with as much passion, we stayed like for a few minutes before I was suddenly hit with a snowball. Trunks and I separated from the kiss as I wiped the snow from my hair and turned towards the kids. Not surprised to see that Gohan was standing amongst the kids and Asher and Mai were standing behind him with Videl. I sat there stunned for a minute and instantly grew angry, as I balled up my fists.

"Who threw that?!" Gohan couldn't help himself and started laughing, "You threw that?!" He couldn't stop from laughing and I growled at him. I grabbed a bunch of snow, packing it into a ball and chucked it at Gohan, who stopped laughing.

"Oh that's it... You're on!" He grabbed another handful and stalked towards me, but I ran off just in time before he hit me with it. I laughed loudly, dodging his every move and every attempt to throw a snowball at me. "Haha! You missed." I yelped, when I was hit with a snowball but not from Gohan. I spun around to see Trunks laughing and I got pissed, so I picked up a handful of snow. I took the snow from my tail and balled it up, I stomped towards Trunks who immediately backed up but wasn't fast enough to dodge the snowball I had thrown. It nailed Trunks in the face which stunned him, as Kid Trunks, Goten and Kid Tsubaki started laughing really hard. "You started this!!" I pointed, shouting at him. Trunks threw another snowball but I dodged it causing it to hit Videl, who gave out a little yelp of surprise.

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