Chapter 15: The Mysterious New Creature!

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3rd person's pov

Bulma was flying back home, when she got a call from Krillen. "Hey, what's up Krillen?" Bulma asked, "Were you guys just in ginger town?" Krillen asked, "Yeah, why?" She asked, "Because a lot crap is going on down there." Krillen said, "What do you mean Krillen?" Bulma asked. "Some mysterious new creature has appeared in town and it's not exactly anything good." Krillen said to Bulma.

On the T.V......

"This is Flash Stormwood reporting live for CQTV here on location in Ginger Town." Flash said, holding a mic up to his lips. "Well, thank you, Flash. What's the situation down there?" Another guy asked, "Mass, unadulterated panic, Hal. Just a few moments ago, screams erupted throughout the streets, only to be followed by silence. Now there seems to be nothing left but a ghost town, littered with the clothes of its former inhabitants. We have yet to find out the reason why." Flash explained, "Do you have any thoughts on this Flash?" Hal asked, "Well, Hal, I can't say anything for certain. So I believe we can all come to the same conclusion.. Just a moment, someone is approaching! Excuse me, you terrifying-looking gentleman, what are your opinions on the legalization of -- OH MY GOD, NOOOOOOOO!!!" Flash screamed, as static filled the television. "Well, this is bad." Hal said, "I will report later on when we have more information. Flash, are you there?" Hal asked, a picture of the same street with clothes that just held people appeared.

"Well, this can't be good. We should go check it out." Krillen said, "Yeah, you should. Bye, Krillen!" Bulma hung up the call and headed home. 

With Trunks, Tsubaki and Gohan they were flying To the Kame house. "Oh come on Gohan, you can't just not let me touch my girlfriend?" Trunks begged, "No, I don't want you getting all touchy touchy with little sister." Gohan said, protectively. "Oh Gohan!" Tsubaki started laughing loudly, "What's so funny?" Trunks asked, "Gohan being protective. It's so funny." Tsubaki laughed, "And you begging him to let you at least hold my hand or something. This is so funny!" Trunks tried to tackle Tsubaki, but she dodged him floating off to the side.

"Hey! I said no touchy with my little sister!" Gohan yelled and she started giggling as Trunks kept trying to grab Tsubaki and Gohan followed after him, but the entire time Tsubaki had started laughing at this motion of her brother going after Trunks and Trunks going after her. "Ahh!" Tsubaki ducked as Gohan headed towards her and pushed Trunks out of the way, making him chuckle. Gohan and Trunks sent each other a nod, "Wait, are you two ganging up on me?" She asked, "No," Gohan said and chased Trunks until Tsubaki flew into Trunks who grabbed her and locked his arms around her waist. "Hey, what are you doing?!!" Tsubaki squealed as Gohan came closer to her, making her kick at him.

"No! Gohan! Please! No!!!" Tsubaki yelled and laughed crazily, as Gohan started tickling her stomach. Tears streamed down her face, as she continued to laugh.

"Stop it! Stop! Don't tickle me there!!" Her tail wrapped around Trunk's waist, making him blush but he was also laughing at her reaction. "Alright, I give up. I give up, stop tickling me!" She yelled, but Trunks didn't let her go and Gohan stopped tickling her.

"Alright Trunks, let go. We should probably head to Master Roshi's now. Mom's probably worried." Tsubaki said to Gohan, "Right," He nodded and they fly off. "Hey look! I see it!!" Tsubaki pointed and they smiled at her excitement. They flew down to the door which was thrown open by Krillen, who was suddenly knocked down by Chichi. "My babies!!" She threw herself at Gohan and Tsubaki making them squirm in her hold, as she relished in having her babies back safely. Mom gave Tsubaki the bag, that future Chichi packed for her and Trunks gave Tsubaki, her capsules that future Bulma packed.

"I know where the bathroom is Master Roshi. Back in my time, I used to come here when I was a lot younger. I know this place like the back of my hand. Oh and by the way, you try something perverted I will kick your arse into next year." She threatened and walked into the bathroom. Once she was inside, she started the shower and undressed down to nothing. She had a necklace that Goku had given her before she was born and she always kept it on no matter where she was, or whatever she was doing including training. She jumped into the shower and yelled out causing everyone's head to turn to the bathroom. "Hot water!!!! Whoohooo!" They all started laughing at her enthusiasm and shook their heads, "Why is she so excited about hot water?" Krillen asked, "Well, when we ran out of certain things. We ended up having to take showers with either warm or cold water but never hot water." Trunks explained, while Tsubaki started singing in the shower. "She is an amazing singer." Yamcha said, Master Roshi took this time as everyone was distracted to go peak into to the bathroom. He stood on turtle's shell and saw Tsubaki's backside from the window, "Did Momma B pack shampoo?" She opened a capsule and shampoo and conditioner appeared. "Trunks!!! Momma B, packed shampoo and conditioner!!!" Tsubaki exclaimed with a large smile, as her tail shook happily. "Oh great now Mom, thinks I'm a crazy person for grooming my hair." Trunks sighed, before taking a seat down on the couch. "She sure sounds happy about the shampoo and conditioner. Why is that?" Yamcha asked, looking from the bathroom door to Trunks. "We ran out of shampoo and conditioner. She loves to keep her hair in that same hairstyle." Trunks said, "Well it suits her, besides she bears a strong resemblance towards her father and mother." Krillen chuckled, "Come on, turn around. Let me see those big babies." Master Roshi chuckled pervertedly. "If she finds out, she's gonna kick your butt." Turtle said, "Shutup turtle! Don't ruin this moment for me." Roshi yelled and Tsubaki turned around for a moment to wash her hair and saw glasses and a certain perverted old man, looking through the window. She turned bright red and screamed, "Mom!!!" Chichi came rushing towards the bathroom, she opened the door spotting Roshi in the window. 

"What happened?" Yamcha yelled, "Roshi!!! I'll kill you!!" Krillen and Trunks rushed outside, seeing Roshi standing on turtle as they stood outside of the bathroom. "You pervert!!!" Tsubaki screamed and Chichi kicked Roshi's butt. Tsubaki had stayed shut in the bathroom for awhile, embarrassed and shaken up from earlier events. After Chichi beat the living daylights out of him, Trunks did and then went to comfort her but she locked him out of the bathroom. She was now dressed in one of Trunk's old plaid shirt and jeans along with her capsule corp jacket, she crawled over to the door and slowly opened it. She then slowly crawled out into the living room and Trunks noticed immediately, so she crawled into his lap and balled up. She looked at the television and watched the news.

"Now, now, now, now. Now the Libs are surely gonna shout racism over this one, but this is just what happens when you elect a dog as king!" The news person yelled.

"So you think whatever came out of that egg, is what appeared on television, Trunks?" Gohan asked, "Definitely. This isn't the work of the androids, that's for sure." Trunks said. "I'm going to go down there and check it out myself. I'll admit after everything that's happened, I'm a little bit worried I'm responsible for these events.." Tsubaki looked up at Trunks, "Wait, so you're going alone?" Yamcha asked, "The only other person strong enough to help us right now would be my father. And even if I knew where he was, which I don't, I'm not sure he would help us..." Trunks exaggerated, "You have me. And I'm one good fighter, so you aren't going alone. I forbid it!" Tsubaki said.

Meanwhile, Piccolo is flying over ginger town and hears screaming in the distance so he goes to check it out. But when he gets to the source he sees a weird creature, who takes notice of Piccolo. "Hello, Friend." He said with a smirk.

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