𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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For the first time in a long time, Monty truly felt as if he was on top of the world. His football team was winning, everything was slowly going back to normal in his house, and the best part of all was that after thinking for so long that he wasn't going to get the girl, he did. Abby was now his girlfriend and it couldn't feel anymore good to refer to her as that. Monty was now allowed to hug and kiss her whenever he wanted. No one was too surprised when they broke the news that they were together, because all of them knew that eventually they were going to get together.

Currently Monty sat behind Ginny in his English class as he texted Abby. Ever since the two got together there wasn't a moment they spent not communicating with each other. Some would call it weird or unhealthy but to them, they saw it as simply being a couple. Elijah sat beside Monty, clenching his jaw ever two seconds as he texted on his phone.

"You good?" Monty asked, tapping Elijah's shoulder gently to gain his attention.

Elijah flinched before slowly relaxing. "Yeah, uh, just talking with my mom. She said how my abusive prick of a dad is moving back in with us."

"Jesus. You wanna spend the night at my place? Things are finally back to normal in my place."

"You'd do that for me?"

Monty nodded, to which Elijah pulled him in for a hug. It was weird, considering Elijah's never really hugged anyone in his life except for his mom and baby sister who had just turned two the other day. Monty couldn't help but feel a little prideful at the moment. The hug lasted for a few seconds before Elijah pulled away and cleared his throat loudly. Monty watched as he went back to texting on his phone, a frown on his lips. One thing he noticed about the boy was that Elijah does not like expressing his feelings and showing his vulnerable side. For he was a football player, which meant he wasn't supposed to cry or admit when he needed help. Lucas and Patrick didn't know, and they would probably never know either.

"Settle down! Seats please!" Mr.Gitten called, all of the students walking over to their respective seats. Both Monty and Elijah shut their phones off and placed it inside their bags.

"I have an announcement," Gitten continued. "We are going to be submitting to the National Junior Pulitzer Essay Contest. The theme is "Where do you feel you most belong? I will chose one of you to proceed to the regional competition. It's perfect for college applications."

"What if the only place you ever felt like you belong is sitting in a dark room and watching the office? Will I still have to right the essay?"

Monty let out a sigh, resting his head on his chin. If there was one thing he hated, it was essays. The only reason why he made it into AP English was because Ginny did all of his essays for ten dollars each. So clearly this essay was going to be a challenge. After class Monty walked out into the hallway to see Abby waiting for him with her arms wide open.

"Hey babe," She greeted, pecking his lips. "How was English?"

"I have an essay to do, so I wouldn't say it exactly went the best."

"You'll get over it. Essays are like a walk in the park for you. Or was that ginny? Cant tell."

"Definitely Ginny," Monty nodded as he moved over to open his locker. "But you're right. I'll just google some BS essay and hope Gitten doesn't notice."

Abby hummed at that, wrapping her arms around Montys waist from behind. She had been a little clingy over the last few days, not that Monty really cared. He just saw it as her putting an effort into their relationship. Once Monty had closed his locker his phone went off causing him to pull it out of his pocket.

𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆|𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐘 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐆𝐄𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐈𝐀Where stories live. Discover now