𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞

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Montana Miller used to be on top of the world. Everyone would greet him with smiles and pats on the back while girls would swarm him and beg him to take them out on dates. People loved Montana, and he loved them just back.

But one little party ruined his reputation for good. After missing out on the championship game and loosing, all of his friends turned against him and saw him as some sort of traitor and monster. No matter how many times Monty begged and pleaded with his team claiming how someone had slipped something into his drink and he had no memories on the previous night. But no one listened. Not even his coach who had kicked him off the team without a second thought, not allowing him to return again in the fall.

Monty had lost everyone. The only one who would still talk to him in school was his twin sister and frankly that was a little bit embarrassing. Back when he was a star he would barley pay attention to his sister unless someone was talking about her or if they were home. But now that Monty was nothing, his sister was all that he had.

Of course there was also his mother, Georgia. Monty swore he would make her proud one day and make it to the NFL. A teen mom who's son made it to the big leagues? Who wouldn't want to hear about that on the news one day? But when everything changed Georgia never saw her son any different, in fact, she was proud of him even more.

"You tried to fight for what was rightfully yours. That's what a real man does. Plus, your football team was filled with a bunch of pussies who would never get any sex."

Monty always laughed to himself about the last part of her rant. Georgia was always known to give advice to her kids, hoping that one day it would guide them in the right direction.

Monty walked inside of class to see everyone staring at him, either scoffing or rolling their eyes. The teen just looked down at the ground and made his way to the back of the classroom to sit next to his twin sister Virginia, AKA Ginny. She just loved to rub it in his face that she was two minutes older which meant she was the boss of everything.

"You took forever. Hiding out in the bathroom again?" Ginny questioned turning towards her twin.

"Yeah, smoked a joint in there too. It's legal now you know." Monty replied with a grin on his face. Ginny sent him a sarcastic smile before facing forward.

"Hey, do you have a pen?" Some random dude turned towards Ginny with a smile on his face. Monty raised a brow and rested his head on his chin, wanting to see how this situation played out. Ginny was smart, but at times she could also be very naive. It was one of her worst qualities. She smiled before handing him a pen and turning towards her brother.


"That guy wants to blow you. It's so obvious." Monty teased.

"You're disgusting," Ginny scoffed. "You're just mad no girl will give you the time of day anymore. Not after some guy roofied your drink."

"Who cares about the girls here? I mean, I don't. Do you?" Ginny shook her head and Monty hummed before digging in his bag and handing her an extra pen he kept around just in case.

"Virginia, Montana, can I talk to you in the hall?" The twins teacher called, causing both of them to stand up and make their way towards the door. Monty couldn't stand when anyone called him by his full name. The only time he really heard it was when his teachers refused to correct themselves or if his mother was really mad at him which was also extremely rare.

"Your stepfathers been in an accident. Your moms on your way here with your brother. I'm so sorry. He didn't make it." Montys teacher pulled the two of them in for a hug causing him to roll his eyes. Monty never understood why his mother fell in love with Kenny. The only good thing about him was that he put a roof over their heads and made sure the bills were paid. Plus, Ginny mentioned how he was a total weirdo.

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