Chapter 59: The Calvary Arrive!! The Z Fighters Save Gengoro Island!

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3rd person's pov

Piccolo, Yamcha, Krillen, Tien, Trunks and Tsubaki, Goten, Android 18, Bulma and Chichi were all gathered at the Kame House. They were aware that Gengoro Island was under attack, since there were a few reporters who were giving the world updates. "As you can see, most of the island has been destroyed and many of the island's people have either been killed or are in hiding. We still have yet to see the heroes that had gone in the cave earlier today." The reporter signaled the cameraman, panning the camera to show people the surrounding area causing collective gasps in the group. Chichi was growing concerned with each moment, seeing as Goku, Gohan and Future Tsubaki were all down in that cave with Future Trunks, Vegeta and Videl. "This is starting to get worse. I can't imagine what those people are all dealing with." Bulma shook her head, as she took a seat on the couch. "It's not like Goku and Vegeta to take this long with stopping whatever is going on in that cave." Krillen stated, "Then something must be really wrong down there, they were fighting two sets of twins which was the last thing that we got word of from the Chief's grandkid." Piccolo explained, "We have to find out what's going on there. Sure, Goku and Vegeta are there, but they still haven't gotten out of the cave to deal with those two who are terrorizing the island." Yamcha looked towards Piccolo, Tien and Krillen who nodded in response.

"Then I say, we go there!" Trunks suggested, standing to his feet."

"Yeah, I'm with Trunks on that!" Tsubaki stood next to Trunks, shaking her head in agreement which got Trunks to blush a bit.

"Me three!" Goten raised his hand, standing next to his older sibling. "No way!! You three are not going out there!" Chichi protested, shaking her head as she placed her hands on her hips.

"But Mom!!! Dad, Tsu and Gohan need our help!!" Goten argued.

"So do those people on the island!! Mom, please. Dad would let us help, why can't you just let us help those people? Wouldn't you want to help if you had the powers to save them?" Tsubaki argued, which took Chichi back a bit. She was slightly stunned, but let out a reluctant sigh as she leaned backwards.

"I suppose I could let you two go. But... only if you stick with Piccolo." Chichi looked over to Piccolo, who nodded in response. "We got it!! Thanks, Mom!" Goten and Tsubaki smiled, cheering amongst themselves.

"Mom, will you let me go help?" Trunks' blue orbs connected with his mother's, as she let out a sigh knowing she wasn't going to win this argument. "I will, but please... Come back safely, stay where Piccolo can see you." Bulma hugged Trunk's, kissing his head as she let go of him and took a step back. "I'll go too. You guys need all the help you can get." 18 spoke, nodding her head to Krillen. "Alright, then.. Let's head out." Piccolo, Tien, Yamcha, Krillen, 18, Goten, Trunks and Tsubaki all left Kame House to get to Gengoro Island. Of course, Bulma didn't let them leave without taking a Capsule Corp plane and taking along any supplies they would need.

"When we get to Gengoro, the first thing we need to do is split up and find the two terrorizing the island.  One team will be in charge of finding survivors and getting them situated in a safe location, the second team will go find the two that are harassing the island and the last team will head to the cave to get Goku and the others out of there and alert them of what's been going on." Piccolo explained, looking to the others.

"Alright, what groups did you have in mind?" Yamcha asked, he was flying the plane.

"Goten, Trunks, Tsubaki and Yamcha.. I want you to go find Goku and the others in that cave. 18 and Krillen will find the survivors and move them somewhere safe. Tien, you're with me. We'll be tracking down those the two attacking the island. If anyone gets split from their group, do your best to find one of the other teams. If you are alone and run into those two people, do not face them. We don't know what they are capable of." Everyone nodded at Piccolo's words, looking to their team members.

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