Chapter 35: Go back to the past, Trunks!!

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Trunk's pov

Mai and Chichi came running over as I got up to go after them but it was too late, they were gone and took Tsubaki with them. "Trunks, are you okay? Where's Tsubaki?" Chichi ran up to me as she pulled on my jacket, the look in her eyes pained me. I felt so guilty for not being able to stop them from taking Tsubaki, she is all Chichi has left. "I'm sorry, Chichi. I'm sorry." I shook my head, she started to cry loudly as she held onto my arm. I looked down in guilt and knew that I would have to do something else to get her back, I sighed and rubbed Chichi's back. "Chichi, we have to get out of here before-" I saw a ki blast head our way, I quickly pushed Mai and Chichi behind me shielding them.

"Trunks? Are you okay?" Chichi had stopped crying and was now worrying about me, "Chichi, Chichi.. I'm fine. It's okay." She wiped my hair out of my face, as she looked at me with worry. "Well, he made it after all. That sucks, I was really hoping you died from that blast. Oh well, I guess it wasn't strong enough but hopefully this one is." He held out his hand for another blast and that's when I got a good look at him. He sounded similar to android 17 but he looked so different, he has short brown hair that went up to his ears and he had light blue eyes but he also had glasses. My eyes shifted to his clothing seeing that he was wearing a long sleeved white shirt with a gray vest, but I noticed the red band on his left arm. My eyes widened, as I fully turned around facing the guy. "Why are you doing this? What's your purpose?" I yelled to him, shifting my eyes to Mai and Chichi and then to him. He took off his glasses, crushing them in his hand and crossed his arms.

"Goku destroyed the Red Ribbon Army as a child. Gohan along with Goku and his friends destroyed the rest of them. Then you and that pretty daughter of Goku's, Tsubaki destroyed what you thought was left with the androids 17 and 18 along with Cell. To be honest, they weren't the only androids made." I bawled my fists, "Damn it, how could we not have known about this android?" I looked up at him, as he held out a hand and blasted us. I went super and blocked the blast from hitting all three of us, "Hm, you're not as dumb as I thought you would be." He smirked as I growled but before I could attack him, he got this feeling and left.

"Trunks, what does he mean?" Mai asked, as I powered down. "It means we overlooked something when we went back to the past." I flew them back to Mom's place and explained to her what's going on. "So that means you have to go back to the past?" Mom put a hand in her hip, as she pressed the small button on the capsule.

"Mom, it's not safe." I shook my head, "What are you talking about Trunks?" Mai had been holding a sleeping Oliver, "What I mean is... Is that I plan to take you three to Master Roshi's." I grabbed all three and we headed for Master Roshi's place which was still where it originally was located. When I arrived, Master Roshi had seen Oliver but made the situation awkward. "Holy Canoli's. Is that really your son? He looks nothing like little Tsubaki here except for the hair but it's not as spiky as Goku's." I started blushing, quickly shaking my head. "No, no.. Master Roshi you got it all wrong. Tsubaki and I haven't even gotten married yet or thought about marrying let alone have a child." I rubbed the back of my head with my free arm as Chichi, Mom and Mai started laughing. I was holding onto Oliver, who still asleep. "Listen, I need you to watch over Oliver while I go back to the past. I wanted to have Mom, Chichi and Mai stay here if that's alright with you. I don't feel safe enough to leave them at home, while I go back to the past. Tsubaki was taken and I just found out that there's another android. I need to go back and get the others." He sighed, but agreed to watch over him stating that he had a previous experience in taking care of kids when he took care of Goku. So I told Mom to stay with Roshi, while I went back to the past.


Goku was training on King Kai's planet while Vegeta stayed home training. Chichi, Videl and Bulma were all hanging around Bulma's backyard as Gohan played around with Goten, Trunks and Tsubaki. "Hey!! Get off of me!" Gohan yelled, as Tsubaki started to mess with him. He suddenly got a feeling as the time machine popped out of thin air, and landed in the backyard. "What is that?" Trunks flew up to it, as Bulma and Chichi stood up. Bulma rushed inside to get Vegeta, and came back out. "What is it-" Vegeta paused, when he saw the Time machine open. "Trunks?!!" Bulma raised an eyebrow and dropped her jaw in surprise, as I turned to see everyone standing there. 

"Hey Mom, Dad. I need your help. I'm sorry to show up out of the blue, but this is about Tsubaki." I spoke, as I flew down from the time machine. So Mom called all of the Z fighters and Gohan called on Goku, "I will explain everything when everyone gets here." I said to them and Mom nodded, quickly urging the others to hurry. "Your name is Trunks? But my name is Trunks. What's going on?" The younger me came up with younger Tsubaki and some kid who looked like Goku.

"Trunks, this is your future self. You already met him but you were just a baby. It's the same for you, Tsubaki. Your future self is currently in trouble but you've met her before as a baby." Mom explained to the three, "So who is he?" I pointed to the boy looking similar to Goku, "Well that's my little brother, Goten. Goten, this is the Trunks that I've told you about." We greeted each other, as the younger Tsubaki walked towards me. "Hey Tsu. It's nice to finally meet the version of you where you can talk." I smiled as she gave me a hug, making me blush a bit. "Aww, how cute? Even this Trunks blushes with Tsubaki's hug." Goten laughed and finally everyone arrived, including Goku. "So what's going on?" Krillen sat down at the table, "Well... Here's what's been going on. We had a time of peace after destroying 17 and 18 and Cell in our timeline. But then we faced Majin Buu. We were able to stop Babidi from hatching Buu in the first place. After that we had a long time of peace, the human race prospered. But when Tsubaki and I went to help a friend pass out rations to others, a small kid by the name of Oliver stopped by. We were all having a great time until the building next to us exploded. That building did not explode on its own." I started to explain, "So you're saying that you were attacked?" Gohan asked and for the first time I got a good look at him.

He wasn't so little anymore, in fact he was already of High school age. "Yeah, I was the first one to wake up and then found Mai, but I couldn't find Tsubaki and Oliver. And when I did, Tsubaki had been knocked unconscious because of the debris. There were three people there who attacked us and that third person was Kiyomi." Everyone gasped and their eyes widened. "What?! Why?" Gohan became a bit frantic and so did Chichi.

"Trunks, what happened?" Piccolo crossed his arms as he looked at me, "I told Mai to take Oliver and Tsubaki back to Mom's place for Chichi and Mom to help fix Tsubaki's injuries. And she did. Kiyomi explained to me that they were helping someone who wanted revenge on Goku for destroying the red ribbon army. But this person knew that Goku had long died along with the Z fighters when the androids were around." I looked down at my hands, trying not to get upset at myself. "Trunks?" Mom asked, "He wants revenge. So when Mai and Chichi came back, they attacked the two but I stopped it. The other redhead had disappeared and Kiyomi continued to tell me what's going on. The guy wanted revenge so he wanted to take it out on Tsubaki. When the redhead returned she had Tsubaki, who had regained consciousness but she couldn't move all that well. And when I tried to go get her they sent another attack and disappeared with Tsubaki. It gets worse because now apparently there was something that Tsu and I missed when we came here." I looked up at them, "What was it? What did you mean by you missed something when you two came back here?" Yamcha sat forward, as smaller Trunks sat down next to Mom. 

"There was one last android built by the red ribbon army and he is seeking to get revenge on Tsubaki."

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