Chapter 52: Twins Are Just More Problems!

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Tsubaki's pov

"Who the hell are you two and what the hell do you want?" I glared at both green haired twins, standing on the hill in front of Hunter and I. "I'm surprised that you haven't told her who we are. Especially since we have such a long history with you. Besides, Rin and Riko are here as well." Hunter's expression changed from anger to shock. "Hunter, do you know these two?" I looked back at him, sweat dropped down the side of my temple as I looked at him. He didn't say anything, but instead looked away from me as if he was ashamed. "Look Keitaro, he looks ashamed to know us. What do you think we should do?" The female twin asked, as she leaned into her brother. "I think we should keep him alive, so he can lead us to that gem. But that doesn't mean we can't have our fun with the girl down there. She looks like one of the fighters' from that Cell Tournament. That crazy spiky haired adult fought with him. I wanna have my fun with her, is that alright Keiko?" He didn't give off any expression but I could detect a hint of amusement in his voice, which only put me more on edge.

"Hunter, take your cat and get out of here. You need to go meet up with Gohan, Trunks and Videl." I whispered, looking slightly back at him but he didn't make a move. "Hunter, what the hell? Go find Gohan." I grew confused and agitated, "I can't go anywhere and leave you to fight them." He argued, the look in his face told me that he was afraid for my sake but I couldn't let them mess with him.

"So Keitaro, you wanna go first or should I?" Keiko asked, looking down at me and I glared up at them. "Yeah, sure. I'll go first. Why not? She looks like a lot of fun." Something about him reminded me of 17, which made me keep my guard up. "Hunter, I suggest you stay back. I don't want you to get caught up in whatever these two are planning." I had my attention on Hunter, who only shook his head. It was as if he was saying no, "Hunter, what the hell?" I quirked an eyebrow, making him sigh. "I know these people, there are four twins. I used to be friends with the four of them, but when I left the small school we attended they fell in with a bad crowd." He explained, "Left? More like abandoned.." Keitaro flew down from the cliff, which surprised me. But then again, there were all types of fighters and people out there. I kept my guard up, as my eyes stayed on Keitaro. "Tsu, you can't fight these two. You have no idea what they're capable of." Hunter pleaded, he grabbed my arm and pulled me back towards him.

"Are you underestimating me? Because that is the one thing I really hate. I understand that I've never fought them, but I've been fighting since I was young. I never underestimate my opponents, so back off and stay a little farther away from the fight." I snatched my arm away from him and turned my attention back to Keitaro, he was standing just a few feet away from me.

I got into a defensive stance, focusing my attention on Keitaro who kept a bored look on his face. Before I saw anything coming, Keitaro disappeared which shocked me but I didn't let it show or distract me. "Where the hell did he go?" I looked around, managing to sense which direction he was headed and moved to my right. Just as I predicted, Keitaro appeared to my left. He looked shock that I picked up his movement and threw another kick, which I easily dodged.

I threw an attack of my own, throwing a left hook which nearly hit him but he dodged it quickly. He flipped over, landing gracefully on his feet as he slid a bit backwards. I took my stance, keeping my attention on Keitaro. We stared at each other for a few minutes and just as Hunter took a step back, both of us charged at each other. I dodged several punches, throwing several of my own which he dodged. I kicked at him, which was unexpected as I landed a hit on him. I threw another punch, this time hitting him in the stomach. He flew backwards but quickly back flipped to stop him from flying any further, while I stayed where I was.

He charged again but this time his hand glowed, I got a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach and jumped away quickly. His punch landed on the ground, but created a powerful blast and a large crater. He charged at me again, but I kept my guard up and dodged his kick. "Paragon kick!!" I dodged his kick, but couldn't dodge the oncoming punch. What I didn't expect was the amount of power coming from it, his fist came into contact with my stomach and I flew backwards. I stopped myself, flipping over several times and used my legs to push off the wall nearby. I flew towards him, landing a right uppercut to his side. I pushed off of him and flipped backwards, landing a few feet a way from him. I stared at him as he recovered from the blow he received and a smirk fell on his face.

"Distant Ember!" A large ki blast was sent my way, which shocked me but I didn't let it hit me. I blocked the blast with my hand, sending it flying elsewhere. "Tsu, look out!!" I turned my head swiftly and wasn't able to block the kick he threw at me. I was hit hard in the side, making me fly back into the wall and cause a crater. "Tsu!!" Hunter shouted, "Stay back! This is not a battle you can fight!!" I landed on my feet, and pushed myself off of the wall.

Keitaro smirked again before disappearing, as I moved away from the wall. I kept my eyes peeled, managing to sense him coming but when he appeared to my right his hand was glowing again.

"Inferno Flamer!!"

"Masenko ha!!!!" I countered the attack quickly, but was blown back by the impact of both energy blasts collide. I slid backwards but quickly regained my footing and stood up straight, I sensed Keitaro come my way and moved away. Several ki blasts were released, I jumped back to dodge each of them. I flipped over several times before landing on my feet, as a kick came from my right. I couldn't dodge it in time and flew right back into the hill. Part of it crumbled underneath me, causing it to partially collapse on top of me. I could hear Hunter screaming for me to get up, while I was trying to move stuff off of me. I managed to get out of the rubble, but spotted Keitaro standing a few feet away from Hunter. His sister flew down from the side of the mountain, landing just a few feet away from Hunter and Keitaro. "Omni fusion inferno Flamer!!!" I acted quickly, I instant transmitted from my spot and came from the side. Before he could do anything, I kicked him in the side, making him fly back. He collided with his sister, who hadn't expected him to come flying like he did. "Come on, we need to get out of here now!" Hunter took this opportunity to grab my hand and started dragging me away from the area entirely.

Before long we managed to get pretty far away from the small cave, but I still had a gnawing feeling in my stomach that something bigger and worse would happen while we were in here. We managed to get into another small cave, it looked similar to the one we left but it was different. The layout was different from the other cave we were in, but we managed to find a small opening. "That leads to the middle of the cave." Hunter explained, "Hunter, slow down." I pleaded as he dragged me along with him, "No, we have to get to the center. Then we can finally meet up with the others and get out of this cave." Hunter kept going, which only annoyed me to no end. Finally getting fed up with him, I snatched my arm away from him and stopped walking.

"Hunter, what the hell did you drag me away from that fight for?" I angrily stared at him, he quickly swiveled around with an angry look on his face.

"Those people are too dangerous. You may have wanted to fight them, but if they ganged up on you it would very bad. You don't understand how dangerous they really are! Those twins are not just ordinary people you know!" He shouted, making me ball up my fists in anger.

"Didn't I tell you.... I hate it when people underestimate me!!! I also hate running from a fight and if you hadn't of noticed, I actually am not all that human either!!! I don't care how strong they are, if they are after the people in this village and the gem then someone needs to put a stop to them!! I'm not letting them get that gem! You hear me?!" I was so angry that I didn't notice that our shouts were bouncing off the walls.

I heard a small whiz coming towards us and acted quickly, I tackled Hunter and his cat into my arms and quickly instant transmitted away from the blast. I landed a few feet from  where the blast hit and stood up, "Are you okay?" I asked, looking back at Hunter who was behind me. He was on his butt and his cat was in his arms, "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks..." He muttered.

"Aww, I thought I got them this time." I growled at the sound of the voice, quickly turning to face forward. A few feet ahead of us, stood both Keitaro and his sister which made me glare at them. "You did that on purpose?" I quirked an eyebrow and stood in a defensive stance, keeping my eyes on them. "Yeah, well.... You didn't seem like the type to run away from a fight. Besides, you did say that you were going to stop us didn't you?" Keiko smirked, as I kept a dark look on my face.

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