𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐰𝐨

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When Marcus had called, asking if Monty wanted to hang out soon after he had left Blue Farm, Monty couldn't be anymore relieved. He was in desperate need of someone to talk to, did he felt as if he didn't get his emotions out in the open as soon as possible he was going to explode.

"Are you ok?" Marcus questioned, opening his room door wide open when Monty had knocked. The Miller boy at first didn't reply, simply sniffling and wiping his eyes before stepping inside of the room. The familiar scent of vanilla and weed was enough to ease Monty back to a state of normality. He laid down on Marcus' bed, staring up at the ceiling with Marcus laying down and following suit a few moments later.

"I've hit an all time low," Monty blurted, shaking his head. "I'm letting Press pick on me of all people. He threw chips at me and I almost burst into tears."

"Press?" Marcus repeated, confused out of his mind. Monty began to crack his knuckles, yet another nervous habit he had picked up over the weeks. "Why would you let Press of all people pick on you?"

"I don't know," Monty replied, shaking his head. "I just haven't had the strength to do anything about it. Like if I open up my mouth and say something, then it'll be the end of the world."

"It won't be," Marcus assured, leaning forward to place his hand on Monty's knee. "If you want, I can scream at Max and call her out for how stupid she's being."

"You don't gotta do that. Whatever girl shit they're going through, I just gotta learn to move past it. I mean, I've done it with Elijah and the others before, I can do it now." Monty knew that it was a complete lie, one that made him want to throw up for how stupid it sounded. But it was also one Marcus believed, because seconds later he had slowly nodded before leaning against his headrest. Monty had sat up as well, beginning to chew on his fingernails. Marcus had stared at him with a look of disgust, causing him to clear his throat and stare down at his hands once more.

"You going to that fundraiser or whatever tomorrow?" Marcus questioned, starting conversation.

Monty nodded. "Are you?"

"Ginny's forcing me to go. You wanna like, not socialize?"

"You mean sit in the corner and do nothing?" Monty rose a brow, letting out a small laugh. "We're gonna be one of those people?"

Marcus shrugged. "Why the hell not?"

Monty couldn't help but agree. If he was going to be forced to go, he might as well make the most of it and not do anything. Sure Ginny and Georgia would most likely get on his ass for it later on, but that didn't matter at the moment. The Miller boy had scooted closer to Marcus, resting his head on his shoulder. He was desperate for any sort of comfort, any sort of touch at the moment. For his family didn't even make an effort to try and figure out what was truly going on with Monty, instead shutting him out and making his own plans. It was exhausting, Monty constantly thinking that he was doing something wrong and he needed to change as soon as possible or else no one would like him. It was what had happened back at his old school, when all of his "friends" would call him ghetto for the way that he dressed and the music he had listened too. Monty hated to admit it, but he had completely changed who he was for a group of people who would only stab him in the back in the end.

But with Marcus, it was different. He has been there with Monty through everything, not once ever judging him for his problems or telling him to just stop talking. Instead, he had sit there and listened to Monty rant about everything going wrong in his life. And for Monty, that was all he needed.

"Can I spend the night?" Monty questioned, lifting his head to lock eyes with Marcus who had been slowly dozing off.

"What do you think?" Marcus uttered, shooting the boy a small smile. Monty had smiled back, resting his head on Marcus' shoulder once more before shutting his eyes and dozing off to sleep.

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