Chapter 3: Goku Returns! Say Hello To My Father!

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Tsubaki's pov

I stayed on Trunks' back, since I didn't want to sit anywhere else. Bulma had recognized our jackets from the logo, which is from her company. "Hey, I know that logo. That's where I live. Do you guys work there or something?" Bulma asked, "Well, kinda." I sweat-dropped at his answer, I hated not telling them the truth about the two of us. "Trunks, is there another cinnamon roll in there?" Trunks was currently sifting through the fridge, "What?" He pulled his head back out and I saw a cinnamon roll sticking out of his mouth. "You ate my Cinnamon roll!!!" I shouted, making him back away. "There's more in there. I guess your Mom knew how you were if you didn't have any cinnamon rolls." He said, still backing up as I growled at him. "You know... You think you would learn back what happened when we were on our way here. Maybe I have to do it again." I said to him, making him blush. "Whoa, what happened when you guys were coming here?" Yamcha asked, "No, no, no... That doesn't have to happen again!" He shook his head and out of the corner of my eye, I could see Vegeta watching with interest. "Well, I think it does!" I lunged at him, jumping onto him and since he didn't keep us steady we hit the ground. I wrestled with him for a few minutes, straddling him making him blush more. I managed to keep his arms pinned down and saw more cinnamon roll icing near the same spot I licked earlier, but this time it was on his upper lip too. I smirked at him, "How could let that girl pin you down, man?!!" Krillen yelled but I ignored it, "Hey! Hey! Hey!!" Trunks squirmed under me, so I pinned him harder and leaned in close to his face.

This made Trunks blush red as the others gaped, "I know you ate my roll. The next time maybe you should set aside some for yourself. I'm pretty sure your Mom won't mind packing you some. I can see the cinnamon roll icing on the same place I licked earlier on the way here. So why don't I clean it off, if you don't mind?" I smirked, as he stuttered. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. What happened on the way here?" Tien asked, but I ignored his question. Trunks continued to stutter and I licked near the same area, I licked earlier and then his upper lip. "That's what you get for eating my cinnamon rolls, babe." I got off of him, laughing at the face he was pulling. He sat up quickly and he made this face of pure shock, making me laugh harder. "The look on your face!! Whooo! That was better than the first time!" I composed myself after a few minutes, grabbing a soda from the fridge. I started to talk with Gohan and Krillen, "So exactly how old are you?" Yamcha asked, "Well, let's see..... I'm probably around sixteen or seventeen. Not really sure." Gohan sweat-dropped, "Wow, you remind me so much of Goku, especially your hairstyle." Krillen said. "Yeah, she does. Doesn't she?" Tien said to him, "Say... Are you Goku's daughter, by any chance?" The question threw me off guard and I started laughing nervously, "Well, I can't exactly answer that." I rubbed the back of my head. "What are you looking at?" I heard Vegeta ask, so I turned my head To Trunks and Vegeta. "Oh, uh.... Nothing. I just like your shirt." Trunks blushed at the comment, "You would." Vegeta shook his head and I got offended, I don't know if Trunks was though.

My tail started swishing around because my mood had changed, eventually Gohan snapped me out of it and I continued to talk with them. "Why do you keep looking over here? Haven't you seen an FFCCCC shirt before? If you like it that much, you can have it." I could tell Vegeta was getting angrier by the minute, boy, he really does have a bad temper. It's just as Momma B told us that ever since she met him, he's always had a bad temper. "No, No thank you." Trunks blushed again, "Then knock it off, kid!" Vegeta growled, making me growl at him. A few hours later, I felt something heading towards Earth. "Do you feel that?!!" Krillen said excitedly, "It's Dad!" Gohan yelled and I got excited. The other Z fighters were so happy, but I couldn't show my excitement as easily as they could. When the space pod landed, we gathered around the crater it created and the door opened. I became really anxious and saw a figure step out, he was just like I remembered when I was born. Before he had passed, he had given me his power pole to look after. My nerves grew bigger, which meant I became even more nervous. "Dad!!!" Gohan yelled, "Hey guys! How did you know where I was gonna land?" Dad asked as he stepped out of the ship, "These two told us where you were gonna land. We figured you knew them." Krillen threw his thumb back indicating us, "No, I've never seen them before. But I guess I should thank you both. When I was on my way back, I could feel Frieza headed this way. I'm guessing you two finished him off?" Dad asked Trunks and I. "Yeah," Trunks nodded, "Well, I thank you greatly for it. I appreciate you being here to help." He said making my heart swell, my nerves were shot and I guess Trunks noticed cause he placed his hand over mines. Vegeta then commented on how they were the only saiyans left. Dad had started talking to the others about where he's been. 

"Hey Goku, we need to talk to you. Alone." Dad seemed to get the gist of things and we walked off to another area.

Trunks and Dad had this weird thing were they both went super saiyan. "Really?" I turned to Trunks, who nodded at me and I turned super. Trunks tested Dad and after I did that, both of us went out of super. "So what did you two want to talk about?" He asked, "My name is Trunks and this is Tsubaki. I know this is going to sound strange, but were not from this time. I have traveled here in a time machine from twenty years in the future." Trunks said, "Really? From the future? That's incredible." He said, with a look that made me smile. "Yes. Vegeta was right. Only he, yourself and Gohan have saiyan blood. And I got mines from him. He's my father." Trunks said dropping the bomb, "What?! You're kidding! Wow! You're absolutely sure that Vegeta's your father?" Dad asked, with a look of shock. "Yes. I am half saiyan, half earthling." Trunks nodded, "You're serious!? Vegeta's son! My gosh! Yes, yes! I can see the resemblance. Wow." Dad said happily. "I will be born two years from now, same as Tsubaki." Trunks explained. "Hahaha! No kidding! Vegeta's going to be a daddy! That's incredible. Man, who would have ever thought-" Trunks cut Dad off, "Goku, we didn't come here to tell you that." Trunks looked at me, "Oh," Was all Dad said in response. I looked to Trunks nervously as my tail started swishing up and down, I don't think he noticed my tail yet. Trunks nodded at me and I sucked in a breath, calming my nerves.

"I have something to tell you... I'm also a half saiyan........ But I didn't get my saiyan blood from Vegeta or Gohan. I got mines from.... You. You're my Dad." I said, causing his eyes to grow wide. Tears filled my eyes, afraid of how he was gonna react to what I had just said.

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