Chapter 40: Fight for Tsubaki!!! Help your daughter, Goku!!

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3rd person's pov

Dr. Wyatt stuck a needle in Tsubaki's arm while she was chained up but as soon as the liquid entered her bloodstream, she felt the side affects and started to feel pain. The pain started in her arms then traveled down to her legs and eventually up to her head, this made her cry as the pain increased. Dr. Wyatt rolled in a giant machine, which had been made to extract all of the ki from Tsubaki. "Why? Why are you doing this to me?" She asked breathlessly, looking at Wyatt with a strong and hateful glare. His white hair and his light eyes gave off the sense that he looked like a normal everyday sweet doctor, but he really wasn't. "Listen, your father destroyed everything that the Red Ribbon Army had worked for! Then you and Trunks just had to destroying the androids and Cell. I want to make more people like you since, I'll be able to control them. You need to understand that you can't always be there to save the world. That is why I will be taking your ki and using it to create soldiers, to help defend what is left of this world. When Goku gets here, he'll be in for one big surprise." Wyatt took off his glasses and tucked them into his front pocket of his doctor's jacket, as he wheeled a giant machine in front of her.

"What the hell is that thing?" Tsubaki questioned as Wyatt smirked, "This is the machine that will change humanity and take away your ki." He flipped a switch on the side of the machine, turning it on.

A beam shot out at the wall and headed towards Tsubaki, who tugged at her chains but couldn't get free. The beam hit Tsubaki making her scream in pain, as she clenched her fists. Tsubaki realized that she had to fight back to she raised her ki level which backfired on the machine and made it explode, Wyatt was thrown back against the wall, but smiled knowing his work had come to a success.

"You know Tsubaki.. Ever since you were brought into my hospital, I was always so curious of you since you had that tail and then Chichi told me about where you came from and I instantly knew the same hatred I had years ago." Wyatt walked over to Tsubaki and held her head up to look at her. "Why do you hate my father so much? You're a young doctor and the Red Ribbon Army has been gone for over 30 years, you jerk-wad." Tsubaki looked him directly in his eyes, "Well, I grew up with my parents who happened to be in the Red Ribbon army. My grandparents were Generals in the red ribbon army when your blasted father destroyed it." Wyatt explained to Tsubaki, who sneered at him. Wyatt looked to the computer screen, seeing that Goku and the others had arrived. "Looks like your boyfriend and his friends have arrived. There's no way they could have taken down Sora, Hibiki, Kiyomi and 22 in one go." He growled as Tsubaki laughed, "What's so funny?" Wyatt glared daggers at Tsubaki, "You are truly... An idiot. You shouldn't underestimate my family and friends." Wyatt slammed on the button, which lit up the chains and shocked Tsubaki.


Trunks and the others finally got into the building as they heard her scream, although they were on the first floor and she was on the fifth floor of the building. "Damn, that sounded like her." The alarm went off, making them keep their guard up. "We have intruders!! Stop them now!!" Trunks growled, as Wyatt broadcasted over the P.A. system and guards came rushing from different hallways. "We need to find the control room, which will probably be on the second floor. If we can find that room, we can find Tsubaki and Dr. Wyatt." Asher looked to Trunks as he nodded, the two then started running down the hall. "Guards at three o'clock!" Mai whispered shouted to them, as they quickly hid against the wall. "Go!! Go!!!" Guards shouted, as the group snuck past the guards on the first floor. They found a way to the second floor and that's when Asher sensed trouble, "Come on, we need to hide now." Asher pulled them into a room and closed the door.

"I can feel Tsubaki's ki. But it's low." Gohan looked to Goku, "Asher, you know this place in and out. What do you think is the best way to get to her?" Mai turned her head to Asher, "They most likely have her one the fifth floor because that's where Dr. Wyatt has his lab." Asher put his chin in his hand as he thought while Goten, younger Tsubaki and younger Trunks brainstormed. "Damn it, they blinded us and got into the building. Let's go." 22 sneered, as he got them free from the rope and they headed for the building.

"Trunks, look!" Tsubaki found a vent, which could take them to fifth floor without being caught. "Nice going, Tsu." Trunks high fived her and Mai watched, seeing that the two were just like their future selves.

"Dad," Goku had been talking to Trunks, when Goten pulled on Goku's gi. "Dad." Goku looked down at Goten, "What is it, Goten?" He bent down and put a hand on his head, "Look at what Tsubaki found." He pointed towards the vent, causing everyone to turn their heads towards Tsubaki and the vent. "How did you find that vent?" Vegeta quirked an eyebrow at the pair of kids, "I pushed on it and it gave in. I think this could lead us to the other me." She smiled and Goku nodded. "Nice job, Tsu!" Gohan high-fived Tsubaki, who simply brightly at her big brother. "This vent will take us right to the fifth floor. We can use this to get to the lab." Asher stated and they all looked to the vent. "I'll crawl in first. That way I can lead the way." Asher added and bent down to crawl in the vent. The kids and Mai went in next and then everybody else followed as Asher turned on a flashlight to see where he was going, they made quick turns and finally reached the fifth floor.

"We're on the fifth floor. The lab should be just up ahead." Asher looked back at Trunks, as they kept crawling. "I hate this. So much." Krillen sighed, "Yeah, well, at least you're tiny. I'm not that small." Tien shot back, making Krillen sigh as he realized Tien was right.

"Wait stop, I hear something." Goku looked to his younger daughter, as everyone stopped moving. "You bastard! My Dad has already died! Why are you trying take him from the younger me?!" Asher quickly and quietly crawled, as he saw the vent to the opening as he could see Tsubaki and Wyatt and his eyes widened. "What's wrong Asher?" Mai asked, looking to Future Trunks. "I can see Tsubaki and Wyatt. But you guys aren't gonna like what I see." Goku quirked an eyebrow and became curious so he crawled next to Mai. He passed Goten, younger Trunks and younger Tsubaki and finally reached the vent. He looked out of the vent as his eyes landed on Tsubaki, who was still chained up and in pain.

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