Chapter 22: Gohan Goes Super!!?

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Tsubaki's pov

"Dad, should we really be pushing him that hard?" I panted, standing next to him. "Yes, but we also need to train you on something else." He disappeared and I closed my eyes, trying to feel his ki but I couldn't. Something grabbed my tail making me spazz out and I felt weak, "You never trained to make your tail stronger, did you?" Dad asked, "No, we didn't have anyone alive who had a tail before to help me train. But Momma B did tell me that you had one yourself and Gohan told me he had one too and so did Vegeta. Is that because we're saiyans?" I asked, "Yeah, I guess. I don't know much about our race but Vegeta knows more about it. Whose Momma B?" I drooped a little, since he was still holding my tail. "Momma B, is short for Bulma. I call her that because she is a second Mom to me. Can you let go of my tail now?" I asked. "Nope, we gotta strengthen your tail first. Gohan, could you come over here please?!" Dad yelled out to Gohan, who was standing a few feet away from us.

"Yeah, what's up Dad?" Gohan came up towards us, "You're gonna help me train Tsubaki on how to get her tail stronger. During this we can help get you to super saiyan, while I train the both of you." Dad explained. "Dad!! Let go of my tail! That's hurts. I won't have a tail any longer if you keep holding it like that." I extended my leg out and it hit Dad in the knee, causing him to drop me face first. I groaned loudly, "You baka!!!" I shot up to my feet, pointing at Dad. "Sorry! I didn't mean to drop you face first!" Dad quickly shook his head and hands, making me angry. "You baka!! Damare!!" I charged at Dad, who blocked my oncoming attack and slid past Gohan. "Gohan, you're with me." I pulled him close to me, "Okay," He stuttered out. "So you wanna fight, huh? Well bring it." Dad motioned, so I charged at him. I punched at him but he dodged it, by moving his head to the side.

"Let's see if you can keep up with me." I flipped over Dad and kicked at him, but he dodged it the last minute. Dad powered up going super with me following, which made Gohan raise his power level. "Come on, get angry." Dad said, trying to encourage him but it wasn't working. He wasn't gonna go super, unless something happened to one of us and I think Dad realized that.

"Gohan, I want you to think. What would happen if Cell came here and murdered your mother? And then your little sister? What are you gonna do?" Dad grabbed my arm, "Dad, what are you doing?" I felt a little skeptical about things, not knowing what Dad was planning. "Sorry, but this is gonna have to happen to get Gohan to transform. So just bare with me." He grabbed my other wrist, putting both arms behind my back and his knee against it. Then he started pushing on it, making me yell in pain. "What are you doing?!! You're hurting her!!!" Gohan yelled, "Come get me, then." Dad held me in a headlock and flew off, which gave Gohan a reason to chase him. Dad let go of me which resulted in me hitting the ground hard, I bounced up but before I could react dad attacked me. Gohan's energy spiked as I slammed into the ground again, "Ah," I groaned trying to get up, but Dad kept me down with his foot being on my back.

"Stop hurting her!!!" Gohan's hair turned blonde, his eyes turned turquoise and he charged at Dad. Dad finally let me up, but Gohan had already attacked him. I sat up and shook it off turning super, since Dad was preoccupied with super saiyan Gohan.

"Kaaaaaameeeeehaaaameeehaa!" This got of their attentions as they both dodged and came after me but I dodged Dad's kick, grabbing his foot and swinging him around. Dad acted quickly and instant transmitted away from me, "Hyperion-" I didn't have the chance to fire my blast or dodged the oncoming kick. I slid back and was caught off guard, when Dad showed up behind me. "What the-" I didn't expect the attack, "Haaaaaaaaa!" He kicked me in the back, sending me flying forward and this time I couldn't stop myself. "I want you to get angry, Tsubaki." Dad relentlessly continued his attack, kicking me everywhere. I couldn't find a way out of this, "I said that I want you to get angry!!! So get angry!!! You realize if we can't get you stronger than you already are, you'll never be able to defeat the androids from your time!!!" Dad said, making me realize he was right. I opened my eyes, quickly instant transmitting away from him. My mind flashed to Mom, and how she would feel if I failed at taking them down. So I powered up, turning Super saiyan two.

"Alright, that's what I'm talking about!" Dad said, as both Gohan and I attacked him. After three more hours of training, we took a break. I had taken a quick shower and put on one of my other gi's that I kept with me in a capsule. Dad grabbed all the food out of the fridge and held out the meat, "Alright, Gohan. I want you to cook this meat." Dad threw it up in the air. "Alright," Gohan shot it, but he overdid it a little bit. Dad caught it and scolded Gohan for a little bit, but I noticed part of Dad's hair had caught fire. "Uhh, Dad." Gohan was cut off by Dad, who didn't want to hear it.

"Now, now Gohan. Don't try to change the subject, while I'm scolding you." Dad lectured, but more of his hair caught fire. "But Dad," Gohan said, "Gohan, I already told you." This time I cut him off. "Dad, your hair is on fire." I pointed out, which made him finally take notice and freak out. "Put it out!!!" He yelled dancing around, while Gohan frantically tried to put it out. I started laughing at the two while Gohan finally put the fire out and the two looked at me, then each other before laughing along with me.

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