Chapter 36: The Plan to Save Tsubaki

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Trunk's pov

"So what happened to future Bulma and Chichi?" Piccolo asked, after shock had settled in. "I took them to Master Roshi's so they're safe there, for now. But I need everyone's help and not just Dad and Goku's. Will you come to the future with me?" I asked them, as everyone looked at me.

"Alright, we'll go. But I don't know how everyone will fit in this time machine." Mom put a hand on her cup, "Don't you still have the time machine from the one Cell traveled in to get here back then?" Gohan turned his head to Mom, as she thought for a moment. "I do!!" Mom stood up and ran off away from the table, leaving everyone confused. "Trunks, is this Oliver kid an orphan?" Krillen asked, "Yes, but he has an older sister and an older brother. They both take care of him but recently his sister has become sick, while his older brother had to go on a new mission stationed in Chicago. So Mai and Tsubaki have started to help take care of him. The older brother knew Gohan, but we didn't meet him until a few years after Cell was destroyed. Master Roshi thought he was our kid." I laughed nervously as Gohan, Goku and the others flipped.

"What?!!!" They yelled, as I rubbed the back of my head and laughed nervously again. "Why was this even a topic?! What made this even come up?" Gohan stood up as his overprotective big brother instincts kicked in, making me more nervous. My timeline's Gohan was absolutely terrifying, when it came to Tsubaki and I being a couple.

"It was Roshi! He thought that he was our kid because of his hair, but he looks nothing like me and her. Besides we haven't even thought about marriage." I waved my hands as Chichi sighed, pulling Gohan back down to sit.

"I found it!!!" Mom came running out of the house with her hair all over the place, making her look crazy. "I fixed it up a while back, thinking it might come in handy one day. That way we all can go." Mom smiled as Dad scoffed, "Goten, Trunks and Tsubaki will stay with Videl." All three of them whined, "Why? I want to go and help. Please Mom, please!" Goten and Tsubaki both pleaded, making Goku laugh.

"Alright you can come. Chichi, how about you come along since your worried about them? I won't let anything happen to them." Chichi sighed and finally agreed but we couldn't leave yet, we still needed a plan for when we got there. "So this android.. Did you learn it's name at all?" Tien looked towards me as he sat down at the table, "I think his name was on his jacket, there was a number on it." I thought back to when I first encountered him yesterday. It then hit me, "His number was android 22. He scolded me for thinking that Cell, 18 and 17 were the last androids built." I put my hands on the table, as mom laid out a sheet of paper.

"So you're telling me this is an android that we missed?" Dad turned his head to me, "Yes, I am. The strange thing about it is that they wanted Tsubaki. They wanted to get revenge for the red ribbon army being destroyed, but Goku in my timeline died before the other androids showed up. Something isn't right and its worse, because Kiyomi is in on this." I leaned closer towards the table and sighed. "So let's say we get there. We need to immediately go find your timeline's Bulma. She might have knowledge of the other android." Mom said, looking to me.

"We should leave as soon as possible but I want make sure that the second time machine works just fine without a problem, so it's safer to travel. I'll have it ready in the morning for now and I know it's hard, but you'll have to rest." I sighed, looking up at the sky. "Alright Mom, I'll rest." It was about three to four hours later, that I sat down and met Videl. I was sitting on a swing set, that was set up for the kids.

"Trunks, how are you holding up?" I turned my head, to see the younger Tsubaki standing there. Her hair was just like Gohan's, when he was younger meaning she must have had Goku's hair but grew it out. "I'm okay, just hoping that Tsubaki is alright." She took a seat next to me and I smiled at her.


A young man with long white hair stood on a mountain top, he was looking through binoculars. "Shit. They really do have her and Trunks is nowhere to be found. That means he must have went back to the past. If only I had gotten here sooner but no I was to busy in Chicago to come early. Trunks must have needed my help." He sighed, as he kept looking through the binoculars and then put them down next to him. He was hiding behind a big bush that stood on a cliff directly across from the main building that Kiyomi, Sora and the guy, as well as Android 22 was working out of. It was old building that had fallen apart due to Debora but they had fixed it up so it looked like it was in use. There were small cracks in the concrete building's walls but didn't do any damage to the building itself. The  young man found himself at an all new problem when he spotted several guard near the front and side entrances meaning he would need to find Bulma, the genius scientist he had met years ago during the Babidi and Debora attack two years ago.

"Looks like Trunks might have taken Bulma, maybe even Chichi and Mai to that Roshi guy so they could stay safe. Looks like I'm gonna have to fly there and find Bulma myself. Tsubaki hang in there. I'm pretty sure Trunks is planning your rescue right now."

He packed the binoculars in his bag and quickly finished his apple, before flying off. He had learned how to control his ki and use ki blasts from Gohan, as a young child. He knew that saving Tsubaki was the only way he could complete his mission, as he had made a promise to Gohan that he would look over Trunks and Tsubaki, even though he was human.

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