Chapter 38: Dr. Wyatt

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Tsubaki's pov

I tried endlessly to get out and destroy the barrier, but nothing worked. "Damnit!! Let me out!!" I kicked the barrier, but was thrown back upon my foot making contact and my back hit the wall. I raised my ki level going super and kicked the barrier again, counteracting the force that threw me back. It felt like I had been here for hours and I wasn't to happy about it considering Dr. Wyatt was planning something. I kept kicking the barrier, "Will you stop hitting the damn barrier?! You've been doing that for hours and it's getting on my nerves." 22 stated with his hands in his pocket, he was also sucking on a lollipop. "Well.... I wouldn't be doing this, if you didn't keep me in here!!" I banged on the barrier, making him cringe.

"I can't wait for Dr. Wyatt to do something with you." I growled at him, to which he only let out a loud sigh. "You are such an animal. I wonder how that lavender haired boy even deals with you." I hit the barrier again, giving him a death glare. "Ooh how scary, the little monkey is giving me a death glare." He teased, getting close to the barrier.

"You know when I finally get out of this damn thing, I'm gonna have so much fun beating the absolute shit out of you." He took the lollipop out of his mouth and smirked, standing an inch away from the barrier where I stood. I stood an inch away from the barrier and put my hands on my hips, it felt weird since I no longer had my tail. It was really 22's fault, he pulled too hard and then it came right off. I want to rip his head off and I was still getting used to being without my tail, but it felt weird.

"I know your boyfriend, Trunks, went somewhere. He brought back a bunch of people, including Android 18." My eyes widened in shock, learning that 18 in the present timeline was still alive and well off.

"That doesn't matter. What matters is that when my older brother gets a hold of you, he won't let you go so easily. He'll rip you to shreds. And so will my Dad." I smirked, this irritated him so much so that he punched the barrier. Upon contact he was thrown back and hit the wall, making me smile. "You little... You planned for me to do that, didn't you?" He rubbed the back of his head as he sat on his bottom, he reminded me of 17 and I knew just how to get under 17's skin. The thing those two have in common is their stupid cockiness and their short tempers, when it came to me. "Maybe, maybe not." I chuckled, as he got up becoming angry with me. "You are one annoying monkey. You act like a little child." I stuck my tongue out at him, "Takes one to know one." I shrugged as the door opened, in walked Dr. Wyatt. "You asshole, how long do you plan to keep me locked up in here?!" I shouted and he chuckled quietly, shaking his head. "No worries. You won't be in there for long. I've prepped everything so it's ready for you now." He walked over to a keyboard and computer, pressing a button which brought down the barrier.

"22... Grab her," He started for me, but I moved out of the way and he picked me up. "Dr. Wyatt, what do you plan on doing?" I grew skeptical and uneasy, as 22 carried me into the hallway. "You are the key to making the best warrior yet." He stated with a small smile, as we reached a room. But that's not what made me even more scared, it was the tools he had laying around. I kicked 22, making him groan and drop me. 

"Why are you doing all of this? What do you want?" I backed away from him and 22.

"I want this warrior to take pride in doing the things you do but I want to travel back in time to destroy Goku before he destroys the Red Ribbon Army." I growled at this and backed away, "I'm not letting you take my blood for that, you damn bastard. You're gonna have to kill me first before I ever give my blood to you." I sneered making Dr. Wyatt upset, it was the first time of seeing him upset. I became wary of him, keeping my eyes on Dr. Wyatt and 22. "Looks like we'll have to do it the hard way. 22, get her." 22 sighed and charged at me, but I dodged him. I jumped into the air, kicking off of 22's back and flipped over Dr. Wyatt but when I landed something grabbed my ankles.

My eyes shifted down to the floor seeing that my ankles were shackled to the floor, my arms were shackled and Wyatt chuckled. "You fell right into my trap. This is gonna be easy." My eyes widened at Dr. Wyatt, who came closer to me with a needle.


Future Trunks and everyone else felt the spike in Tsubaki's energy, "Tsubaki.... She must have been in trouble." Chichi sat down at the table taking a sip of tea, "We can look down from the cliff behind the bush where I'm set up. The spot sits across from the building." Asher explained but there was a sudden drop in Tsubaki's energy, making Gohan worry. Future Trunks had grown aware of 18, who traveled with them but kept herself hidden from him. "We need to go now." They flew off towards the building, "So 18 married you?" Trunks quirked an eyebrow and looked to Krillen, who nodded in response. Dr. Wyatt grew aware of Trunks coming back with Goku and the others and chuckled. "Tsubaki, your father has come here with Trunks. They are flying here now, as we speak. 22, I want you to go greet our guests and take Kiyomi with you." 22 smirked, shoving another lollipop in his mouth and walked off to get Kiyomi. "Don't hurt them!! You bastard, come back here!" Tsubaki shouted as she moved around in her shackles, causing Wyatt to chuckle.

"It's too late to save them now." Wyatt walked closer with another needle making Tsubaki wriggle around. Trunks stopped flying which confused everybody and a ki blast came flying towards Asher, who moved out of the way. "So you're back Trunks.... Too bad you didn't reach Tsubaki in time." 22 chuckled and Trunks growled. "What did you do?" Asher shouted, "Oh I'm not doing anything, but Dr. Wyatt has just started."

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