𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

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"Oh my god yes, thank god you came!" Lucas exclaimed, wrapping his arm around Monty's shoulder and leading him onto the football field. Monty nervously smiled at his new friend before staring ahead at the football field. It was huge, which was pretty normal in his case. But the thought of throwing that football again, having the crowd cheer his name, it was a feeling Monty never thought he would experience again. But while he was in study hall he took the opportunity to look up the Wellsbury Tigers stats, and he immediately knew he had to come in and save this team. For one, Anthony literally couldn't throw a ball to save his life. The amount of times he got sacked was mind boggling to the point where Monty had to shut his computer out of embarrassment and stare out the window.

It was sad, the amount of ridicule the team had to face while Anthony just got a pat on the back and a simple "next season will be your season for sure." Well, next season was not his season at all. Monty was here to peacefully take Anthony's spot without any drama.

"Bro, you don't know how much this means to us." Ricky added, jogging across the field in his football gear with Elijah following closely behind.

"Uh, happy to help," Monty replied. "Is Anthony not here?"

"He's here. Warming up in the locker room." Elijah replied. Monty nodded, awkwardly shuffling from side to side. He never remembered football tryouts being this awkward. Normally he would go in, throw a few balls and score touchdowns, and go home and wait for the phone call saying that he was on the team. But now that he had been away from the sport so long, it was different. Monty didn't know what the hell he was doing.

"Montana, I've heard quite a lot about you," A man stated, walking up to the teen and shaking his hand. "I'm Coach Roberts, I've heard quite a lot about him."

"Coach, if you put him on the team I'll literally run suicides whenever you want." Ricky stated. Monty raised a brow at this, a light chuckle escaping his lips. It was honestly scary yet a little flattering to see how much these guys wanted Monty on their team.

Roberts chuckled as well. "Let's just see how this practice goes, why don't we just do that, yeah?"

Monty nodded, dropping his bag and removing his hoodie which revealed his athletic gear. After all, he wasn't about to just run across the field in jeans and a long sleeve. Anthony walked out of the locker room, taking notice of Monty holding a football in his hands.

"So I see you showed up." He stated, walking up to the boy and crossing his arms over his chest.

Monty nodded. "I did. Wanted to see what this team was all about."

"Yeah well, good luck trying to take my spot. You'll be water boy at best."

"Excuse me?" Monty dropped the football to the ground, suddenly getting up in Anthony's face. Ricky quickly ran over, separating the two before a fight could break out.

"Bro, you wanna start a fight before practice even starts? Think smart!" He exclaimed. Monty glared at Anthony who simply smirked and picked up the football that he dropped to the ground. Oh how he could not wait to humble Anthony.

Tryouts had started, with basic workouts such as lunges, sprinting across the field, and push-ups. By the time all of this was over Monty was exhausted. He almost forgot how excruciating workouts were until he stepped foot back on the field. But he couldn't let Anthony know that. No, he couldn't give him the satisfaction that he was slowly breaking down.

"Alright, first up we have Montana Miller. Come on, let's go." Roberts ordered, Monty letting out a small sigh and stepping onto the field. Like a reflex, he got into his position before throwing the ball towards Elijah who had ran about 50 yards before catching it. Roberts eyes widened at this, and a grin formed on his face.

𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆|𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐘 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐆𝐄𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐈𝐀Where stories live. Discover now