𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫

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"Monty, you haven't eaten anything in days," Georgia mentioned, staring at her son who sat at the dining table doing homework. "This little protest of yours won't work forever. You will cave."

The truth was Monty wasn't even protesting anymore. That's how it may have came off as, for as soon as Monty stepped foot back in his house his appetite was suddenly washed away and replaced with constant nausea. But now he was so far along that he couldn't see himself stopping. Food was once a luxury, but now it became Monty's worst enemy.

"I'm not hungry." Monty muttered, staring down at what was supposed to be his math homework but had just became a paper where he drew small items. Georgia looked to Paul for help, and he sighed before making his way over to Monty.

"Monty, your mother is only trying to help you. We've been noticing you haven't been eating in the last few days and—"

"I do eat, just when no one's looking," Monty snapped with an eye roll. "So just leave it alone."

"Montana," Georgia warned, crossing her arms over her chest. "You give Paul your respect, you hear me?"

Monty ignored the woman however, instead looking down at his homework. He didn't mean to snap on Paul, for he knew that he was only trying to help. It was just Georgia who annoyed him, who made him want to snap on everyone. The front door opened and in walked Ginny who was holding two Fedex packages.

"What's this?" Georgia questioned in confusion.

"It's for Austin and Monty." Ginny replied, handing the packages over to her two brothers. Monty furrowed his brows before opening the package, revealing a hoodie that he had been dying to buy for months on end.

"Shit, thanks Ginny." Monty grinned, pulling his twin in for a small side hug.

"Whoa, awesome!" Austin pulled out a gameboy from the package.

"Paul, are you bribing this boy?" Georgia turned towards Paul who shook his head.

"What? No, I didn't get him that."

Ginny pulled out a credit card from her pocket causing Georgias eyes to widen and snatch it out of her hands. Ginny sent her mother a smug look before making her way upstairs to her room. Monty figured that if they were throwing shots, he should get on it.

"Hey Paul, I ever tell you about my football team in Texas?" He questioned, turning towards the man and raising a brow.

Paul shook his head. "No, I don't think so."

"Yeah, I was a real star. Colleges we're lining up for me at only fourteen. I was the shit. But then something......something happened and I got pulled off," Monty turned to glare at Georgia who looked horrified at what was going on. "To this day I still wonder what happened."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that Monty," Paul frowned. "Want a carrot to make you feel better?"

"Sure." Monty stood up, grabbing a carrot from the cutting board and aggressively chewed on it, glaring at Georgia who glared right back. A few seconds later he was making his way up the stairs and into Ginny's room for a twin meeting.

"How'd you get Austin's card?" Monty questioned, falling back onto his twins bed.

"Mom has credit cards in our name that she's been using," Ginny explained, turning her laptop around so that Monty was able to see. "Look how low your credit score is."


Monty didn't even think that was possible up until now. He held his head in his hands, his brain beginning to spin.

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