Chapter 23: Time has run out! Return from the Hyperbolic Time Chamber!

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Tsubaki's pov

Dad thought that in order for Gohan to get used to going super saiyan and me going super saiyan two, it was a good idea to walk around in that form. "So Dad, do you think everyone will notice our hair?" I asked walking beside him, we were finally coming out of the time chamber. "Probably," He said and I turned to look at him, "Hey Tsu, after you first changed did mom in your future see it?" Gohan asked, "Well, actually. Yeah, she did." I thought back to when it happened.


"Where are you going young lady?" Mom questioned, as she followed after me. "To train with Trunks, what else mother?" My voice dripped with sarcasm, "Don't speak to me like that young lady. And you should be studying!" She yelled at me. "Why do I have to study? This world has gone to hell!!" I hadn't noticed that my tail was all fuzzy. "Don't talk like that! It's very unbecoming of you!!! You still have to study to learn things! Why can't you be more like Gohan? He studied so hard until the androids showed up." Both of our eyes widened when she said that and I felt my anger grow more, but I hadn't realized that I was super. "Why do you always have to compare me to him?!! If you wanted him so bad maybe you shouldn't have let your relationship with him die! I am sick of being compared to him or being told 'be more like Gohan!' I am not him. And frankly you can't seem to get that! I hate you!" Tears poured down my cheeks, as I took off out of the house and headed straight for Trunks' house.

Flashback over....

"To be honest with you, after future Gohan died... My relationship with Mom became strained. Mom realized that I had gone super in front of her, but she didn't care about that. It was the fact that I had yelled 'I hate you!' At her. That was the very first time I had ever said that to her, I took off to Trunks' for comfort after that fight. Our relationship was dying and all because of those three words. But I made up with her." I explained as we reached outside, where the lookout was. "Wow, that must have been hard." Dad put a hand on my shoulder, "Losing Future Gohan broke me. But I had Trunks to build me back up and Mom and Bulma. I am always thankful towards Bulma and Mom. Bulma had always told me stories of her adventures with you when I was little, Mom even had stories to share as well. Bulma always told me that I reminded her of you as a kid when I was little." Dad and Gohan smiled at this. "You went through a lot, but you got through it. I'm proud of you." I smiled at Dad as he ruffled my hair, "Hey, stop that." I laughed, slapping his hand away. "Heya guys!" Dad said cheerfully and I saw who was up here. Piccolo and Tien.

"Hey Mr. Popo, do you still have my gi?" Dad asked, "Yes, I do." He left to go get it. "Hey guys!!!" I walked up to Piccolo and Tien, "Hey there, is that really you?" Tien asked, "Hey, what is that supposed to mean?" I guess those two years in the Time chamber have changed some of my features. "It's not supposed to mean anything." Tien said nervously, as I got closer to his face. "Why are you looking at me like that?" He started sweating but I started laughing, making him relax. I fiddled with my pockets and pulled out my capsules seeing as I only had one capsule left, "Hey Piccolo, can you make my Gi like Dad's?" I asked, "Yeah, sure." He held his hand out and my outfit changed into Dad's Gi. "Thanks." Gohan came up and asked Piccolo for one but not of Dad's Gi but a replica of Piccolo's Gi. Dad seemed a little disappointed, but happy that I was at least wearing his gi. This is the moment where I realized that Piccolo had a much closer relationship with Gohan rather than Dad, especially because Piccolo was the first to train Gohan at a young age. Future Gohan often shared stories of his childhood before the androids, in which he told me many things that involved Piccolo. "So, what did we miss?" Dad asked, looking over at Tien and Piccolo.

"Well, Vegeta fought imperfect Cell. But he lost. Bulma created a remote that could shut off 18 and gave it to Krillen. Krillen was supposed to use to shut her down, but he crushed the remote. After that, Cell was able to absorb 18 and became perfect Cell." Piccolo explained.

"But that's not all," Tien shook his head.

"Yeah, by the way where is Trunks?" I looked around, before looking back at them. "Trunks fought Cell in his perfect form." Tien broke the bad news, "He did what?!!!" I yelled at them. "Whoa, her tail." Dad said, "How could you let this happen?!" I shook with anger. "Look, Vegeta wouldn't stop even after Trunks tried to stop him. When Vegeta got injured, he told Krillen to get him somewhere safe and took on perfect cell himself." Piccolo explained, as she turned to Krillen and Vegeta. "Gah!!!!" Krillen paled at my glare, "How could you let 18 be absorbed?!!" My hands curled into fists, "I'm sorry. I just couldn't bring myself to it." I growled at him. "He came up with this tournament. It's in ten days." I walked over to Krillen, "You are dead meat, midget!" I screamed but was held back by Gohan. He was a little shorter than me, but up to Dad's shoulders whereas I was up to his neck.

"Calm down sis, I'm sure Krillen didn't mean to let that happen." He pulled me back, "Where the hell is Trunks?" I turned my eyes to Vegeta, who had been quiet the entire time. "How should I know?" An irk mark appeared on my forehead. "He is your son!!!! What do you mean 'How should I know?' You are such an arrogant jerk!!" Gohan was having trouble holding onto me, but he managed to keep me calm. Not long after Dad went to meet up with Cell, who gave him more information on the upcoming tournament. "Well, can you beat him?" Tien asked, "I honestly have no idea. I think he'll beat me into the ground." Dad laughed, causing Vegeta to get irritated with him.

"You, Gohan and Tsubaki can go back into the hyperbolic time chamber." Piccolo suggested, "Nah, I'll be training them both outside of the time chamber rather than put more strain on their bodies." He said, "Why are you always a step ahead of me? What the hell are you hiding Kakarot?!!" Vegeta was pissed at Dad but instead of answering we paid a visit to Korin. "Hey Korin, do you think you could measure up my power to Cell's?" Dad asked. "Well, it looks like Cell is stronger." This made Dad laugh, "Well, I learned a certain special secret while training in the Time chamber." He laughed with a smile which surprised Gohan and I. "How about we go get your mom?" I nodded excitedly, "Why is your tail wiggling like that?" Gohan laughed, "She's just excited to see Mom." Dad patted me on the head and not long after we ended up at The Kame House. "Hey Master Roshi, long time no see?" Dad held up a hand, as he greeted Master Roshi. "Goku, what are you doing here?" I launched myself at Yamcha, who had just come from out of the kitchen. "Hey, wait a minute.. Tsubaki, is that really you?" He asked, as I wrapped my arms around his chest. "Yamcha!!! I'm so glad to see you." I smiled, as he wrapped his arms around me. I don't know why, but Yamcha and I have a special relationship and I guess it's because he was around a little more after Dad died, before he was killed. "We came to pick up Chichi." Dad smiled, "Hey, Honey! We're here to pick you up." I let go of Yamcha and stood with Dad, "Whoa, Tsu you have changed." Oolong said. "You are so pretty. Especially with you hair!" Puar said, "Thanks Puar." I smiled, turning my attention to the stairs. "Goku? Gohan? Tsubaki? Is that you?" She walked down the stairs into our view and she saw us. 

"Hi Mom!" Gohan and I gave her a big smile, but she didn't look to happy.

"Wha-ahhhhhhhhhhh!" Mom screamed loudly, "What's wrong, Mom?" She broke down in tears, sliding to the floor and onto her knees. "My baby boy and my baby girl are delinquents!!!" She cried but Dad just laughed, "Oh babe, you crack me up." He smiled, "What happened to your black hair?" She went to Gohan first and started pulling on it. "Who told you, you can dye your hair?" She seemed angry about it "It's not hair dye, Chichi." Dad said and she whipped her head to me, seeing my hair looked a lot different. "My baby girl," She walked over to me, "Hi Momma," I smiled, as my tail wrapped around my waist. "What did you do to my baby girl?!!" She grabbed me into a tight hug and held me away from Dad, as I tried reaching for him. "I didn't do anything to her, Chichi. Just relax. How about we go home? How's my little girl?" He asked with a large smile, "You changed my babies hair and you're telling me to relax?" She yelled loudly, "Mom, Tsu can't breathe." Mom looked down at me and let go of me, as I finally regained my breathe. "Are you okay? I'm so-" I stopped Mom short, "It's alright, Mom. Nothing I can't handle." Yamcha came downstairs with a baby bag and baby me in his arms. Baby Tsubaki(me) was crying loudly, catching Dad's attention. "It's okay," He took baby Tsubaki(me) out of Yamcha's arms, as Gohan took the baby bag from him. "Shh, it's alright." Instantly baby me calmed down, "There ya go, see. There's no reason to cry, papa's here. Blah," He made a funny face and baby me started laughing at him, as he kept making faces. This made both me and Mom smile. "Come on, let's go home." We left The Kame House pretty soon. We planned to train for three days and the rest to relax.

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