Chapter 30: The Fight Against Cell, Longlasting!

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Tsubaki's pov

This fight is gonna get a lot worse, at the moment I was helping Dad stand up. Gohan had destroyed all of the Cell Jr's by now and he was absolutely pissed. I could feel all the anger coming off of him. I felt a bit scared because I had seen this anger before in my timeline's Gohan, back when he was still alive. Dad was able to stand up, as we watched Gohan dominate the battle. "Gohan has changed." Piccolo said, Cell had revealed that he was already at maximum power and punched Gohan straight in the face, but Gohan wasn't fazed by it.

With just two punches, Gohan almost incapacitated Cell completely. This angered Cell as he started punching and kicking at him recklessly, "Wait a minute.... Cell isn't thinking straight. He's scared of Gohan." I said to the others, as Gohan dodged each kick and punch. Cell taunted him and let out his strongest Kamehameha wave at point blank range, but Gohan overpowered him completely. We waited as the smoke cleared to see that Cell's leg and arm were missing, half of his body was gone. "Gohan did that?!" Krillen shouted in amazement. "Gohan, finish him off!" Dad yelled, "Look, I know he did a lot of bad things... But you shouldn't underestimate your opponent! Finish him off, now!" Gohan turned to Dad and I with this look on his face, "I want him to suffer." I gripped Dad's shirt tightly, as my eyes met Gohan's turquoise orbs. I looked up at Dad, who was pissed and shocked that Gohan wasn't listening to him. "Gohan, please! Don't do this!! Just finish Cell off!" I pleaded, my tail flicked back and forth but it was too late. "No," I whispered, as Cell regenerated and made himself bigger but he still wasn't able to hit Gohan. After Gohan had, had enough of dodging Cell's punches, he kicked Cell in the face and then in the stomach. The kick to the stomach was hard enough to make Cell regurgitate 18, which made him revert to his Semi-Perfect form. All of us stood there but I felt weak, seeing 18 just lying there.

Krillen didn't destroy her and Vegeta let Cell absorb her, which helped Cell. But seeing 18 lying there unconscious made me sick, I wanted nothing more than to destroy while I had the chance but I couldn't. Not while Gohan was fighting Cell, I don't even think Dad would let me do it either. "I can't believe that punch was hard enough for him to spit up 18." Yamcha stepped over towards us, as I just stared in shock. "That's it, I've had enough! I'm not scared to blow this planet up with me." I grew angry especially at Gohan, for letting him get to this point. Cell continued to grow as Dad instant transmitted to Cell, "Dad, what are you doing?" Gohan and I asked at the same time, but all he did was smile. "No! Dad don't do it." Gohan begged him with wide eyes, "If I don't, then he'll blow up the planet." Dad smiled back at me, but I did something I never thought I would do.

I grabbed onto Dad, making everyone panic. My nerves got the better of me, I was so scared of losing Dad again that I grabbed onto him without thinking things through. "No! Tsubaki!!" Gohan yelled, "Tsubaki, what are you doing?!" Trunks shouted, as the tears began to fall. Before Gohan could grab onto me, we disappeared and ended up on King Kai's planet. I quickly grabbed onto King Kai, Bubbles, the grasshopper, and Dad quickly instant transmitting back to earth. I managed to drop King Kai off on the lookout, before Cell could blow up. Dad and I appeared back in front the others, "Tsu!!! Goku!" Krillen yelled, as Gohan tackled me. "How did you get him out before Cell blew up?" Yamcha came to give me a hug, "I don't know... I was scared.. Scared to lose Dad again." I shook my head, as Trunks reached over to me. Dad held my shoulders, "I can't believe you did that. You could have died. Your Mom would be devastated and your future mom. You should never do that again. Think about how your timeline's mother would feel if Trunks had to go back and tell her, that her baby girl died trying to save her father. That was too reckless, Tsubaki." Dad scolded me, "I know.. I already lost you once, I was not about to lose you again.. Not this time, Dad." I sniffled, making his eyes soften a bit as we all felt a strong gust of wind. 

"What is that?" Vegeta turned to face the front and we looked back, as a death beam flew past me.

Everything slowed down as I turned behind me to see Trunks be impaled, a large hole in his chest. "Noooo!" I screamed, as Trunks fell back with a hole in his chest and hit the ground. "Trunks?" Yamcha called, "Cell!" Tien yelled, as Dad quickly turned around. "Trunks?" I called out shakily, as he coughed up blood. Vegeta lost it while I crawled over to him, "Trunks.. Trunks.. Please.. Say something." I pulled his upper body onto my lap, not caring that his blood was on me. "Tsu, he's dead." My world came crashing as I shook my head and closed my eyes. "No, he can't be... He promised me..." My mind wandered to Future Bulma and I started crying. "Tsu?" Piccolo went to step towards me, as I heard Vegeta get beaten up. Just as Vegeta was about to be killed by Cell, Gohan saved him by deflecting the attack and Vegeta apologized to Gohan.

"Trunks...... You promised Momma B, you would come back alive. I promised to look after you. Trunks, you can't be dead. You're leaving me like Gohan did. Please wake up. Wake up! Wake up, Trunks! Please! You promised you wouldn't leave me like Gohan did. Wake up!!" I felt my heart pound against my chest, as Trunks just lied there, not moving. My breath hitched, as I came to a realization that Trunks was really dead. "Tsu, are yo-" The ground started to shake, as Gohan and Dad turned towards me and I lost it. I powered up going past super saiyan two, all I wanted to do was beat the shit out of Cell and nobody was going to stop me. "Tsu!!" Dad called, as Cell smirked while looking to me. "Is someone mad that I killed your significant other?" He laughed, I instant transmitted behind him when he least expected it and kicked him hard. He hit the ground but I didn't stop there, I punched him and kicked him up in the air.

"Kaaaaameeeehaaaameeeeehaaaa!!!!" He laughed, "Awww, how cute-" He yelled out, as I blasted him. "Tsubaki, stop it!!" Yamcha grabbed onto me, as I struggled. "Let me go!!!! I'm gonna kill him!! He took Trunks away!!!" I screamed more, going absolutely crazy. Cell turned up unharmed and went to blast us, but Gohan deflected the blast.

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