𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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Monty couldn't get the fact that he had a date with Abby off of his mind. It took over everything that he did, and each time he thought about it a small smile would appear on his face. Ginny called him a sociopath for just randomly smiling throughout the day, but he learned to ignore his sisters annoying and stupid comments. Monty's main concern was making sure he got this date right. The last thing he wanted was to disappoint abby and make her unhappy.

"Dude, you're stressing. Can you just take a moment?" Patrick demanded, grabbing onto Montys shoulder to stop him from pacing back and forth. The Miller boy took a deep breath before sitting on the corner of his bed beside Lucas who was throwing a football up in the air.

"I don't know what to do for her. What if I completely let her down?" Monty sighed, holding his head in his hands. The main thing he got from his father was that he was an over thinker. Monty thought that everything was complicated and if he didn't plan accordingly then everything would fall apart. Georgia had always helped him with this issue but it felt good to have friends by Montys side as well.

"Why don't you just take her to the place you work? You can be her little waiter." Anthony suggested. Monty didn't even know why he invited him, but when he announced in the group chat that he was showing up everyone wasn't too happy. Yet nobody made any effort to get rid of him.

Patrick scoffed. "You kidding? That's the dumbest idea in the world. He'll just be running around all night and barley even sitting down to talk with her. Take her somewhere exotic. Like a park."

"A park?" Lucas repeated. "No chick wants to go to a park and watch little kids scream around."

"Sorry that we live in the middle of nowhere and don't have a local Applebees to sit down at."

Montys eyes widened as an idea soon popped into his head. Food, a park. It was all coming together now. A picnic. Monty would get one of those cliche checker blankets along with a shit ton of snacks and pizza. They would sit far away from everyone so that they would avoid the sound of screaming kids.

"I got an idea," Monty stated, standing up. "But I'm gonna need your help."

Elijah rapidly nodded. "Yeah sure, whatever you need man."

"Ok. Come on." Monty swung open the door to his room and made his way downstairs, the rest of the boys following suit. When they reached the kitchen Monty threw open the cabinets, sighing in relief when he saw that everything he needed was right where he wanted it to be.

"Monty, talk to us man. What're you doing?" Ricky questioned, raising a brow as Monty ran around the entire kitchen.

"Picnic. Need to make sure I have everything I need. Mom is most likely gonna kill me but you gotta do what you gotta do for a chick."

"Indeed," Anthony hummed, nodding his head. "So what do you want us to do anyway?"

"Keep your mouth shut, that's what. Word can't get out to Abby about what I'm doing. It'll ruin the whole thing if she knows. Got it?"

When the four boys nodded, Monty smiled before placing his hands out, the boys following suit soon afterwards.

The next day Monty was practically a zombie. He stayed up all night putting all the final pieces together for his and Abby's date. That meant he didn't crash until about for in the morning. Georgia would for sure kill Monty if she found out he stood up late again, but what she doesn't know won't hurt her.

When Ginny had walked up to the front of the classroom in AP English to give her presentation, Monty shut off his phone and propped his chin on his hand to pay attention. One thing about the twins is that they would always pay attention to each other no matter what. That included school presentations as well.

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