Chapter 11: Fighting the androids! Tsubaki fights 17!

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3rd person's pov

"So we're just gonna wait on the side of the road until we find a ride?" 18 asked, "Yeah, it's best. We need to find Goku." 16 said, "Guys.... Do you hear that?" 18 asked, "Yeah, let's hope that's a truck." 17 said, but instead it was Vegeta. "Oh looks like he found us," 18 taunted, "So which one of you, is gonna tangle with the Prince of all saiyans?" Vegeta asked, a little over confident. "Well, I'm not fighting him. What about you, 16?" 17 asked, "No, he is not Goku." 16 said, making Vegeta glare at him. "Well then, 18, I guess he's all yours. I'm on car watching duty." 17 said, "Great," 18 muttered and Vegeta got ready to fight. With Tien and the others, they were trying to keep up with an angry Tsubaki, she was already in super saiyan form because of the androids.

"I've never seen someone this angry besides Vegeta. Not even Gohan." Piccolo said, "Yeah, me neither." Krillen said, "Well in the future, they killed Gohan. He was my mentor along with hers, not to mention her only big brother. He went off to fight the androids alone and knocked us both unconscious, he died. When we found him, I lost it and went super while Tsubaki broke and became a super saiyan and then became a level above super saiyan. When we met up with the androids, 17 took pride in killing Gohan and ever since then she's hated them. She mostly wants to fight 17, now she's even more angry than back in the future." Trunks explained, "Wow, that's crazy. So you two are the only ones left?" Tien asked.

"Yeah, we are. Her mother didn't like the fact that Tsubaki wanted to come along, she didn't want to lose her only child." Trunks said, with a small smile. "Well, that's Chichi for ya." Krillen laughed, but Tsubaki didn't slow down or acknowledge the joke Krillen made. All she was thinking about, was the day Gohan had died. "They killed everyone in the future. But now they are going after my father too, I'm gonna make them pay. Especially 17." Tsubaki sped up but this action, caused the others to lose sight of her. Vegeta and 18 were now on top of a truck and continuing to fight. The two then fly off somewhere else, "I can't believe, he's taking them on alone! He has no idea the kind of destructive force they pack! The androids are humanity's greatest threat! And Tsubaki is so angry, she won't listen to any of us." Trunks thought to himself, as they try to find Tsubaki and Vegeta. Finally after a while, Vegeta and 18 arrive back at the empty highway, Android 17 and 16 are waiting on.

"So android, are you done running?" Vegeta asked, "I don't know, is your mouth?" 18 retorted. Just as Vegeta was about to make a comeback, a semi appears around the corner. So Vegeta throws a blast at 18, who dodged it and blows up the semi. "Damnit! That could have been our ride!" 17 yelled, but 18 ignores him and turns back to Vegeta. The two exchange words and while Vegeta is talking, 18 punches him in the face drawing blood. As he recovered 18 punched him again, sending him straight into a mountain. 

"Hmmmm," 17 said, as Trunks and the others arrive at the scene.

"Father! We need to get out of here, Now!" Trunks yelled, "I have her, right where I want her." Just as Vegeta and 18 were about to continue with their fight, Tsubaki showed up. She kicked 17 in the face, sending him flying into the mountain next to Vegeta.

"What was that?" Trunks turned, seeing Tsubaki floating up in the air. "16, what are you staring at?!!" 18 shouted not spotting Tsubaki, her hair and everything looked a lot like Goku. "It's Goku," 16 said, "That's not Kakarot! That's his daughter." Vegeta said, but 16 launched himself at her and she dodged every move he made. She kicked him into the mountain, and went right after 17. The two were exactly on par with each other which surprised everyone, Tsubaki knees him in the stomach and sends him hurtling into the ground. Vegeta throws 18 into a mountain, but as he started to gloat 18 heads towards him. The two continue their fight, "Masenko ha!!!" 17 held onto the blast, before throwing it up in the air. As Vegeta starts to lose, 18 kicks Vegeta into another mountain and as he gets up, she kicks him again, breaking his arm. Vegeta yells out in pain, grabbing his arm and sinks to the ground. "Oh my god," Krillen said as Tsubaki is now fighting with 16, who keeps coming after her. Trunks heads out to help, so he takes out his sword and swings it at 18. It breaks on her arm and before he has time to react, 17 kicked him. Piccolo and Tien rush in to help Trunks and Vegeta. Piccolo prepared to attack 17, but 17 had other ideas as to what he was going to do.

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