Chapter 21: Training with Dad and Gohan!

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Tsubaki's pov

"Ahhhhhhhh!" I powered up in front of Gohan, as he and dad watched. "Whoa," Gohan said, as I reached Super saiyan two. "Alright, I want you both charge at me with everything you've got." I turned to Dad and Gohan, Dad was already in super saiyan. Gohan charged at me first but I dodged him and used some air to knock him back, Dad caught him and they both charged at me again. "Hyperion Crasher!!!" They didn't expect it, but dad was able to dodge all of the blasts thrown at him.

"Kaaaaammeeeehaaaaameeehaaaa!" Dad released his, but I dodged it and sent several blasts towards him. He charged ahead and threw a large blast at me, which threw me off. I dodged it but he punched me in the gut, I flew back from the impact managing to stop myself as I ended up floating, upside down. "That was a nice move, Dad." I smirked, "Don't let your guard down!" I swung around to see Gohan, rushing towards me. "It's Tsubaki time!" I blasted a burst of air blowing the two back and Gohan started sending punches and kicks my way. But I dodged most of them, "You're gonna have to try harder than that to hit me, Gohan. Give me all you got." I slid across the air and he rushed forward, powering up.

"Kaaameeehaaameeehaa!!" I used my own Kamehameha wave to block Gohan's. "Don't let your guar-" I jumped out of the way of the blast and roundhouse kicked Dad, he was surprised. "How did you know I was coming from that angle?" He asked, "Well, after being countlessly being beaten up by my timeline's 17 and 18, I began to pick up on those moves. It used to piss me off, when I would be fighting 17 and then 18 joined." I explained. "Why didn't you like 17 so much?" Gohan asked, "Well, originally future Gohan went off on his own after knocking a young me and trunks out. He went to deal with them on his own but the problem was that there was two of them. Yeah, they both took part in killing him but my timeline's 17 took full responsibility and pride in killing Future Gohan which pissed me off. So I hate his guts. Even this timeline's 17, I hate him with all my heart. The thing is, if I die here.... I can't go back to Mom in my timeline, and honestly she needs me to be there with her. That's why I came here with Trunks, to get stronger and be able to return home and destroy those damn androids. But I can't do that without either of your help. Will you help me get stronger so I can save my timeline Dad, Gohan?" I looked up at the two, who smiled at me. 

"Sure, why not?" Gohan said, "I would be more than happy to help you train. Besides you're my daughter, it's only natural that I help you." Dad's statement made me tear up, "Really?! You'll really do it?!" I asked, "Yeah, we have no problem doing it either." I tackled Dad and Gohan out of the air, into a large hug. "Thank you so much!!!" I giggled, as tears streamed down my face. "It's no problem." Dad laughed, as I spun them around. I let go of them and we continued training, I was helping Dad train Gohan to become a super saiyan until Gohan collapsed out of exhaustion. "Dad, should we continue?" I asked, walking beside him. "Well, that depends on if you want to. I think we should eat first." He said, "Alright, time for food!" Gohan said, making me chuckle and pat him on the head. "Hey! Stop that." He tried to slap my hand away, but I just continued to tease him. He's just too cute not to tease, besides it reminds me of Future Gohan.

"Hey stop it!! I'm not a little kid!" He yelled, which made Dad laugh.

I turned my head forward seeing all the food he had taken out of the fridge, and sweat-dropped as he set it on the table. "Uhh Dad.... Don't you think that we should save some food for later?" I asked him, "Nah, we're fine." He waved it off and I gave him a look, as my eyebrow started twitching. "And Mom says that I eat just as much as he does? Uh.... Mom, I don't think so." I thought walking toward the table, where Dad had taken a seat. "Dad....." I looked over at him, but saw that he was already stuffing his face. "Huh?" I facepalmed, "I think we should save some for later at least..... You shouldn't eat so much and then go back to training." He swallowed the food, he had shoved in his mouth and gave me a look of confusion. Gohan facepalmed as well, "Hey, do we have cinnamon rolls?" I asked. "I didn't see anything when I raided the kitchen." Dad shook his head and I checked my capsule corp jacket pocket. "I forgot that Momma B filled a capsule up with them." I took the capsule out and opened it. So I grabbed four and put the rest back into the capsule. I walked back over to my jacket and put the capsule back and walked back to the table, only to see one that of my cinnamon rolls missing. Dad looked over at Gohan, but I knew that it was Dad who had taken it. Considering that Gohan is so respectful towards my stuff, knowing just how much these cinnamon rolls mean to me.

"Who ate my cinnamon roll?" I asked darkly, which made Dad and Gohan sweat like crazy. "I'm sorry! It was just so tempting!!! I'm sorry, I should have asked." Dad apologized, "I knew it!!! Come here!" He shot out of his seat and started running, which made me follow after him. "Come back here, Dad!!! My cinnamon rolls aren't allowed to be eaten by anybody except Mom!!!" I yelled, chasing after him. "Why? Don't you let Trunks eat them?!" He asked, "No, I don't. Mom makes the cinnamon rolls!! Come back here, so I can avenge my cinnamon roll!" I caught up to him, tackling him to the floor and held his arms behind his back while sitting on him. "Itetetete," He mumbled. "I promise, I won't eat anymore without asking. I'm sorry!!" I let go of him and looked back at the table but Gohan wasn't there, so I looked over to the bed and saw him sleeping. He must have dozed off after he finished his food. "Wanna continue training?" He asked, "Yeah, sure." I nodded, "Alright then, let's get started." He powered up and then I powered up. This is gonna be fun.

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