Chapter 44: One Hell Of A Celebration!!

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Tsubaki's pov

It had been about a week since the incident and everything had gone back to the way it was. We moved the other people to another building closer to us and gathered rations for every one, Mai stayed in the building with Asher and kept Oliver by their side. It seemed like Asher was starting to like Mai, which made me tease him about it every time he blushed when she was around. Trunks and I were heading back to the past to thank everyone for helping us put a stop to Wyatt and his plans. I had everything ready and stuck the sword in it's sheath on my back, while I put the power pole in it's sheath that was strapped to my belt.

"Please, come home safely you two." Mom gave me a hug and kiss and I hugged her back. Ever since the incident, Mom almost followed me every where and if I was flying somewhere I the city she'd make Trunks follow me. Which easily got on my nerves which would lead to me beating Trunks up for following me. "Mom, we'll be fine. Besides if anything happens, I have Dad and Gohan. They won't let anything happen to me again." I smiled, kissing her cheek and then she handed me a wrapped bento box. "What's this?" She held it out towards me and I took it.

"It's your favorite. I also wrote the recipe on a note card for my timeline counterpart so she knows how to make it." I smiled at her, taking the bento box from her. "Thanks Mom, I'll be sure to tell past timeline Mom. Come on, Trunks. We don't have all day!" I called out to him and he smiled and looked up at me. I looked over to Asher and Mai, "You guys watch over my Mom. And watch yourselves, okay?" Mai nodded as I sent her a small wave. I headed towards the time machine after seeing off everyone and got in while Trunks got in after me, he started up the time machine and we waved one last goodbye down to them before we took off.

"What's in the bento box?" Trunks asked, breaking the silence. "My Mom made cinnamon rolls and she put the recipe in their so past Chichi could have it." I looked down at the bento box and smiled. Mom always seemed to know what would make me happy even if it wasn't that much, that's why I always promised to protect her and come back to her. Honestly, I knew that the other Z fighters thought that mom was a bit crazy but I was fine with it, I had grown used to her outbursts at times but my timeline Chichi was nothing like her counterpart. Her counterpart was a little more aggressive which is something Mom repressed, because she only had me left and she didn't want to lose me.

"How are you holding up?" Trunks brought me out of my train of thought and I looked over to him. My eyes and his blue ones locked, I could see a glint of concern in his eyes. "As good as I can be. I can't change what happened to Kiyomi although, I just wish she didn't get herself into so much trouble in the first place. Thanks for asking Trunks." He put his hand over mine, "I'm here if you need anyone to talk to. I will always be here for you. No matter what." Trunks leaned towards me and I stared at him for a while, before giving him a loving reaction.

I squealed loudly before launching myself at Trunks, making him yelp in surprise. "You are the best friend and boyfriend ever!!!! I love you so much Trunks." Instead of trying to get me off, he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead. "You are one silly girl, Tsubaki Son." I smiled brightly looking up at him, "You love me though," This made him blush a bit and look away. "Yeah, I do." I laughed at his blushing reaction and let go of him.

Pretty soon we arrived at Bulma's place, where everyone had gathered. They had left the day before and wanted to have a celebration because they were happy that we were done with Wyatt and his stupid plan. "Hey guys!" I instantly hugged my older brother and squealed, while Gohan just laughed but we were interrupted by this girl who made a loud cough sound. I looked behind me to see a young girl maybe around our age, glaring hard at me and Gohan. She had long black hair that sat in pig tails and big blue eyes, she wore a white shirt with black shorts, black combat boots and two black gloves.

"Whose this, Gohan?" She had this sense of jealousy in her tone and I glared straight back at her, not appreciating her attitude towards me. "Well, Videl... See this is kinda hard to explain. See this girl whose hugging me is my little sister. It's Tsubaki. But from the future." He explained and her glare lightened up, before she looked over to the younger me playing with Goten and Trunks. "What?!" The girl screamed out in shock, making me chuckle lightly.

"Hey, Gohan... Is this your girlfriend?" I smirked, looking at him and the two started blushing. "What?!! No!! No!! No!" Gohan freaked, "It's not like that!" They both yelled, which cracked me up. "I'm just playing with you two. It's nice to meet you, Videl. How did Mom react when she met you?" I asked her, "Well, the two of them argued. Mom didn't like her attitude." Gohan scratched the back of his head and I patted him on the back, "Good luck, big bro. She's feisty and I like it. You two make a good couple." I walked away, as they both were yelling at me for it. I walked over to the Z fighters, who were sitting at a table with my Dad, Trunks and Vegeta.

"Why was Gohan and Videl yelling at you like that?" Tien questioned, as I smirked and sat down. "You teased them, didn't you?" Krillen asked and I laughed, "It was great. But seriously are those two a couple?" I felt a slap on my arm, and turned seeing Gohan standing there.

"What?" He gave me a look and I smiled sheepishly. "What about you and Trunks? You two looked cozy coming out of the time machine." I instantly blushed and smacked Gohan, "Well, were an actual couple. Unlike you and Videl. You two should really get together." This only made Gohan chase me around the table, "I'm sorry!" I giggled, as we ran around the table.

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