Chapter 88: Gohan's Family

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Tsubaki's pov

The three of us headed to Gohan's house, I was beyond excited to meet Pan and finally see Videl and meet Mr. Hercule. I had actually never really met the man who had once challenged Cell, mainly because I was so caught up with everything else that was going on at the time. Trunks seemed just as excited as I was, but I could tell he was somewhat awkward with Gohan. In the years that we had been gone, he changed so drastically. He became the scholar that Mom wanted him to be, became a husband, a father, and a working man who didn't fight anymore. There was a small piece of me that was saddened by Gohan's lack of the tenacity he once held when he was much younger, it was something that made him and I close. I remembered training with him and Dad in the Hyperbolic Time chamber, the three of us had a good time in there and we got Gohan to progress a lot in such a short time.

I looked at Gohan who was flying ahead of me carrying on a conversation with Trunks about something, I couldn't believe how much Gohan had really outgrown fighting. He was nothing like Dad and I, both of us sharing the strong like for fighting and training. I could see why he changed so much, he had nothing to worry about anymore because Dad and Vegeta were alive and well. They were able to take on the fighting and saving the world, so Gohan didn't need to be involved. Whereas Trunks and I had to keep training and fighting, we were the only ones in our timeline who could protect what was left of Earth after the androids and Buu wreaked havoc. Breaking out of my thoughts, we finally made it to Gohan's house which was an addition to this timeline's Chi-chi and Dad's house. When we landed, I suddenly grew nervous to meet my niece.

"Don't be so tense, Tsu. She'll love you. Pan adores your present self, I'm sure she'll love you too." Gohan patted my shoulder, "Right." I nodded. Gohan led us inside where we were greeted by Mr. Satan and Videl. "Tsu, Trunks, this is Mr. Hercule Satan. He's Videl's father." Gohan introduced, "Hi, it's nice to finally meet the future counterparts of those rugrats. Gohan talks a lot about you two." Mr. Satan smiled, "It's nice to finally meet you as well." Trunks said politely, "I remember you from the Cell Tournament. You were one of the first two to challenge Cell." I spoke up, Mr. Satan just chuckled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his head.

"Yeah, that was me.. I remember you both fought in that tournament too." He said.

"Yeah, we did."

"And you two already know Videl." I turned to Videl, I couldn't believe just how much she changed. She seemed so much relaxed and less angry, reminded me of my mom and how her temper changed over the years. I was surprised to see that she had cut that beautiful long hair of hers, but her hair cut suited her well. "Oh, it's so good to see you two again." She smiled, "Same here," Trunks said and that's when the baby in her arms caught my attention, I gasped lightly as I got a good look at her.

"And this is Pan." Gohan smiled fondly as he looked at his daughter. "You wanna hold her?" Videl asked, "Can I?" I quipped, looking at Gohan. "Of course you can, Tsu. She's your niece." Videl handed Pan over to me and I carefully hled her in my arms. I could see the resemblance of her parents in her, she is so cute. Tears began to well up in my eyes as I introduced myself to her, "Hi Pan, I'm your Aunt Tsu. It's nice to finally meet you. This is my fiancee, Future Trunks." Pan babbled, staring at me with a wide smile on her face. With her free hand, she reached up and touched my cheek making me smile as she sucked on her bottle. She removed the bottle from her mouth and sprayed Trunks in the face, making Videl apologize but Trunks wasn't too bothered by it.

"I'm so sorry," Videl apologized, handing Trunks some napkins. With my free hand, I took a napkin from Videl and wiped Trunks' face gently.

"Oh no, it's okay." Trunks waved off the situation dismissively. I handed Pan off to Trunks for him to hold her, it just seemed so right to see him holding a baby.

"Tsu, why are you crying?" Gohan asked, noticing my tears which I had tried so hard to keep at bay. Pan giggled in my arms as she sprayed the bottle again but this time she missed Trunks and it hit the wall behind him, the babbling noises she was making was too cute. "I.." I sniffled and Trunks wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me close to him. Videl took Pan from Trunks so that he could comfort me, "It's just that your counterpart, my Gohan, never got the chance to have a kid. He didn't even get to meet Videl, hell, we still haven't met her. But if they had, maybe.. Just maybe, they would have ended up together like you two." A tear slipped down my cheek, "She is a blessing to me." I said, more tears streaming down my face.

"Aw, Tsu." Videl smiled.

"She really is a blessing for us." Gohan smiled, "And I'm sure that my counterpart would have given your timeline's Gohan a chance," Trunks stifled a laugh, "What?" Videl furrowed her eyebrows, clearly confused by Trunks' reaction. "See Future Gohan was a very serious young man," Trunks started, "And by serious we mean, he was a lot like Vegeta." I said, "Really?" Gohan looked at me in complete shock, "Yeah, really. Gohan was very serious and he only got that way because the androids took all the fun of daily life with them killing all the Z fighters." I explained, "Wow, that's crazy. I never thought I would end up like Vegeta." Gohan said, "I know."

"Are you guys hungry?" Videl asked, my stomach growled loudly making me chuckle sheepishly. "That would be a yes." Gohan chuckled, "How about you stay for dinner?" He asked, looking at Trunks and I. "Really?" I got excited and my tail started moving really fast, "Oh my goodness. You have a tail!" Mr. Hercule exclaimed, "Yeah... Kinda runs in the family..." Trunks said, "We'd love to stay for dinner." Trunks smiled at Gohan, who gave him a smile in return. I smiled happily at my brother and grabbed his arm, dragging him over to the couch to talk to him some more.

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