Chapter 84: Who is Goku Black Really?

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Tsubaki's pov

When the portal keeps convulsing, Goku Black is distracted by something but I couldn't tell what it was that was bothering him. This let Dad kick him all the way back to Capsule Corp, I immediately followed after them to keep up with the fight. I could hear Mom and Bulma panic as we came back towards the building, everyone else following after us. I couldn't help but feel angry at the fact that Goku Black seemed unfazed by Dad's attack, it made me feel helpless. I knew that Dad could handle himself but Goku Black is a very strong opponent, "Every blow I am dealt makes me even stronger than before." When he said that it reminded me of something that Vegeta once told us years ago. It was something like every time a saiyan was beaten to brink of near death, they came back stronger than before. Goku Black powers up and uses an attack to push Dad further away from him. The force of the attack causes Dad to fall back into the time machine, knocking it over. I immediately tensed when I saw him spot the time machine, I knew that he recognized it. Dad immediately attacks back and the two start exchanging punches, but Goku Black tenses up as if he was in pain. I wondered what was going on and looked back at the portal, my mind starting to piece things together.

"What is going on?" Dad powered down from Super Saiyan, looking very confused. I could tell that he wasn't the only one but it seemed that Beerus and Whis knew about what was going on. It didn't seem like they wanted to say anything just yet, "Damn it." Goku Black cursed, "What the hell?" Vegeta quipped, looking confused. Trunks floated a little ways behind me, Piccolo and Vegeta on either side of him. As Goku Black kept trying to keep himself from going down without a fight, he fired an energy blast at the time machine. I watched as the time machine blew up right before our eyes, my eyes widening as I realized the gravity of the situation. I growled, growing frustrated with Goku Black and turned my attention to him. "You bastard!!" He smirked as his eyes landed on me, I immediately charged at him, not bothering to listen to anybody. "Tsubaki, no!!" Trunks shouted, I threw several blasts at Goku Black. They hit him since he wasn't able to dodge it, he fought against the pull and charged at me.

"Tsubaki, stop!!"

Goku Black and I exchanged blows, dodging each others attacks. He landed a punch to my stomach, knocking the wind out of me. I was kicked in the side, unable to dodge it as I was still recovering from the first blow I received. "Tsu!!" Fists hit my back and I was sent hurtling into the ground, creating a crater and bringing up some rock with me. I coughed up some spit, pushing rocks off of me and looked up watching as the portal swallows him up and closes. "Tsu!!" I heard Mom shout, her and Bulma came running to the area I was in. "Oh my god, Tsu!!" Bulma shouted. Trunks landed on the ground, running over to me as I sat up with Mom and Bulma hot on his heels. "Tsu!!" He reached me in no time and pulled me up with no trouble, I brushed myself off when I felt something strange on my backside. Trunks placed his hands on both of my shoulders, "Tsubaki, are you crazy?! He could have killed you!" He snapped, his blue eyes sparkling with anger and concern. "He stranded us here, Trunks! I went after him because he purposely stranded us here! There's no way we can go back now and stop him! Everyone is at his mercy now and that means we won't have a home to go back to! He'll kill everyone who is left!" I shouted, "I get that you were angry but charging at him head first was very stupid! He could have killed you in front of us! Hell, you could have even been sucked into that portal with him and stuck there! You can't do things like that!" Trunks argued.

"Uh guys..."

"He could have killed you once you two were alone! I know he would have taken that chance to kill you! I wouldn't have any way of helping you or saving you from him! Tsu, I cannot lose you. Do you hear me?! I can't lose you, not you. You are my everything and if I lose you, then what am I supposed to live for?!" I was speechless, I had never seen him so panicked. Bulma gasped, looking at him sadly as Mom looked at us with tears in her eyes. Bulma put a hand on her shoulder to comfort her, I could tell that she was close to losing it.

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