Chapter 2: Meeting The Z Fighters!

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3rd persons pov

Since Frieza tried to kill Tsubaki, Trunks looked like he wanted to murder Frieza with his sword. He kept blasting at Trunks, who had turned super saiyan. Tsubaki watched them from the sidelines, until King Cold said something. "What was that, you over grown beast?" Tsubaki glared daggers at him, "Obviously Frieza will win this fight." Tsubaki smirked at him. "We'll see about that." He gave her a suspicious look and when she wasn't looking, he had soldiers attack her. "Who do you think that guy is?" Krillen asked, "I don't know. What about that girl?" Yamcha asked, "Wait a minute... Those two are saiyans?!!" Krillen yelled, "Who are these two?"  Vegeta asked himself, as he watched the interaction. "You bastard! That was a dirty trick!" Tsubaki shouted at King Cold, who only became amused. "Well, it looks like the saiyan girl can handle herself well." King Cold chuckled and made Tsubaki growl louder. By this time Trunks was dodging all of Frieza's blasts with no problem, "Okay, that's two. I'll give you one more chance to hit me with everything you've got. And then it's strike three, Frieza. Game over, you're out." Trunks said, making Frieza angrier so he made a giant energy ball and tried to destroy Trunks with it. Tsubaki shook her head at Frieza's stupidity, as she had to fight with the soldiers. So they started to over crowd her in attempts to kill her, so she went super saiyan proving that she couldn't be taken down that easily.

"That's it King Cold, your time is up," Tsubaki hovered in the air over all the unconscious soldiers, with a serious look on her face and her arms crossed. "No, honestly I don't-" She cut him off by throwing an energy blast near his head, of course he dodged it but he was simply surprised. "How dare that stupid woman saiyan throw an energy blast and order me around?" King Cold closed his eyes and chuckled, still sitting down. "Whoa!!! She's a super saiyan too!!" Gohan shouted, "Whose another super saiyan?" Bulma asked, looking to Gohan. "That mysterious boy came with a girl. She's a super saiyan." Krillen explained, just as they turned back to the fight Trunks had sliced Frieza in half. He then sliced Frieza into tiny bits, surprising everyone but Tsubaki. Tsubaki turned her blue turquoise eyes to King Cold, not trusting him.

"Hey idiot! Now that your son has been cut down to pieces, you have to face me. So are you gonna fight me or am I gonna have to force you?" Tsubaki threatened, which made King Cold angry. "How dare you insolent brute female saiyan threaten me?!! Do you know who you're dealing with?!" He shot an energy blast at Tsubaki's face but she simply dodged it, moving her head to the side while she glared daggers at him for doing that which blew up the rocks near him.

"He beat...... Frieza..... Effortlessly...... But.... Who is he?" Vegeta thought in shock, as he watched the interaction.

"So this is a super saiyan? Wow, I'm impressed. To encounter a fight of your caliber is a rare occurrence indeed. Same with you, boy. But it does present quite an opportunity. You see, I can appreciate a great talent such as both of yours. My eyes are not clouded with pride like my son's were. Join me and take Frieza's place at my side, as the supreme ruler of the universe. Both of you. You are such great fighters and I need someone like you two. What do you say?" King Cold asked, "Not a chance." Trunks said coldly, "Now don't be too hasty. Imagine. This and every other world would be, but the merest of bubbles in your collection. Playthings for your amusement. Subject to your every whim." Tsubaki and Trunks only glared at King Cold, giving him complete silence instead of answering him. "No. Alright. But grant me this. Allow me to examine your sword and your pole. Weapons of such obvious quality, practically begs to be admired. You have nothing to fear from me." Tsubaki hesitated in giving the power pole away, she didn't like that he was asking for it. "So you wanna see my sword, huh? Here, catch." Trunks threw his sword to King Cold, "It's alright, you can give him your power pole." Trunks said and Tsubaki reluctantly gave King Cold her power pole.

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