Chapter 33: Peace interrupted

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Trunk's pov

It was maybe around 5 in the morning and all I could hear was grunting outside. I rolled over feeling around, trying to see if Tsubaki was still in bed. My hair had grown out as the years went by and we also had a very long time of peace. We dealt with Majin Buu and stopped Debora and Babidi, before Buu could be hatched in which we lost lives. Then we met Mai, she and Tsubaki became close.

"Hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" I shot up feeling Tsu's ki sky rocket as the house starts shaking and I rush to my window, opening it as fast as I could. Strong winds blew my hair back and I covered my face as I opened one eye to look down, there was a machine built a bit like a training Chamber on the lawn. I put on a black t-shirt before rushing out of my room and over to Mom's room, Chichi's room was across from hers. I knocked on the door rapidly, "Mom!! Mom, there's a problem." I kept knocking until it swung open and I was met with my sleepy looking mother, she also looked annoyed seeing that it was only me.

"What do you want, kid? It's five in the morning. What is so important that you had to come wake me up?" She put a hand on her as her blue hair swung forward a bit in its ponytail, "Sorry about that Mom, but I need to ask you a question." I scratched the back of my head, "Fine. What's up?" She sighed, leaning on her wall. "Did you build something like a training chamber for Tsubaki?" She rubbed her eyes as she thought, "Oh yeah, a while back. It was few years ago when you guys were training to beat the androids. After you guys came back she said that she didn't need it anymore but she didn't want to toss it out so she gave it to me in its capsule to keep. I usually keep it in the bedside table in here." I followed her into the room, as she threw everything out of the drawer but couldn't find what she was looking for. "It has to be in here. Maybe it's in this one." Mom moved onto another drawer creating a mess, and then she suddenly stopped becoming panicked. Mom looked up at me as her hairs were a bit all over the place as she freaked out. "Mom, what's up?" I raised an eye brow, "She took it!" There was a loud boom outside which shook the house. Mom and I fell to the floor and my eyebrow twitched, nowadays Tsubaki likes to do this all the time. "I'm gonna go check on her. I'll be back Mom." I ran out of the room and downstairs heading out of the front door. Another boom sounded shaking the ground and I sighed again, as I walked towards the training chamber, I closed my eyes and opened the door. "Tsubaki, it's five in the morning. Why are you in here? Besides, you're gonna wake up your Mom. I've already woken up because of this. Are you trying to blow this thing up?" I opened my eyes and panicked as an energy blast headed straight for me. I ducked quickly as the ki blast hit the door behind me, bounced off  and headed for Tsubaki who wasn't paying attention to it. She suddenly swung around, cupping her hands in the position. I knew I wasn't going to be able to stop her. 

"Kameeeehaaameeeehaaaaa!" I sighed again and sweat-dropped, when the training chamber shook.

Hours later.....

"Come back here! You need to pay for what you've done!" I laughed as Tsubaki chased me, while we were flying through town. We were going to see Mai, since she was helping give rations. We were going to help her feed others and before we had left, I scared the crap out of her which pissed her off enough to chase me out of the house. She caught up to me in no time making me fly faster as we were still heading to where Mai was giving out supplies, I spotted Mai standing near the front of an entrance and I guess she spotted me, "Hey Trunks!!! Tsubaki!! Over here!" She waved both hands in the air as I looked down, "Look out! Behind you!" I looked back and my eyes widened as I saw Tsubaki came flying full speed towards me, "Wait, Tsu!! I'm so-" She tackled me mid flight and smacked me, I rubbed the back of my head as we landed. Mai started to laugh really hard as Tsubaki kept hitting me, "Wait-ah! Ahh!! Itetetete! Tsu, that hurts." I groaned as she hit me repeatedly over the head, so I put my hands up to shield my face. "Come on, you two... Hehe... Why is she beating you up? What did you do this time, Trunks?" Mai gave me a knowing look, as I looked at her in disbelief. "Hey! I take offense to that. I didn't do anything. Before we left, she was getting something out of her room back at Chichi's house and I scared the crap out of her, as she was coming out of her room. It's not my fault she got scared, I didn't do anything." Mai cracked up at my face, as my eyebrow began to twitch out of annoyance. I then noticed that Tsubaki wasn't hitting me anymore, just as she set foot on the ground a small little figure shouted our names. All three of us turned our heads to see our favorite little friend, he was honestly a lot cuter than me as a baby.

"There's my little man!!" Tsubaki opened her arms as he jumped into her arms, "My little man is so cute!! Isn't he, Mai? Look at his dimples!!" Mai joined in as the two started cooing at him, making me shake my head. But then I got a strange feeling, "Guys-" Just before I could finish my sentence, the building next to us blew up throwing all of us back.

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