Chapter 34: A New Foe Appears! Tsubaki is targeted!

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Trunk's pov

When I opened my eyes, my ears rang as I sat up. My eyes trailed everything seeing that the building next to us had collapsed, but it was the crying that brought me out of my daze. I shook my head, pushing some debris off of my leg and looked around. "Tsubaki!!! Mai!!!!! Oliver!!!" I shouted as I stumbled a bit, but I heard crying again and followed it. I pushed chunks of the building apart looking for them and came across one that was covering something, I could see clothing through a small crack in the debris. Throwing it aside, I found Mai. "Mai!! Mai! Are you alright?" I pulled her out of the debris and placed her on the floor, as the other debris collapsed in. "Mai? Mai?" I shook her shoulder a bit and heard a groan, "Mai!" Her eyes slowly fluttered open, "Trunks? What happened?" She sat up to quickly and fell forward, but I caught her. "The building right here exploded, stay here while I go look for-" I was cut off when we heard crying, causing Mai to push herself to stand up. I kept protesting against it, but she didn't listen and walked off.

"Oliver!! Oliver!!!" Mai started moving debris and rocks, as I finally realized where the crying was coming from. "Mai!! Over here!!!" I began moving debris and that's when I saw a piece of clothing, I moved a piece of debris and Oliver was sitting there crying. He was curled up in a ball under Tsubaki, who was unconscious. "Tsu!!!! Oliver!!! Mai grab Oliver." Mai nodded, as I pushed more debris aside to pick up Tsubaki. When I got to her, Oliver was still crying and panicking. "We need to get them to my mom now." She nodded, "Climb onto my back and have Oliver hanging onto to you. I have Tsu." I carried Tsubaki bridal style as Mai climbed onto my back and Oliver was on hers, hanging on for dear life. But before I could take off, an energy blast was thrown at me. I quickly jumped out of the way, hiding behind some debris. "Mai, are you okay? Were you hit?" She looked up at me, holding Oliver close. "No, we're fine. Tsubaki is still out." Mai checked on Tsubaki, "Stay here. I'm gonna find out what-" Another ki blast was thrown, as I urged her to run with Oliver. "Go!!! Go!!" I picked up Tsubaki running away from the debris, as more ki blasts were shot at us. "Damn it!! Mai! Take Oliver and Tsubaki and get to my Mom." She took Tsubaki from me, putting her on her bike and drove off. Another ki blast was directed at them making me block it from hitting Mai, the smoke cleared and three figures appeared.

There was a guy with blue eyes and pink hair, he had a similar build to Yamcha. On his left was a girl with blue eyes, long red hair, gold earrings and a black leather jacket. When my eyes shifted to the last one, I grew surprised but also angry because I knew this person. Her short red hair, golden colored eyes and that stupid smirk that was painted across her face. "Why are you doing this?" I stood defensively, ready for anything they might throw at me. "We're doing for you're sake and Tsubaki's sake, Trunks. She needs to go for the soul purpose that she can pose as a threat to us." I scrunched my eyebrows, as the guy smirked at me. "Oh look, your friend is back and she brought company." I turned my head quickly, seeing Mai waving with Chichi on the back of the motorbike. 

"No!!! Get back!!" I screamed to the two, which caused some confusion.

"Sora," A light voice rang out, as the girl with red hair held out her hand. "Get down!!!" I ran towards the motorbike, as the blast headed for them and grabbed both Mai and Chichi.

I flew off with them in my arms, setting them a bit farther away from where Kiyomi and the others were. "Stay here, I'll be back." They nodded and stood up, as I flew back towards the three. "What the hell do you want?" I pulled out my sword, as I floated in front of them. "We aren't here to kill any humans. So you don't need to worry about that. But I suggest you not get in the way or you'll get hurt." This statement pissed me off, the girl with red hair said something to the pink haired guy and then she disappeared.

"Where is she going?" I knew that I had to stay calm no matter what. One wrong move and they could either kill me or kill everyone I care about. "You shouldn't worry about that." The guy spoke, "Why are you doing this? What's your purpose if it's for both Tsubaki and I's sake, Kiyomi?!" My long hair blew in the wind, as my blue eyes met her golden yellow ones. She kept an emotionless face that made me angry, "We work for a scientist. He is the last scientist who was associated with the Red Ribbon army and he is looking to get Tsubaki's blood, to get revenge although he realizes that Goku is dead." My eyes widened, but I kept my nerves in check. 

"What is he going to do?" I raised an eyebrow, keeping my guard up as my eyes shifted between Kiyomi and the guy.

"Trunks, he wants to kill her. He wants her to pay for everything Goku did to the Red Ribbon Army." I slid my sword back in its sheath as I grew angry at the answer she'd given me. Suddenly, the same girl with red hair popped back up but with Tsubaki in her arms. "What are you doing with her?!! Give her back!" I went to move forward but the guy moved in front of her and blasted me. I heard Chichi and Mai calling for me as I hit the ground, Tsubaki screamed loudly but by the time I had gotten back up to go after them they were gone and so was Tsubaki.

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