Christmas Special: Christmas at Mount Paozu pt 1

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Tsubaki's pov

This year for Christmas, Bulma suggested that we go on a trip to the mountains and stay in a cozy cabin. Apparently, this cabin was built for bigger families such as mine so we would all be staying in one cabin with some sharing rooms and others having their own. Vegeta wasn't too pleased about being stuck in a cabin with everyone, especially with my Dad being there as well but he was going to have to suck it up. Mostly everyone was happy about this but Dad and I were the ones who were extremely excited about this. Future Chichi was also really excited about going on this trip with us, I was happy that she would finally be able to take a trip with Dad. Present Chichi was just fine with my timeline's Chichi being around Dad, she wanted her to have a good memory of Dad. The memory she had of Dad was right before he passed and it wasn't a pleasant one. We finished packing and loaded up the plane that Bulma had, it was just like the one they used a while back when the androids first got there and we had to move Dad while he was sick. "You look so excited," Kid Trunks said, looking up at me. "Well, it's not every day that I get to travel like this with everyone. I'm just happy to be able to spend time with you guys." I smiled, pulling Goten in for a hug. Things had been rough for us ever since we fought Zamasu and Goku Black, we had lost our entire timeline which sucked. Vegeta sat in the passenger's seat, looking very unamused and unhappy about the whole thing. "Bah! Humbug! What's the point of all this silly holiday nonsense? It's just a waste of time." Vegeta grumbled, I overheard his grumbling and chuckled at his bad mood. "Oh, Vegeta, don't be such a Scrooge! Christmas is about joy and togetherness. Plus, we get to have a big feast!" Vegeta scoffed, but secretly, the thought of a big feast piqued his interest. 

"And who knows, maybe Santa will bring us some surprises!" The mention of Santa caught the attention of Kid Trunks and Kid Tsubaki, who were playing with Goten. 

"Santa? Who's Santa?" Goten asked.

"Oh, Santa is a magical man who brings presents to all the good boys and girls on Christmas Eve. And rumor has it, he's a Saiyan!" 

"A Saiyan Santa? That sounds awesome! I hope he brings me a new training gi!" Kid Trunks exclaimed. Just then, Gohan chimed in with a mischievous grin. "Hey, maybe Santa will bring Vegeta a special present to cheer him up! Like a singing reindeer or a dancing snowman!" Vegeta shot Gohan a death stare, but Gohan just laughed and continued to tease him and Vegeta didn't seem too happy about it. Dad eventually joined in, making me giggle as Vegeta finally snapped and started insulting the two of them. "I can't believe that we're actually going to be in one cabin," Krillen said, "How did you manage to pull that off Bulma?" He looked over his shoulder to Bulma, who was sitting in the pilot seat as she was the one flying the plane. "My dad liked visiting Mount Paozu for research, so he built a big cabin to stay in while doing his studies," Bulma explained.

"We're going to Mount Paozu?" Dad jumped to his feet, "Yes, what about it?" Bulma asked.

"That's where Grandpa Gohan and I used to live. He raised me at the base of Mount Paozu." Dad explained, "Really?" Goten asked, looking up at Dad who was smiling. He seemed very fond of the fact that we would be going back to the mountain he grew up on, "Yes," He nodded.

"I remember it like it was yesterday. I was looking for the dragon balls and literally ran into your father with my bike." Bulma explained, making me chuckle.

"You ran over Goku?!" Trunks exclaimed.

"Yeah," Bulma giggled at the memory, "He got his revenge by attacking my bike. That's when we officially met for the first time and he took me place to his grandpa's house where I found my first dragon ball. But of course, Goku guarded that ball with his life so I explained what they were and agreed to take him on my journey to find all seven. That's how we met Puar, Oolong, Master Roshi, and Yamcha." She finished explaining.

"Wow, that's crazy." Kid Tsubaki gasped, "Will we get to see where you grew up, Dad?" I asked, sitting on Trunks' lap. He wrapped his arms around my waist, looking at Dad as well. "Sure, I'll take you there after we settle in." 

"YES!" Kid Tsubaki and Goten high-fived one another, big smiles on their face. 

With the rest of the time on the plane, we kept ourselves busy by reading or playing board games. Of course, future mom just watched us as we played with the kids while Present mom joined in on the fun. Vegeta sat beside me to my right while Trunks was to my left, Gohan and Dad sat across from us while Kid Tsubaki and Goten sat to the side. Present Mom, Piccolo, and Kid Trunks sat on the other side of the board next to Vegeta. We were busy playing Monopoly while Bulma struck up a conversation with Future Mom, Yamcha, and Krillen. 

"Ha! I'm placing a hotel on Boardwalk, and there's nothing anyone can do about it!" Kid Trunks said, sounding very frustrated. 

 "Not so fast, little me. I've got a "Get Out of Jail Free" card that says otherwise!" Trunks argued, making me giggle. "This game is getting intense." Kid Tsubaki said, "Yeah, it is. But it's hilarious." I laughed. 

"Hey, Vegeta, how about a trade? I'll give you Park Place for the Dragon Balls." Dad tried to negotiate but I could tell that Vegeta was not going to fall for that, "Over my dead body, Kakarot! I'll never let you have a monopoly!" I chuckled, leaning on Trunks as I couldn't help but be amused by everyone's outbursts during the game. "Goku, you better not be gambling away our livelihood!" Present Mom scolded, "Mom, it's just a game. We don't actually own any real estate." Gohan chimed in, he looked very annoyed by everything going on as nobody was taking the game seriously. "Yeah, Mom, loosen up!" Goten smiled, I lost it when he started stacking his money into a mini tower. 

"Look, I'm a money ninja!" He exclaimed. 

"This is ridiculous. Why are we all competing in a game when we could be training to protect the Earth?" Piccolo quipped, looking unamused. His facial expression only served to make me even more giddy about the whole game, "Now, Piccolo, don't ruin the fun. Besides, we need to teach the kids about the importance of managing money." Future Mom said, making me look back at her. "But I'd rather be managing ki blasts and energy waves!"  Dad whined, he accidentally knocks the board, scattering cards and money everywhere making me double over in laughter. Tears filled my eyes as I couldn't stop laughing, all while everyone else was upset with Dad knocking over the game board. 

"Tsu, it's not that funny." Trunks said, looking down at me, sweatdropping. 

"But it is." I laughed, Future Mom just smiled at me while I rolled around in laughter. 

"Leave it to Goku to cause chaos," Yamcha shook his head as he looked at us, "Yeah, maybe next time, Goku should just sit on the sidelines," Krillen suggested, crossing his arms as he chuckled.

"Kakarot! Look what you've done! You've ruined the game!" Vegeta scolded, "Sorry, Vegeta. Let's just call it a tie and go train instead." Dad suggested, making Vegeta huff in annoyance.

"Well at least someone finds this amusing." Bulma stated, "Yep," Yamcha nodded. 

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