Chapter 64: Hurry Z fighters! Future Tsubaki's pride!

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3rd person's pov

Kid Trunks, Kid Tsubaki and Goten quickly flew away from where they had been playing around with Future Tsubaki. Once they were far away enough, Kid Tsubaki stopped flying and looked back to where they had just left from. "Tsu, what's wrong? Why'd you stop?" Goten asked, looking back at his sister as he stopped flying. "We can't just leave her there to fend off whoever just attacked. It's not right." She said, shaking her head. "Listen Tsu, I know you want to go back and help her fight but you have to remember, she has much more experience in fighting than we do. Plus, she can very well defend herself. The best thing we can do for her is to go get my Dad, your Dad and Gohan. They can help her better than we can at the moment." Kid Trunks explained, making Kid Tsubaki sigh. "We should split up. Goten, you should go get Gohan, I'll go get my Dad and Future Trunks and Tsu, you should go get Goku. We'll bring them here." They all nodded to each other, flying in opposite directions.

Future Tsubaki quickly recovers from the attack thrown at her and discovers who is behind it. "What the hell are you doing here, 22?" Tsubaki snapped, glaring harshly at him. Instead of answering her, he sends another few ki blasts at her and she quickly dodges them. They hit the wall behind her, as she quickly disappeared from her spot. 22 put his guard up, staying in the air as he looked around for any sign of her. Tsubaki quickly appears to his right, throwing a punch but disappeared before 22 could counter. She reappeared behind him, landing a kick to his back which caused him to fly forward from the impact. He charged ahead, quickly recovering from the attack. Just before Tsubaki could get out of the way, 22 caught her off guard and tackled her. The two wrestled around with each other in middle air, throwing punches at each other. "Ahhhh!" Tsubaki kicked 22 as hard as she could, sending him flying backwards. He stopped himself, throwing several ki blasts at her. She dodged each one, sending them elsewhere before throwing several blasts at him.

Kid Trunks quickly headed for Capsule Corp where both his father and Future Trunks currently were, while Goten headed home to get Gohan. Vegeta felt an increase of Tsubaki's ki, but didn't think much of it. That is until Kid Trunks, bursted into Vegeta's training room. "What are you doing, Trunks? Shouldn't you be with Kakarot's kids right now?" He asked, looking to his son, who looked extremely worried. "Dad, there's big trouble. Somebody attacked Tsubaki. She made us leave, but I think she might be in real trouble." He explained, which Future Trunks happened to overhear as he was walking by the room. "What do you mean someone attacked you?" Future Trunks asked, "We were racing each other and a kid blast was shot off at one of us. Tsubaki diverted the blast but she made us leave because she knew that someone was there." Kid Trunks explained, "Where is she?" Trunks asked, becoming concerned. "I'll show you. Dad, are you coming?" Kid Trunks looked to Vegeta, who huffed before nodding. The three of them took off, with Kids Trunks leading them to where they were supposed to meet up.

Meanwhile, Goten rushed home and when he got there, he nearly ran Chichi over. "Goten, what has gotten into you?" Chichi asked, stopping Goten in his tracks as Gohan walked out of his room. "It's Future Tsubaki!! She's in trouble." Goten said, looking up at his mother. "Trouble? What do you mean trouble?" Chichi looked down at Goten, growing a bit concerned.

"Where's Gohan? We need his help." Goten asked, "I'm right here, buddy. What's up?" Gohan walked forward, holding a stack of notebooks in his arms.

"Gohan, Future Tsubaki is in trouble!! You have to help her!!" Goten cried, "What happened?" Gohan asked, putting the notebooks on the nearby table. "We were by the waterfall that Piccolo likes to meditate at. The four of us decided to race each other and as we were playing around, somebody attacked Tsu. They went after Trunks, but Future Tsubaki stopped the attack and was hurt. She made us leave." Tears started to form as Goten looked to his mother and Gohan, "Mom." Gohan started, "Go.. Go help her, Gohan." Chichi stated, looking to Gohan. He looked to his mother, giving her a nod of understanding as he looked to Goten. "Take me to her Goten," Was all Gohan said, Goten wiped his eyes and nodded. As the two rushed out of the house, Chichi quickly followed them out the door.

"Be careful you two!! And bring her back!!" Chichi shouted, worried for her children.

Tsubaki finally reaches where Goku had been training, which was around Master Roshi's place. "Oh lookie, it's mini Chichi." Master Roshi said, making Piccolo and Yamcha look up in the sky. "I wonder what she's doing all the way out here. Wasn't Tsubaki watching over all the kids today?" Tien asked, stepping out of the house. Goku stopped what he was doing when he felt his daughter's ki nearby, he looked up and noticed her frantic state.

"Tsubaki, what are you do--" He was cut off, when Tsubaki tackled him into a hug.

"Whoa! Calm down there, little one." He chuckled, as he caught her small frame. "Tsubaki, what's wrong?" Goku immediately could tell that something was wrong, "It's Future Tsubaki. Dad, she's in trouble." Tsubaki looked up at Goku, tears blurring her vision which caught him and the others off guard.

"What happened?" Goku asked, "We were playing by the waterfall where Piccolo likes to meditate and we were attacked. Future Tsubaki told us to leave so Trunks, Goten and I decided to split up and bring back help." She explained, "Take me to her." Goku said, "I'm coming too." Tien said, stepping forward.

"Yeah, count me in." Yamcha said, he cared deeply for Future Tsubaki as well as Present Tsubaki. "What about you, Piccolo?" Tsubaki asked, "Yeah, I'm coming." The four of them took off, heading straight for where the kids were supposed to meet up. Gohan and Goten arrived just a little while after Vegeta, Future Trunks and Trunks had arrived. "Is everyone here?" Gohan asked, "No. We're still waiting on Tsubaki." It didn't take long for Goku and the others to arrive, meeting up with the group. "They got you guys too?" Gohan asked, "No, we wanted to come along. We want to help Tsu-" Just before Tien could finish his sentence, a loud explosion was heard in the distance. The shockwave reached the group, pushing them back a bit as they braced themselves. "No!" Kid Tsubaki shouted, taking off towards where the explosion occurred as the shockwave passed. "Tsubaki, come back!!" Trunks shouted, "Come on!" Kid Trunks took off after her, making the others follow him. Another large explosion goes off, sending another shockwave towards the Z fighters. "Come on!" Future Trunks took off as fast as he could, as he sensed the ki of the person who was fighting Tsubaki. "Damn, he came back.. This isn't good. For any of us." He thought to himself, as he kept his eyes straight ahead.

Future Tsubaki became distracted when she sensed Future Trunks heading her way, along with feeling the other z fighters. She was kicked in the stomach, hitting the water. 22 started shooting ki blasts into the water, where Tsubaki had been swimming in. She dodged several of them, looking for the perfect spot to pop back up to surprise him. He didn't know this but after her day out with her brother's, Chichi took it upon herself to teach future Tsubaki how to swim. She finally found the right spot, quickly popping out of the water and rammed her shoulder into 22's back. He flew forward a bit, stopping himself quickly as he turned around. The two floated above the waterfall, glaring at each other.

"Whatever you're here for, I won't let you do it. And if you're here to kill my father or my friends, I'm going to stop you. What the hell do you want 22?" It was silent for a moment, which only served to annoy Tsubaki.

"As much as I hate to ask you this.... I need your help, Tsubaki. My sister's life depends on it." 22 said, looking to Tsubaki with an emotion she had never seen in him before.

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