𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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"Monty, what's with the doom and gloom?" Abby pouted, taking notice of the frown on her boyfriends face. "It's so unattractive right now."

Monty laid beside Abby on her bed, Marcus and Ginny sitting on the ground. Ever since he agreed to skip class with then he just couldn't get the argument he had with Max out of his mind. More importantly, he couldn't shake the fact that he had grown so angry with someone that he called his friend a few weeks ago. But the way she had completely disregarded Abby's feelings, it filled him with a sense of rage that had never been seen before. Monty could only describe the feeling like the plague, spreading throughout his entire body until he eventually snapped. No one knew about the situation however except for Lucas, Elijah, and Ricky. And to be honest Monty never wanted them to find out. He wanted to keep his emotions locked away like he always did. It had gotten him far enough already.

"I'm fine," Monty lied, grabbing an Oreo from the package that laid beside him. "I'm just really tired."

"Heard that one before." Marcus muttered under his breath, Monty shooting him a look before removing the top part of the Oreo and popping it into his mouth.

Ginny shook her head, a disgusted look on her face. "You're so weird."

"How am i weird?" Monty retaliated, raising a brow. "Because I eat Oreos the way they should be eaten?"

"No, because you break it apart. Is eating the entire cookie an entire task for you?"

"As a matter a fact it is." Monty rolled his eyes, the criticism he was facing for eating a damn cookie annoying him to a new level. However he sucked in a deep breath, not wanting to explode like he had done back at the school. Instead Monty snatched the bong out of Marcus' hands, taking a long drag. His football couch would honestly kill him if he found out he was smoking right before practice, but a feeling of numbness overcame Montys body, forcing him to at least feel something.

"Got up at 6:00 a.m," Abby spoke, recounting her experience of watching Max tear down her banner that she had worked extremely hard on. "I raided Party City, and I even used glitter glue."

"She's being such a mean girl." Ginny commented.

"Agreed." Monty nodded, coughing after taking yet another hit from the bong. Abby reached over, handing him a bottle of water causing him to shoot her a grateful look.

"She'll get over it." Marcus assured.

"She's so mad that we weren't being good friends but she's not being good to us." Ginny mentioned.

"I feel like she would freak out if she knew that we were all hanging out." While Monty and Marcus seemed oblivious as to what was about to take place, Ginny and Abby shared a look with each other, both of them smiling from ear to ear.

"Wanna take a picture?" Abby suggested, pulling her phone off her bed.

"I think I do." Ginny replied.

"I look too hideous for a picture. Don't get me in the shot." Monty muttered, covering his face with his hand. However Abby simply ripped his hand away, grabbing his jaw and forcing him to smile for the picture. Marcus looked just as displeased and emotionless as Monty did, neither boys really in the picture mood. After abby decided to take an entire damn photo album of pictures, Monty was finally able to pull away and stare up at the ceiling like he had originally planned on doing when he first arrived at his girlfriends house. From the corner of his eye he could see Abby frowning at him, confusion written all over her gorgeous features. Monty frowned as well, leaning forward to grab her hand and give it a light squeeze. The frown was wiped off of Abby's face and instead replaced with a small smile. Monty didn't mean to seem so disinterested and out of it, he just couldn't get his mind to cooperate and be happy. What used to be rainbows and sunshine above his head was instead with a dark stormy cloud which just worse and worse as the days went on.

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