Chapter 5: Fight the androids, Tsubaki!

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Tsubaki's pov

I had left my Capsule Corp jacket back in the car with mom, I had a chance to change out my clothes since my gi needed to be cleaned. Which was also in the car and I was now wearing a tie, white buttoned up long sleeved blouse and a khaki skirt. "Alright, that's it. You both are so dead." I stood in front of them, "No, I don't think we'll the ones dying." I growled at them, "Well 17, I'll let you handle her." 18 said, stepping back. "Well, that's a first." 17 stepped forward, but I didn't back down. We stood there for a moment in silence staring each other down, until 18 kicked a rock and 17 charged at me. He sent a few energy blasts at me, but I blocked each one of them. "You get on my nerves!!" 17 shot so many blasts that with each blast, it created a field of smoke. I felt a foot hit my stomach and with the impact of the foot, I flew back. I hit a building and went through it, but quickly stopped myself from flying too far. I charged out of the building back out the opening, heading straight for 17. I punched at him, but he caught my hand and held his hand up to blast me. Taking action quickly, I kicked 17 hard in the gut with precise aim, making him slightly grimace in pain as he hunched over. "Masenko haaaa!!" I blasted 17 in the face, causing him to let go of my hand. I back flipped away from him, landing on top of the nearby roof of a car.

17 growled as the smoke dissipated from around him and when I saw him, I had managed to put a scratch on his face as well as partially destroyed some of his clothing. "Ha! 17, I can't believe you're letting her get to you!" 18 smiled and 17 flipped his sister the bird, as she sheepishly smiled at him. I crossed my arms across my chest and smirked, happy to be able to put a scratch on him.

"Hey!!! 17, you're still fighting me." I kicked him with both legs, making him fly back into a wall. 18 turned serious, as her brother hit the wall with a sickening crack. My phone went off in my pocket, so I answered it. "Hello?" Out of the corner of my eye, I could see 18 stand up to her feet. "Tsubaki, where are you?!! Are you okay? We're back at Bulma's and we sent Trunks to help you." I jumped into the air, as an oncoming blast whizzed towards me. It hit the car I was on and blew the car up, Mom heard the explosion and panicked. "Mom! I gotta go!" I tried to hang up, and I guess mom realized what I was gonna do. "Hey! Don't you dare hang up on me, young lady!! Do you-" As she was yelling at me 17 had flown towards me, pretty pissed off and sent punches my way but I kept avoiding each one. He landed a punch on my stomach and I gasped for air, which sent mom into a panic. I hung up the phone, shoved it into my pocket and caught 17's fist. He tried to kick me but I dodged him and round house kicked him, he flew back a little getting agitated with me because I was kinda beating him. I was then kicked from behind and sent flying towards 17, who kicked me up into the air. I took the hit pretty hard as I flew up in the air, I didn't see 18 come after me. I opened my eyes and saw her kick me hard in the stomach, causing me to fly from the impact. I hit the ground hard, creating a crater underneath me.

"Well 17, looks like she can't hold her own for very long." 18 landed on the ground next to 17, as they were walking towards me so I got up. They each started to throw blasts at me, but I kept taking them head on which shredded my clothes. Man, Bulma is gonna kill me. Since they were ganging up on me, I decided to boost up my power level in hopes of Trunks getting here faster since he would sense my ki.

"Ahhhhhh!" I yelled, as I went super and charged at them both.

"Masendan!" They didn't expect me to shoot at them in close range. They both flew back, but it didn't effect them that much. They flew forward together, but I couldn't block them in time and was kicked twice. I kept my stance grounded and brought my leg up, kicking 18. 18 flew up and I instant transmitted, which was something I picked up when I was training. I kicked her in the stomach, sending her flying towards 17. "Hyperion Crasher!!!" I shot a barrage of energy balls at 17, who dodged them but each one would hit both him and 18. I flew towards 17 and started to kick and punch at him, as we were flying. "I'm not gonna go up against two of you. I was fighting with you first." I continued punching at him, but he dodged each one. "Alright then, you'll have to fight with me first." He caught my hand, kicking me in the chest. I flew back, flipping over and using my hand as way of stopping myself and started sliding. 18 flew after me and I had dodged her kick to my face but then kicked her leg, I grabbed it and swung her around only to be blasted by 17. They ganged up on me, starting with 18 who kicked me in the back. I flew forward not being able to stop myself from flying, followed by 17 who punched me several times in the stomach, I spit up blood and grunted in pain as I hit the ground. 18 and 17 blasted me and I barely had time to dodge the blast, but I was finally able to stand up. As soon as I stood to my feet, 18 sent a hard kick to my stomach, which broke a few of my ribs and wore me out. I coughed up blood as I hit the wall behind me, "Hey, you still alive down there?!!" 17 yelled and sent a blast down my way, it hit me full on and it hurt like hell.

I screamed out in pain, as two fists were sent down onto my stomach. I hit the ground but instantly bounced back up and was punched in the face by 17, which threw me upwards into the air. I flipped over and powered up more going super saiyan 2, leaving the androids confused. "How did her power just shoot up like that?" 18 and 17 were now floating in the air in front of me, "Masenko Ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I formed a large ball of energy and hurled it at 18. The two dodged my blast and continued to beat down on me, 17 grabbed my head and slammed it into the ground. "See, I told you she can't hold out for long." 18 said, as 17 started stepping on my stomach causing me to grit my teeth in pain. "Oh, is someone hoping that their friend will come save them? Like that lavender haired boy?" 17 teased as he kicked me in the side, cracking more ribs. I slid back a little but quickly stood up and instant transmitted in front of 18, who didn't expect it.


18 was hit dead on by the blast and sent flying backwards really far and into a building. I turned to 17, who charged at me and as I dodged his punch he sent one to my gut. I cried out as 17 sent me onto the ground with a hard hit, I was completely drained by this point and was still trying to hold on, I was not going to let them beat me. He sent me up in the air but caught me and hugged me to him and started squeezing me really hard, causing me to scream. He started to laugh at my pain and continued to squeeze me, which made me scream louder in more pain. My screams could be heard echoing across the entire city, until I almost passed out. He let me go and sent a blast at me, making me fall faster as I did I had remembered something that Dad said when I first told him I went a level above super saiyan.

"Here's one piece of advice, I will give you for now and that is to use your anger to your advantage. Whoever the enemy is, think about what they have done and get angry." Dad said to me and I smiled up at him.

I thought back to his words and started thinking about all the pain and chaos they caused. I started powering up but lost the spark when 18 kicked me in the back, I coughed out more blood and was heading towards the ground fast when I felt something warm catch me. It smelled so familiar like it was Trunks or someone else I knew. I opened my eyes to see him, it was Trunks and he did not look to happy. But when he saw me, he gave me a small smile letting me know that it would be okay. So I closed my eyes and felt my ki lower, as I went out of super.

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