Chapter 87: Pan

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Tsubaki's pov

Gohan, Trunks, and I sat down on a park bench eating Ice cream. I didn't want to let Gohan go, after all, we had been through so much recently that I felt incredibly vulnerable and I wanted Gohan to make somehow me feel better. I was in no mood to talk and Trunks could tell, so he decided to be the one to explain to Gohan everything that had been going on. "So there's someone who took Dad's body from your timeline and is now terrorizing your timeline?" Gohan asked, "Yes. He wants to destroy all of humanity and "cleanse" the Earth. He feels that humanity is not worthy." Trunks said, "That's the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. How did you two get here? I thought Future Bulma ran out of fuel for the Time Machine." Gohan asked, "Mom managed to scrounge up enough fuel for one trip only. Black found the lab and killed my mother before I could get her to safety." He explained, I grabbed Trunks' hand and intertwined our fingers. "I'm so sorry, Trunks. I was wondering what you two were doing here. What about our mom? Why did you two come here when you didn't have enough fuel to go back?" Gohan asked, I licked my ice cream and sighed as I looked up at the sky. "Mom is fine.. Albeit very shaken up and upset, I was able to save her." Gohan looked relieved when I said that, it seemed that he had been holding his breath waiting for my answer. "Momma B wanted us to escape while we could. She was eager to throw her life away first if it meant that Trunks and I would escape Black and survive. We came back to get help because Goku Black is too strong for Trunks and I to take on alone. We tried.."

"But he's just too strong. I get it. It was the same way I felt when we had to take on Nappa and Vegeta when they first came to earth. So many of our friends died during that battle." Gohan recounted, I was amazed at the way Gohan had dealt with Dad's death back when Dad and Piccolo had gone to rescue him from Raditz. Though it was hard, Gohan and Krillen were able to stay alive when battling Nappa and Vegeta. Especially since Gohan was at a younger age when he first met Vegeta, the fact that they were able to hold out until Dad arrived was amazing.

"We came back to ask for Dad and Vegeta's help, they are strong enough to take him head on. They're far stronger than Trunks and I. Goku Black used something called a Time Ring, that's how he was able to get to this time a little after we got here. Dad fought him for a bit but Goku Black was pulled back to our timeline. But before he left, he destroyed the time machine." I explained, I was still very much upset that he blew up the time machine. "So you guys can't travel back to your time?" Gohan asked, furrowing his eyebrows as he looked at the two of us with concern.

"Not really. My mom still has the time machine we found back when Cell first arrived." Trunks looked up at Gohan.

"You mean the one that Cell used to get here?"

"Yes. She's trying to fix that up. Momma B gave us her notebook with all of the notes she had on The Time Machine and the fuel. Bulma is working on that Time Machine using her notes."

"Wow.. That's a lot. What about Mai and Asher and Oliver?"

"We sent Oliver far away so he would be safe, he's staying with some of Asher's friends. But... Both Mai and Asher were killed while we were trying to escape. They were the decoys so that we could make it here... I.." I stopped talking, my heart hurting as I remembered what happened. Trunks gave my hand a light squeeze as Gohan put a hand on my shoulder, "Their deaths are not in vain. They bought Tsu, Chi-chi and I enough time to get to the Time Machine. I'm just glad that we didn't lose Chi-chi. We may not have been able to save my mom but we were able to keep Chi-chi safe." Trunks kissed the top of my head, Gohan gave my shoulder a light squeeze. "I'm sorry you lost them. Trunks is right. Their deaths were not in vain. You two have been through so much in the past 48 hours. I know that things are tough right now but everything will be alright. Will Dad and Vegeta help?" Gohan asked, "Yes, they are. Although that stupid purple cat and his angel weren't too pleased that we time traveled in the first place."

"Ah-ha," Gohan chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his head. "You mean Lord Beerus and Whis."

"Yeah, those two. That stupid cat doesn't seem to understand how bad things are. So what we broke a rule? Isn't it worse that there's a guy who stole our father's body and tried to destroy humanity because we aren't "worthy"?" I ranted, "Yeah, that's worse.. Calm down, sis. Getting upset won't make anything better. And you shouldn't call Lord Beerus a stupid cat, he's always looking for an excuse to blow up Earth since he is a god of Destruction."

"Screw that asshole, if he tries to blow up the earth then I'll give him a piece of my mind."

"Tsu that's not possible, not even Dad or Vegeta could beat him." Gohan put a hand on my fist and pushed it down, placing my hand down on my lap. "How about you two come over and meet Pan?"

"Pan?" I asked.

"My daughter. Videl and I got married and we had Pan." I gasped loudly, my eyes lighting up as I looked at my older brother. "You married Videl?!!" I squealed excitedly when he gave me a smile, Trunks and Gohan laughed at my reaction as I handed my ice cream cone to Trunks. "And you have a kid??!!" I shouted, "Yes, we do. Kid Tsubaki has been very much obsessed with her niece. Goten has met her too."

"I want to meet her!! She must be so adorable."

"She really is. Come on, I'll show you." With that we both followed Gohan and headed for his place, I was excited to meet Pan and I wasn't the only one. It seemed that Trunks was very much taken back by how much Gohan changed, he became a working husband with a child and loving wife. My Gohan didn't get that chance because of the Androids, it seemed a little harder for Trunks to get used to and as for me, I was happy that he was in a good place in his life.

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