Chapter 27: The first round of the Cell Games!

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Tsubaki's pov

"Promise me, promise me that you'll come back in one piece. If you die, then future me will surely be devastated. Please, promise me you will come back." Mom held onto my shoulder, with tears in her eyes. It reminded me of when I was leaving home, "Don't worry so much, Chichi. I'll bring them both back home." Dad patted me on the head, "Alright, I'm counting on that Goku. Be safe!!" She waved us off as we flew away. Even though I had been spending so much time with Past Chichi, I really missed my timeline's Chichi. The two of them were similar, but my timeline's mom had already lost her son. "Dad, are you going to fight him first?" I looked at him. "Yeah, what about it?" He asked, "I want him next. I heard from Trunks that the way he got here was through killing another Trunks from a different timeline, so he could get here to our time. I'm gonna fight him for revenge." My tail frizzed out a bit, "Sis, you gotta calm down. It's not good to get so riled up." Gohan said, "Alright fine, but I'm still fighting him." We finally set down and saw the others. "Hey, you guys ready to fight him?" Krillen walked over to us with the rest of them. "I can't wait to crush him." I clenched my fists as my tail frizzed out, "What are you so pissed off about?" Vegeta asked, "That damn Cell. Anyways, looks like Dad won't be the first one to fight Cell." I pointed out, "Why do you say that?" I pointed towards the arena, showing this guy named Mr. Hercule Satan.

"What is that idiot doing?!" Vegeta yelled, "I will be your first challenger, along with my students!!" Hercule pointed at Cell, who had irritation written clearly on his face. I would be irritated too if I was in his place, I watched as Cell flicked Hercule and his students off the stage one by one. The guy named Caroni attempted to attack Cell from high up, but Cell sent him even higher with his enormous energy. After falling, Caroni was convinced that Cell was tremendously powerful. The other student named Pirozhki attempts to rush at Cell head-first, only to be flicked backward by Cell's simple energy, which seemed too much for Pirozhki to handle. Hercule then attempted to attack Cell with a slew of punches and kicks, only to be knocked into the mountains.

"That idiot," I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose as Hercule decides to claim that he has this bad stomach ache and that Dad and Cell was using fireworks. He is such an idiot. "Looks like it's your turn, Dad." I patted his shoulder, "Yep," He flew down to the stage and their battle began. I was in awe seeing Dad fight for the first time and I didn't feel the tear slip down my face. "Tsu, are you okay?" Tien asked, "Yeah, it's just-- I never got to see my Dad fight you know... It's pretty cool. To see him down there fighting." I smiled, "Well, this only just small portion of it. Your Dad has been great at fighting, since we met when we were twelve. He defeated so many bad guys as a child, it's funny." Krillen said. "But this isn't all the strength your father has. He has to hold back because he just recovered." Piccolo stated, as the fight got even more exciting.

Cell pulled out so many tricks, including the Kamehameha wave and the Death Beam. Cell seemed to be getting irritated as they were fighting in the ring, so he destroyed it. He so damn petty. Dad decided to trick Cell, "No Goku, don't do it. You'll destroy the earth if you do that!!" Krillen shouted, but it seemed like I was the only one to catch on to what Dad was really doing. "He's not going to blow up the earth. It's his home planet, besides he's got children. He wouldn't destroy them just to stop me." Cell pointed to Gohan and I, while I just rolled my eyes. "Don't believe everything you hear about my Dad, Cell!!" I shouted up to him, "Wait, What?!!" Everyone except Dad, who seemed to catch on to what I was doing, knew my intentions. Dad looked down at me and his turquoise blue eyes met my black ones, then he smiled at me.

"Wait, are you kidding me?! Goku, are you really gonna blow up this planet?!" Yamcha yelled, "I knew you were an idiot but I never thought you were this stupid." Vegeta yelled, "Shut your mouth, Veggie. Dad knows what he's doing." I crossed my arms and teased, making Vegeta growl at me.

"How many times have I told you not to call me that?!" He snapped, "Veggie!!" I stuck my tongue out at him, once again making him growl at me in annoyance.

Cell was noticeably afraid as Dad powered up the energy blast, but Dad tricked him by performing Instant Transmission to teleport directly in front of Cell, and unleashed the blast on him. When the smoke cleared to whole top of Cell's body was gone. "Whoa!!!! That's amazing!! Goku just blew away his entire top half the body!!!" Krillen yelled, "It's not over yet." I looked down at the field. "What do you mean?" Yamcha looked at me, "Remember when he first appeared and Piccolo fought him? Well it seems he took some of Piccolo's DNA, including Piccolo's regeneration technique." Trunks explained to them and I jumped on him. "Why are you so excited?" Tien asked, "Uh, because I haven't seen Trunks since the incident, duh." He set me on my feet. "You know you look hot with long hair." I brushed my hands through his hair and turned around to see what's going on. Cell regenerated and Dad suddenly forfeited, but I could see what he was trying to do or.... Not. "Dad, what are you doing?" I asked, "Well, the only person that could really defeat you is here but it's not me." Dad looked up at Cell. "Oh," Cell laughed, "Is it the boy? No, it couldn't possibly be him. Is it Vegeta? No, not even he would pick up the sloppy seconds. Is it Tien Shinhan? Oh please let it be him. Or is it her? The beautiful daughter of yours, who seems hellbent on fighting me." My tail frizzed out and I growled at him. "Tsu, calm down." Trunks held my arm, "You better be joking around." Cell said angrily. 

"Nope, I'm serious." This made Cell even more angry, which amused me.

"I want you to get your ass back up here and punch me in my perfect jawline!!" Cell yelled, which also made Vegeta agree with him. 

"Oh now look what you've done. I'm agreeing with--"

"Vegeta- Cell!" They both yelled. 

"Cell, you knew this was just a fight and nothing more." Dad floated up towards us.

"It's you, Gohan." He said, "What?!!" We all yelled at Dad, but I was angry.

Before Gohan and Cell begin to fight, Dad asked Krillen for a senzu bean which he threw to Cell, surprising everyone. "Goku, why would you do something so stupid?!!" Vegeta yelled, "Cell was worn out from our fight, so it would not be fair if Gohan fought at full strength while he wasn't." Dad stated. "Dad, I hope whatever you're doing.... That you honestly believe Gohan can do this on his own. I will personally help Mom castrate you!!" I was grabbed by the shirt with my tail frizzed out, I was unbelievably angry. "Calm down, Gohan's got this. He can handle it." Dad said, as Cell gladly eats his senzu bean and proceeds with the fight.

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