Chapter 37: The Z Fighters Go To The Future!

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3rd person's pov

Tsubaki woke up in a small room, she sat up quickly but in doing so, it resulted in her feeling dizzy. When she opened her eyes, she was blinded and quickly shut her eyes as she shook her head. "It's good to see, you're finally awake." She opened her eyes and turned to the doorway seeing Kiyomi, Sora, Android 22 and the pink haired guy standing there. "What the hell is going on? Why did you take me from Bulma, Kiyomi?" She stood up but held onto the bed, "You pose a threat to us. I should just kill you now." Android 22 held up his hand to shoot her, but Kiyomi pushed his hand down.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Tsubaki looked up at Kiyomi, still holding onto the bed. "You destroyed what you thought was the Red Ribbon's last hope at conquering the world. But you didn't realize the whole reason people were after you was because of your saiyan blood and where you come from. Your blood comes from Goku, the man who destroyed the Red Ribbon army when he was 12 years old. The doctor wants to clone you. He wants you, because he wants to make a way for humans to be able to have your abilities. So he needs you alive." Kiyomi crossed her arms, "You've made a mistake." Tsubaki pointed out, "What?" Kiyomi questioned, uncrossing her arms. "He was 13. My dad was 13 when he took down the Red Ribbon Army, you asshole! And he had good reason to." Tsubaki corrected, glaring at Kiyomi who growled at her. "Smartass." She muttered, making Tsubaki roll her eyes. "So you're okay with him doing this to me? You're okay with him experimenting on me?" Tsubaki shouted, stepping away from the bed. "Tsu, getting a-" Kiyomi was cut off by Tsubaki, who got extremely upset.

"Don't call me Tsu! You don't get to call me by that nickname. What did you do to Trunks?" Tsubaki took another step forward, "He's gonna die soon. Actually, I think he left you here for that other girl he was with." Android 22 teased, making her rush forward but was thrown back by a large force. Tsubaki hit the floor hard, groaning as she sat up. "What the hell? What did you do?" She rubbed her butt, looking up at Kiyomi. "You are currently trapped behind a wall. You can't break it, even if you use all of your strength. So there's no point in trying." Sora spoke for the first time, "Well, we will be back. Doctor Wyatt will soon return and come to get you. Our work here is done. So be a good girl for the doctor, when he gets back." The pink haired boy stated, putting a lollipop in his mouth as Tsubaki stood up.

The four of them turned around to walk out but Kiyomi stopped in her tracks, it was as if she wanted to say something. "Aren't you coming, Kiyomi?" Sora asked her, and Kiyomi looked back at her. "Yeah, I'll be right behind you just give me a minute." Sora nodded and walked out, talking to the pink haired boy.


At Master Roshi's place, the young white haired boy finally made it to them. "Asher, what are you doing here?" Chichi stood up from her spot on the couch, as she held onto a sleeping Oliver. "I found where they took Tsubaki. Where's Trunks?" Asher looked around, "He went to the past to get everyone so he can save her." Bulma let him come in, "Hey, Master Roshi. It's good to see you again." He greeted Master Roshi and took a seat on the couch, "So you said you found out where they're holding Tsubaki?" Mai walked into the room, coming from down the hallway. "Yeah, I did. I followed them but the place is heavily guarded. I've tried to figure out how I can get in, but it's no use. Each little exit is guarded there's just no way to get through their defense without getting caught." Asher explained, as his blue eyes met Mai's black ones. "Then take me there, I'll probably be able to see if I could get us a way in." Mai stated, making Asher stand up.

"Alright. Hopefully they haven't seen where I've hidden. That place is on a cliff across from where they are." Chichi laid Oliver on the other end of the couch, "What building is it?" Bulma looked up from the papers she had in her hands, most were completely scattered all over the dining room table. "Do you remember the building that-" There was a sudden gust of wind that was heard and Oliver sat up quickly, the water outside became choppy. This put everyone on alert as they looked to one another, and then outside. "What is that?" Asher looked to Bulma and Chichi, who rushed outside as two time machines landed on the small island. Future Trunks was the first one out and then the rest of the Z fighters, "Trunks! You made it back!" Mai and Bulma gave him a hug, making him laugh. "I'm fine mom. Guys, this is Mai, my timeline's mom and my timeline's Chichi. Mom, Mai, Chichi this is the present timeline's version of everyone... Really." He introduced them and they all gave small gestures as a greeting. "So you're the me that raised Tsubaki to be so lovely?" Present Chichi spoke up, "Yes. I am. I honestly am glad that she was good hands, while being in the past. She had her older brother and father." Future Chichi teared up, seeing Gohan and Goku.

"Mom? And mom?" Kid Tsubaki looked back and forth between both Chichi's, making the two laugh. "Trunks!!!!" Oliver ran out of the house, "Oliver!! Bud!" He opened his arms and bent down, while Oliver jumped into his arms.

After everyone got settled in, they all sat around the couch where Future Bulma had papers scattered on the small brown coffee table. "Which building are you talking about?" Mai turned to Asher, as he looked for the picture that was somewhere on the table. "This building. The one we sent everyone to, to keep everyone safe from Majin Buu. Remember we did have this building before when the androids were around and had a safe house, but they followed Gohan there that day without him knowing and destroyed the place." Asher looked up at Trunks, "So? What does that mean?" He asked, "It means they fixed up the place. Whoever this doctor is-" Bulma and Chichi looked up at him.

"Doctor? What do you mean doctor?" Future Bulma asked, as Future Chichi grabbed her hand for comfort. "I heard them talking about how there's a doctor that wants Tsubaki. I don't know what he wants with her but it's not good." Future Chichi started crying, "No, not my baby." Future Bulma hugged Chichi tightly, as she thought for a moment and everyone took in the information. "Wait... Trunks... You said that there was android that had attacked you right?" Trunks nodded as he looked to his mother, "What are you thinking, Future Bulma?" Gohan questioned, having an eyebrow raised. "It can't be..." Future Bulma sat a crying Chichi on the couch between Kid Trunks and Goten, ruffling through papers, causing them to spill all over the floor.

"Did you learn his name?" Trunks shook his name, as they all watched her frantically look through papers. "Bulma, what are you looking for?" Chichi sniffled, looking to her best friend. "Oh no, not him." She shook her head, holding the paper in her hand.

"Mom?" Trunks asked, "It's doctor Wyatt." Bulma looked up at him, her eyes filled with tears as Future Chichi started crying again in complete terror. She knew how corrupted he had become, how obsessed he had become as a scientist wanting to create a new line of defense for them.

"Doctor Wyatt? The one who helped Tsubaki when she got extremely sick as a child?" Roshi asked, "Yes.. He was talking about how Tsubaki's blood could be used to make another fighter, just like her to help you guys after Gohan had passed." Future Bulma explained to everyone.

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