Halloween Special #1 (Part 1)

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Tsubaki's pov

I panted heavily, keeping myself pressed up against the wall of the building we were hiding behind. "Do you see a way of out of here?" Asher whispered, keeping his movements to a minimum. I peeked my head slightly out from behind the wall, looking around to see that the streets were surprisingly clear which made me more alert. I moved back behind the wall, turning my head to Asher. "It's clear, but I have a bad feeling about going out there." I whispered to Asher, "We still have to try. We have got to get to that lab." Asher said, "You want to go there? Are you insane? That was the first place to get overrun." I questioned, keeping my voice down. "Well, what do you suggest we do then? That lab may have been overrun, but it's our only chance at finding a way to eradicate the virus and make sure nobody else will get that virus." Asher whispered back, looking me in the eyes.


Things were okay, just a few days ago but something seriously bad happened within the days that followed. Trunks and I were training in the back of the Kame house, Oliver had been staying there with Master Roshi, who didn't mind watching over the little tyke. I had noticed that Oliver had taken a liking to Master Roshi, he liked to mimic everything except his perverted actions and behavior. I wasn't too worried seeing as Puar and Oolong were there as well. As the two of us had just gotten into the house, we heard a strange news cast from Addy.

"We're now getting news that a new virus that was being tested in the West City Infectious Disease lab facility has just infected a staff member. The staff member reportedly was working on a way to cure it and was infected when he accidently inhaled the vapors. The staff member is very sick and is being treated by the scientists there. Oh, no.. I'm now receiving word that the infected staff member has just passed from complications. They tried everything to make him better but he only got worse, within the hour that he died, he suddenly came back to life and started attacking the scientists. Local authorities have been fighting whatever is happening in the lab facility." Trunks and I looked at each other, worried about what would happen next. When the news got out about this, many of the people living in the area panicked and tried to leave. Things only got worse when the facility became overrun with the deadly virus and scientists were basically eating other people. Even the local authorities were no match for this, which made doctors and other healthcare workers became frightened by this. As we heard more about this, the news caster's referred to the dead, as Zombies, biters and some other things. The zombies could tell if you were healthy or sick, and they only attacked the healthy people. They reported that the another lab was working on a cure and the only way to kill them was to stab or shoot them in the head. If you were scratched or bitten, you die from the infection and come back as one of them. The first city to go was just south of us and before we knew it, the entirety of West City had been overrun. When that happened, I evacuated Bulma, Mom, Grandpa, Master Roshi, Puar, Oolong and Oliver to Korin's tower. So Trunks, Mai, Asher and I stayed behind to try and get the uninfected people to safety. But somewhere along the way, Asher and I were separated from Trunks and Mai which worried me. There was a bunker far from the center of West city which we could take the survivors too, but the problem was that we had no idea how many people weren't infected. The other problem was that there were a lot of infected people roaming the streets of West City. Asher, Mai, Trunks and I were headed towards a heavily populated area since the most survivors would be coming from there. We were helping a group of people get evacuated, when we were ambushed by a horde of zombies and that was what split us up.

Flashback over.....

"Fine, we'll go to the lab. But first we're going to have to find a way out of this and get there." I started, "I have a way." Just as Asher was about to clarify what he meant, we heard several screams coming from the street. I looked to Asher, making eye contact with him. "Tsu, wait-" Before Asher could stop me, gunshots rang out. I peeked around the corner, spotting three people fighting off the zombies. There were two kids standing in the middle of the three people, who had formed an outer circle around the kids. They were struggling to keep a forming herd coming towards them, in that moment I don't know what I was thinking. I drew the blade off of my back, quickly rushing out into the open and attacked the zombies coming. It didn't take long for Asher to follow after me, attacking zombies as well. It took a while but we finally got through most of them, but more of them were starting to show up. "We should go, now! Unless we want to be zombie food." Asher suggested, "Come on, this way!!" Asher led us off of the street and into a building a few blocks away. Along the way, we dodged zombies left and right, all while sticking together. Once we got into building, we were able to barricade the doors and exits. Asher let out a sigh as he kept watch over the windows, which we were covering with sheets.

"Thank you... I didn't think anyone would help us. My name is Daniel. This is Ally, and that's Cole. The kids are my sisters, Maggie and Maddy." He introduced, he gave me a small smile and I could tell he was being genuine. I had to admit that he was good looking, but not nearly as handsome as Trunks. I got a good look at him, Daniel stood as tall as Gohan, he had short black hair and green eyes. Cole had short brown hair and light brown eyes, he was also very good looking but I could tell he was not related to Daniel. Ally had long auburn hair, light greenish-blue eyes and stood as tall as Kiyomi. She was extremely pretty, but I could see that she didn't trust people easily. The last two were the twin sisters, Maggie, had short brown hair that fell to her neck and brown eyes. While Maddy had short black hair and the same color eyes as Daniel's eyes. "The name is Tsubaki. This is my close friend, Asher. It was no problem." I explained, giving him a small smile.

"Why did you help us?"

"Because it's our job." I said, "Who are you to decide to help?" Ally snapped, "It's our job because we have abilities that others don't. You wouldn't have needed our help, had you not roamed the streets, shooting and screaming loudly." Asher snapped, I could tell that he didn't trust her. "Asher." I warned, "I'm sorry about him. Where are you headed?" I asked, looking to Cole and Daniel. "Further in town. Our family is there." Cole said, "Where are you headed?" He asked, "The Second Infectious Disease lab. We need to find a way to stop the virus from spreading." Asher explained, looking to Daniel.

"What do we do?" Maggie asked, looking to her older brother.

"Will you help us find our family?" Cole asked, I looked to Asher, who shook his head but sighed when he realized that I was going to do it anyway. "Yes, we will. Then we need to get on our way to that lab and to find our friends." I said, "Friends?" Ally asked, "Yes, there are two more of us. Our mutual friend Mai, and Tsubaki's boyfriend Trunks." Asher explained.

"Alright, deal." Daniel said, holding out his hand. I took his hand in mine, giving it a firm shake.

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