𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫

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Monty was beyond exhausted. He stood up all night, waiting desperately for the phone call that he made the football team. But when he got nothing, he was left disappointed and fell asleep at about five in the morning, leaving him with only about two hours of sleep. Monty didn't even know what he was expecting. There was no way no sane person would call in the middle of the night and drop the news that Monty made the football team.

Because of his stupid mistake, Monty was barley able to keep his eyes open in AP English. He knew he had to try though, due to the fact Gitten would give him detention for even breathing the wrong way around him.

Monty let out a loud yawn and ran a hand over his face when the bell rang. He was grateful that the class period was finally over and that he could get a few seconds of sleep before his next period.

"That's it for today. Come and grab your pop quiz on the way out." Gitten stated. Monty stood up from his seat, standing behind Elijah who shook his head at him.

"Dude, I totally bombed this test." He spoke.

"I don't blame you. Half of those questions didn't make any sense." Monty replied with a scoff following soon afterwards. He took the test from Gitten, who only glared at him for a split second. Monty glared back before bumping shoulders with him and walking out of the classroom. When he looked at his test, he saw that he got 100%. That was odd, considering Gitten mentioned the only person that got a perfect score was Hunter.

But Monty shook his head and ignored it, instead turning towards Elijah who was looking over his paper with a frown.

"What did you get?" Elijah questioned. Monty turned his paper to face him, revealing a perfect score.

"He didn't even tell me. Called out my sisters stupid boyfriend of all people. I didn't waste my time reading that damn book for him to not mention the fact I got a perfect score." Monty rambled.

Elijah raised a brow. "Hunters dating Ginny?"

"They had some date the other day. I don't really care too much, as long as he doesn't break Ginny's heart. Then it becomes a problem."

"God, I wish my dad would protect my mom like that."

"What do you mean?" Monty replied, furrowing his brows. Elijah quickly shook his head and Monty just nodded, deciding not to push the topic any further. He's came across people who pressured him to talking about things he didn't wanna talk about and Monty did not want to be that person. He walked past Ginny, who grabbed his arm and pulled him away from Elijah who stared at her with confusion.

"Hello to you too," Monty scoffed, pushing his sister away. "What're you doing?"

"Ah, it's that one dude that won't stop bouncing his leg in class." Abby greeted.

Monty smiled at her, remembering how they skipped class together along with how Abby gave him a full out tour of Wellsbury. It was good seeing her again and not having to wait until the end of the day.

"Hey," Monty gave her a head nod. "How've you been?"

"Can you maybe not flirt with my friends?" Ginny scoffed. "Anyway, we have something we wanted to ask."

"Well why didn't you lead with that?" Monty replied. Ginny explained to him how there was apparently some sort of party tonight and how he was invited because he was "family". Honestly Monty really didn't wanna go, but the way Abby was looking at him convinced him otherwise. Almost as if she wanted him to go.

"Whatever," Monty muttered, rolling his eyes. "But I'm sitting in my corner and doing nothing."

"Like a weirdo?" Abby snarked, letting out a laugh soon afterwards. If it was anyone else Monty would've been offended, but for some reason he wasn't this time.

𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆|𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐘 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐆𝐄𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐈𝐀Where stories live. Discover now