𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞

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Monty rested his head against the car window, staring out to see the rain pouring down from the sky at a rapid pace. It had been about two days since Monty entered the hospital and after numerous blood tests, sleepless nights along with hugs and kisses, he was finally allowed to go home. At first his entire family was against the idea, for they thought that Monty needed to be in the hospital in case something else happened. However after numerous debates the hospital had finally discharged.

At first Monty had been relieved when was finally able to change into his normal clothes and walk out of the hospital that reeked of bleach and numerous other cleaning products. But once his house came into view, all of the memories that Monty had experienced there had started to flood in like no other, catching him off guard completely. The tear stained pillow, the panic attacks, the crying. For the sake of his family and everything they had gone through, Monty had tried to forget. He had tried to push the images and feelings as far out of his mind as possible and put on a facade for those he loved. But that same facade was how he ended up in the hospital in the first place, hiding away his thoughts and feelings. If Monty was gonna get better, he was going to have to be honest with himself and others.

"Well, we're here." Paul announced, pulling into the driveway of the house. Monty pulled his hoodie over his head, not really wanting to get wet from the rain. Everyone else did the same, and together the Miller family walked inside of their home. Instead of the usual cheerful energy that would come with walking inside of the house, it was instead just replaced with a feeling of dread. So much had happened already, and Monty almost dying didn't make matters any better. The thought made Monty stare down at his shoes, which had gotten wet and muddy from the rain.

"So who's hungry?" Georgia questioned, clapping her hands together in an attempt to lighten the mood. It worked, for a small smile ghosted on Montys face as he glanced towards Ginny who had interlocked their fingers together in an act of comfort. "Monty, can I get you anything? Water? Tea? Coffee?"

"I don't even drink coffee," Monty pointed out. "I'm fine though, thanks momma."

"W-Well the doctor said to feed you once we brought you home," Georgia mentioned, Monty cursing to himself as the vivid memory. "How about I make you a sandwich?"

Monty knew he had no choice in the matter, so he simply nodded his head. "Cool. I'm just uh, I'm just gonna go to my room. If that's alright."

"Sure. I'll come with you." Paul nodded, Monty clenching his jaw in response. He knew that this was going to happen, everyone hovering over him and thinking that bombarding him was the only way that they were going to get their point across that they cared. Monty was grateful that the effort was finally being put in, but he didn't want this. He didn't want everyone watching his every single move, thinking that if they breathed the wrong way around him that Monty was suddenly going to snap and never return to normal. Monty had read about this moment and saw it on tv numerous times, yet none of it prepared him for when it would actually start to happen.

"Do you want me to come in with you?" Paul questioned, watching as Monty stared at his doorknob for what seemed like forever.

"What? N-No. I got this." Monty assured, though it was a complete and utter lie. Monty told himself just moments ago that he would try and he honest, yet it seemed almost like a routine at this point to try and hide himself away. Hiding was what for him peace and quiet, however hiding was also what landed him in the hospital. Monty chewed on the inside of his cheek as he opened his room door, taking a step inside and letting out yet another shaky breath. Paul had lingered at the doorway for a moment longer, wondering if he should step through, if he should check in and see if Monty was truly alright. But he shook his head, instead making his way downstairs to the kitchen where Georgia was making a sandwich.

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