DBZ Special: The Best Christmas Yet!!

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3rd person's pov

There was excitement among the Z Fighters and the gang as they had found a way to communicate with Future Trunks and Future Bulma, thanks of course to Bulma's hard working father. Not only had they made contact with them after years of not seeing them, but they were planning a huge surprise for Future Trunks and Future Tsubaki. Especially since Future Trunks had disclosed to his mother that he wanted to do something really special for Tsubaki which involved him asking Goku, Chichi, Present Chichi and Gohan. At the moment, everyone got Bulma's place ready for their arrival. Future Trunks managed to get Tsubaki to agree to be blindfolded, so he carefully guided her into the time machine that they would be taking along with Bulma, Chichi and Ox King. Mai, Oliver and Asher had the second time machine up and running which is what they were going to be traveling in. "I can't believe it took him this long to ask." Kid Trunks said, leaning against the nearby wall. "Well, if you think about it.. He needed time to get permission from my Dad, Gohan, both of my Mom's. This is a big life altering decision." Goten said, "Yeah." Kid Trunks sighed, "Just like when you ask for my sister's hand in marriage one day when we get older." Goten teased, making Kids Trunks blush. "Ahh!! Goten, don't tease me like that!" He yelled, "What? It's true though. You two already are following the same path your counterparts are." He shrugged, making Kids Trunks shout at him. "Alright, we got everything set up inside." Tien said, "Who knew it would take all of us to move everything inside?" Krillen chuckled, as he stood beside Tien. "Well, we would be having it outside but it's snowing." Yamcha sighed, hanging his head. "Come on, Yamcha. It's not that bad, besides Tsubaki would love to be inside where it's warm." Tien added, patting Yamcha on the back. "You really think he'll go through with this?" Yamcha asked, looking to Tien and Krillen.

"Yes, yes, he will. He is a saiyan and my son. He will not chicken out of this." Vegeta said, walking past the trio with a large box in his arms.

"Vegeta's right. Trunks will not back out this, he loves Tsubaki too much to let her go." Chichi agreed, following after Vegeta with another box in her arms. With Chichi, Bulma, Goku and Vegeta finally finishing up the rest of the decorating everyone settled in and had some hot chocolate.

Future Trunks finally lands the Time Machine, touching down at the same time as Mai landed the second one. Everyone was already dressed for the cold, since Bulma had warned them that the temperature had dropped. "Alright, we're here. Just hold onto me, Tsu." Future Trunks took Future Tsubaki's hand, helping her out of the time machine. "Wow, they weren't kidding when they said that the temperature had dropped." Future Bulma said, taking a step down from the ladder. "It was a good idea, we dressed warm for this." Asher said, walking over to Bulma and the others. "Trunks.. I swear if this surprise involves someone jumping out at me, I will not only harm them but I will hit you in places that aren't meant to be hit." Future Tsubaki threatened, making Future Trunks gulp.

"Tsu, don't threaten the poor boy. Nobody will jump out at you." Future Chichi chuckled, placing a hand on her daughter's shoulder.

"We should head inside before the snow starts coming down again." Mai suggested, she was holding Oliver in her arms. "Yeah, good idea. It's cold out here." Asher complained, making Bulma and Chichi laugh. They all head into Bulma's place, leading her to the living room where everyone was hiding. "They're here." Bulma's mother announced, quickly standing near her daughter. Everyone took their spots and excitement grew as they could hear the group get closer.

"Trunks... When can I take this stupid thing off?" Future Tsubaki complained loudly, "Not yet. Tsu, just keep it on for another minute. I promise you'll like this surprise." Future Trunks said, making her sigh.


Everyone grew big smiles on their faces, when the group finally stepped out from the corner and stood in front of them. Even 18 was glad to see Future Tsubaki and Trunks, Goku's smiled grew larger as he saw his daughter wearing a capsule corp jacket. "Alright, you can take your blind fold off now, Tsu." Future Trunks said, giving Present Bulma a warm smile. Tsubaki let out a sigh of relief, untied the blind fold and rubbed her eyes slightly.


Everyone's shout startled her greatly, causing Tsubaki to jump three feet in the air and let out a high pitched scream. This shocked everyone cause she had never done that before, even Future Bulma, Chichi and Trunks were shocked by it. "What the--" She held her chest and once she calmed down enough, the first person her eyes landed on was Goku.


"Yes, I'm really here." He smiled. Tears welled up in her eyes as she stared at her father for a moment, before launching herself onto him. "I missed you so much." She cried, as Goku caught her with ease and spun her around. "I missed you too, sweetheart. I'm glad to see you are doing well." He laughed, placing her down on her feet. Chichi rushed over, throwing her arms around her daughter and cried into her. "My baby girl." Future Tsubaki wiped her tears, as she engulfed the present timeline's Chichi in a huge hug. She looked around, spotting Gohan who was standing with Goten and Videl. "Gohan!!!" Tears streamed down her face as she finally was reunited with her older brother, who she hadn't seen in years. "Hey, little sis. It's so nice to see you. I missed having you around." He smiled, wrapping his arms around her. After they let each other go, she was greeted by everyone else with hugs and kisses on the cheek.

"Trunks, what's going on? Why are we in the present?" Tsubaki asked, turning to face her boyfriend who was holding a small ring box in his hands, which was hidden. "Because there is something important that I wanted to ask you." He walked over to her, before bending down on one knee and opened the ring box. Future Tsubaki let out a gasp, seeing the ring and his gesture.

"Tsubaki Son, you have made my life even more amazing than I could ever think. You've been there for me through thick and thin, and not once did you ever leave me behind in your journey. You are the one person I can always look forward to waking up in the morning to, you have supported me in every decision I made although some of them were stupid. But this.. This decision is one that I know isn't stupid. Tsu, will you marry me?" He asked, the two locked eyes as everyone behind them watched in anticipation. "Yes," Tsubaki smiled, this causes the entire group to cheer as Future Trunks puts the ring on her finger and picks her up. The two laugh loudly, smiling at each other as he spun her around.

Future Trunks let her down on her feet, he grabbed her face and kissed her with so much passion and happiness. Future Tsubaki blushed, but kissed him back with the same passion and happiness. The two slowly broke apart, placing their heads on each other's as everyone cheered for them. "Let's celebrate!!!!" Yamcha shouted, "Yeah!!!" The others cheered, making Trunks and Tsubaki laugh as everyone cheered and smiled.

Tsubaki smiled from her spot near the window, watching as everyone was enjoying themselves. "You really have grown, haven't you?" Tsubaki turned her head to the left, as Gohan walked up to her. "Hey, did you know he was going to propose?" She asked, as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "Yeah, he called. Thanks to Bulma's Dad we found a way to contact you guys. So Trunks asked Mom, Dad and me for permission to ask. He's a keeper." Gohan smiled, pulling his sister in a hug. "Thank you for all of this.. Thank you, for giving him permission.. Future Gohan would have had a hard time saying yes to giving him permission." She said shakily, to be honest in this moment, she truly did miss Future Gohan's presence. "I'm here. I know that you miss him, but I'm right here and I'm not leaving you any time soon." Gohan smiled as Tsubaki smiled back at him, giving him a large hug.

"You two are gonna marry each other!" Oliver shouted, pointing at Kid Tsubaki and Kid Trunks.

"What?!! Who said I was gonna marry her?!!" Kid Trunks shouted, blushing lightly which turned everyone's attention on them. "You like her!! It's a given that you two will follow them two! You will marry Tsubaki one day!" Oliver pointed out, "I agree to that!" Goten raised his hand, high fiving Oliver. Mai and Asher let out a loud laugh, as Future Tsubaki started to chuckle at the fact that Oliver and Goten pointed out the obvious.

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