Chapter 53: Gohan, Trunks and Videl vs. The Twins!!! Goku and Vegeta Arrive!

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Trunks pov

I glared up at the two red haired twins, that were standing on the cliff in front of us. We felt tremors coming from the other side of the cave, which gave me a gnawing feeling that Tsubaki and Hunter were in our shoes. Tsubaki's ki raised and lowered every few minutes, which was really starting to worry both Gohan and I. I also had a bad feeling that something else was going on outside, which caused the cave to collapse the way it did. The two red haired twins who were standing in front of us, seemed a little a different from the people here in the village. "Who are you and what do you want? Are you the ones who blew up the entrance to the cave?" I asked, glaring up at the two. The girl named Rin, looked down at me before smiling a bit which made me a little uneasy. "We're old friends of Hunter's... I know he's somewhere in this cave, so Keitaro and Keiko shouldn't have a problem running into him." I felt Gohan shift his weight when they mentioned Hunter, "How exactly do you know Hunter?" He asked, his voice was solid and steady but I could see how worried he was for both Hunter and Tsubaki's sake. "You could say,  he was an old school mate of ours.." Rin looked down on us, which Videl didn't like at all.

"Say Rin, let's have fun shall we? I mean if Keitaro and Keiko get to have fun, why don't we?" Riko stated, he had a monotone look on his face while Rin had a smirk etched on hers.

"I'm down for that. I'll take on that joke of martial arts' daughter first. She seems like she'll only get in the way if we fight the other two." Videl glared at the pair, which made me keep my guard up. They didn't look like the type to run from a fight, which also seemed to put Gohan on edge. The pair then flew down from the cliff, landing in front of the three of us. It seemed surprising that they could fly, but I had a feeling this wasn't the only surprise they had in their pockets.

"Gohan, we should keep our guard up. We have no idea what they're capable of and by the way the cave is shaking, I have a feeling Tsubaki is dealing with other pair of twins that are here." I said low enough for only Gohan and Videl to hear me, the two kept a stern look on their face as the twins finally touched down.

"I'll go first, this red haired freak thinks she can get away with insulting my family name then she's got another thing coming." Videl threw off her jacket, letting it hit the floor behind her. "Videl, be careful." Gohan and I took a step back, keeping our eyes on the other twin. In a way, these two twins reminded me much of how 17 and 18 were. They seemed to get along very well, much like the Androids and it didn't help that they were twins.

Rin stood firm a few feet away from Videl, who was standing defensively. Videl looked like she wanted nothing more than to beat the crap out of Rin, while Rin looked like she was going to have the time of her life. The two stared at each other for a bit, but as soon as Riko shifted his weight and took a small step back the fight began. Rin flipped over Videl, who didn't see it coming but she didn't let that distract her. Once Rin's feet hit the ground, Videl swung around quickly throwing a swift kick with her right leg but Rin dodged it. She flipped onto her hands, swiftly kicking at Videl, who moved quickly enough to dodge it. Rin flipped back on her feet, throwing an upper cut towards Videl but she missed and Videl caught her fist.

"You're pretty good at fighting for a poser's daughter. It's a wonder how you can actually fight and he can't." Rin taunted, making Videl growl at her. "Videl, don't let her get under your skin. She's just doing that to make you let your guard down!" Gohan shouted from beside me, Videl gave Gohan a short nod and just the two jumped away from each other the cave shook.

"What the hell was that?" Videl looked around as small pieces of rock fell from the ceiling, "It looks like Tsubaki may be in trouble. She's raising her ki to high." I could see just how anxious Gohan was for both Videl, who was fighting in front of us and his sister, who we got separated from. I was worried about Tsubaki too but I knew she could handle herself well, she is an excellent fighter and one to not give up so easily. My attention turned back to Videl and Rin, when I heard a shout of pain. "Videl, watch out!!" Gohan shouted, I turned my eyes to the fight seeing that Rin had gotten angry while Videl was recovering from a bad blow.

The cave shook again but this time, the shock felt bigger than before but that didn't stop Rin and Videl. Videl landed a hard kick to Rin's stomach making her fly backwards, she managed to stop herself from flying too far but she seemed angrier than before. "Well, looks like I'm going to have to give it my all." Rin cracked her fingers, standing firm before taking a deep breathe and suddenly her ki level shot up. I stood there in complete shock with Gohan, who was just as shocked as I was. "This can't be good... Those two definitely aren't Saiyan but raising their ki like that. This is going to be a problem." Before we could react, Rin shot a ki blast at Videl which caught us off guard. "Videl!!!" Gohan and I shouted, a large blast headed towards Videl but Gohan and I couldn't reach her in time. Before anything else could happen, something appeared and directed the blast away. The blast hit the small cliff behind the twins, who stood in complete shock before becoming angry. "Who the hell did that?" Riko glared, becoming angry and my eyes widened when I looked back over at Videl. There stood my father and Goku, I didn't expect them to be here.

"Father?" I asked, finally snapping out of it.

"Dad?" Gohan questioned, looking at Goku.

"Hey kids... I heard you guys were having trouble and we're trapped in this cave. Your mother's were worried so they sent us out here to check on you guys. Sorry, for getting here so late." I still had no clue what to say to them, but I was relieved that they were here. 

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