𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐱

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"I hate this so much." Elijah spoke to both Monty and Lucas as they walked up to the school for sophomore sleepover. Monty couldn't help but agree with the boy. Instead of being home and sitting on his couch watching movies he was sleeping over at his stupid dirty high school. The only good part about this was that Monty got to wear his jersey and represent the football team.

"Hiya boys." Georgia greeted, shooting the trio her signature charming grin.

"Hey mama," Monty replied. "We have our tickets."

"Mama?" Lucas and Elijah repeated at the same time, their eyes as wide as saucers. Monty only rolled his eyes and pulled out his ticket, handing it to his mother who only beamed at him in response. He was used to people being shocked out of their minds when they met Georgia, considering how young and beautiful she was.

"Yes, before any of you guys ask that's my mom. Don't be weird 'cause I won't hesitate to punch you across the face. Trust me, I've done it before." Monty warned.

"Ok but like, how old is your mom? Not even trying to be weird." Lucas threw his hands up in surrender.

"Thirty. Don't do the math."

Lucas and Elijah shared a look with each other before walking inside the gym with Monty leading the way. Sure enough the sleepover was already a hit, with teenagers dancing and talking loudly with each other. Monty couldn't help but sigh at the scenery around him. The last time he had been to a party he didn't exactly come out as everyone's favorite person on earth. But this time had to be different. No, it was going to be different. Monty swore on it.

"Yo, Ricky is so lucky he doesn't have to come to this shit," Elijah commented. "He's at home chilling with his stupid boyfriend."

Because Ricky was a senior, he wouldn't he caught dead volunteering at sophomore sleepover. Instead he was watching old action movies with his boyfriend Dean (none of the guys like him for some reason, apparently he's just an asshole.)

"Well there's no backing out now." Monty replied.

"That dance floor is calling our name though." Lucas mentioned.

"Hard pass. I don't dance."

"Well you do tonight Miller! Come on!" Elijah and Lucas grabbed hold of both Montys wrists and dragged him on the dance floor. His next best bet was to do the signature awkward dance:sway side to side and hope no one asks you to dance or comments on how stiff you are. Luckily no one did, which Monty was grateful for.

When the song Cupid Shuffle came on, he soon realized that he wasn't the only one who couldn't dance. Elijah and Lucas stopped what they were doing as well and watched as everyone danced horribly to the song.

"Oh hell no!" Monty shouted over the music. "Guys, we can't keep letting this happen."

"You're right. We gotta show the rich folks how we get down! Come on boys!" Lucas ran up to the front of the gym with Monty and Elijah following close behind. The trio blocked out all of the stares and whispers they were getting and just enjoyed the music. Monty especially, because he couldn't even remember the last time he went to a party and actually had a good time. By the time the song was over Monty was sweating his ass off and breathing heavily. Luckily he came prepared however, because a few seconds later Monty was lathering himself in deodorant and some cheap cologne Georgia got him a couple years back.

After an hour consisting of loading up on junk food, hanging out in the photo album and commenting on how good the girls looked tonight, Monty was exhausted. He was considering faking sick to his mother and hoping she would buy it and take him back home. But everyone was actually enjoying Montys company, so he felt as if he had no choice but to stay.

𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆|𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐘 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐆𝐄𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐈𝐀Where stories live. Discover now