Christmas Special

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3rd person's pov

Bulma and Chichi were out Christmas shopping, getting presents for everyone. Tsubaki was currently playing a board game with the Z fighters, Gohan, Goku and Trunks. "Trunks, I don't think you should make that move." Tsubaki advised but Trunks' ignored her and she sighed, hanging her head. They were a team, but it was Trunks' turn to play. "Why are we stuck inside playing dumb bored games?! And will someone get this baby off of me?!!" Vegeta was referring to baby Tsubaki, who had started pulling on his cheek. "Oh come on Vegeta, she's just a baby. You shouldn't be so grumpy. That's why Bulma said that you make Trunks cry every time, you stick your face near him." Goku turned his head back to the board and freaked, "Ahhh!! Trunks that was my spot!! I was gonna buy that!!" He whined as Tsubaki laughed at him, "That's what you get for not paying attention, Dad. You are so bad at this game." She shook her head and smiled, as she rolled the dice while Goku groaned.

"Hey! Don't pull my hair! Stop that!" Vegeta shouted, as he picked up Trunks and Tsu by the backs of their shirts. He held the two of the babies away from him, as they let out small cooes. "I got him." Yamcha took Trunks from Vegeta, leaving him with baby Tsubaki. He spun her around to face him, "They say that all female saiyans are a handful. And you definitely are a handful." Vegeta stated, making Tsu crack a smile as she happily reached out for Vegeta's face.

It had started to snow outside, "Look, guys.. It's snowing." Krillen pointed towards the window, as they all gathered to watch the snow fall. "Maybe when Bulma and Chichi get back, they can make some hot cocoa." Krillen turned back to the game board as everyone took their seats, "I can whip some up. But after the game can we go play in the snow? I'm sure that both Baby Tsu and Baby Trunks will like that." Tsubaki mentioned, as they moved their game pieces. The tree had been decorated the night before with Goku, Chichi, Gohan and Tsubaki pitching together to decorate it. But as they were decorating, baby Tsu got a hold of some ornaments and either threw them or put them in her mouth. Everyone was gathered at Bulma's place and spending the holiday's together. Chichi and Bulma finished shopping after four hours at the mall, and headed back to Bulma's since everyone was gathered there. "Chichi, do you think Trunks will like his gift?" Bulma was the one driving back home, "I'm sure he will. Don't worry... The one you have to worry about is Vegeta. Last night while we were decorating the tree baby Tsu got a hold of some of the ornaments." Chichi turned her gaze off the road, "What happened?" Bulma gave her a quick side glance and kept her eyes on the road, "She started to put them in her mouth so I had to disinfect everything she got her hands on. What's worse is that she threw them at both Goku and Gohan and she threw the breakable ones. At least those three had fun with that, I had to clean up all of the mess. But it's nice to have them here for the holidays." Chichi sat back in her seat and smiled as Bulma drove. 

"Yeah, it's nice that they came back to see for the holidays." Bulma nodded and drove.

"Good, good. They're falling straight into my trap. Now I will finally get my hands on that filthy saiyan girl and her future self." An old scientist laughed evilly watching Tsubaki and the others, who were now playing in the snow at Bulma's place. Nobody knew that this scientist was stalking Tsubaki, he had come from an alternate timeline where the alternate timeline version of Tsubaki's friend came from. Tsubaki didn't catch onto the ominous feeling that surrounded her but Trunk's did. "Hey, does anyone get the feeling that someone is watching Tsubaki?" Trunks turned to the Z fighters as they watched Tsubaki be chased down by Baby Tsu and Baby Trunks, "A little. But I don't think we have anything to worry about now. There should be peace right now." Gohan told him, as he took a spot near him. 

"Yeah, you're right. Maybe it's just me." Trunks looked back at Tsubaki, who was now making a snowman for Trunks.

"Hey Trunks, look what we made for you!!" Tsubaki smiled at him as he turned his attention to the snowman. "They made a snowman for Trunks." Yamcha snickered with Tien, "That's so sweet." Gohan smiled at his sister as Baby Tsu threw some snow at future trunks. Bulma and Chichi laughed seeing that as they walked into the backyard, "Hey mom, what's up?" Gohan grabbed some of the bags and put them inside. They laughed as baby Tsu nearly blasted Vegeta, who was not happy with what had just happened. "Hey!!! This baby is absolutely nuts!! What the hell is she shooting at me for?!! I'm the prin-" Baby Tsu blasted him in the face, as the others got quiet for a moment before laughing really hard. "She seriously seems to have a problem with Vegeta's attitude." Bulma laughed at Vegeta, who just stood there with a mean look on his face.

"Sorry, Vegeta." Goku laughed and put a hand on his shoulder, as Baby Tsu started to clap and laugh. "This baby is crazy." Vegeta stared at baby Tsu for a while, as she pulled on Trunks' hair. Tsubaki laughed at baby Tsu pulling her away from Trunks, handing her to Gohan. Chichi put on her coat and put a coat on baby Tsu, she took baby Tsu from Gohan and played with her.

"It's different in our time. She loved Dad so much for some reason. So she always ended up being a happy baby if Dad was around, but that changed after he died. Both Mom and Chichi were devastated after losing all of the z fighters and didn't want us to fight the androids." Trunks was hit with a snowball, making him spin around.

Tsubaki hit him with another one, making him chase after her. "Look at those two lovebirds. I wonder how Chichi and Bulma in their time deal with them. Especially after she said they caught them making out." Chichi gave baby Tsu to Goku, "They what?!!" This freaked everyone out, as Chichi chased after Trunks and Tsubaki. 

"You two get back here!!" Chichi screamed at the top of her lungs, as the others watched.

"I'm sorry, Mom!!" Tsubaki whined, as she ran.

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